

Singletons and Functors

These closely related concepts describe classes which support only a single instance. They share a common purpose of avoiding the need for global data by providing a callable capable of retaining state and whose scope may be that of the module.

In both cases implementation is via very similar class decorators.

Singleton class decorator

A singleton is a class with only one instance. Some IT gurus argue against them on the grounds that project aims can change: a need for multiple instances may arise later. My view is that they have merit in defining interfaces to hardware objects. You might be quite certain that your brometer will have only one pressure sensor.

The advantage of a singleton is that it removes the need for a global instance or for passing an instance between functions. The sole instance is efficiently retrieved at any point in the code using function call syntax.

def singleton(cls):
    instance = None
    def getinstance(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal instance
        if instance is None:
            instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        return instance
    return getinstance

class MySingleton:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.state = arg
        print('In __init__', arg)

    def foo(self, arg):
        print('In foo', arg + self.state)

ms = MySingleton(42)  # prints 'In __init__ 42'
x = MySingleton()  # No output: assign existing instance to x
x.foo(5)  # prints 'In foo 47': original state + 5

The first call instantiates the object and sets its initial state. Subsequent calls retrieve the original object.

There are other ways of achieving singletons. One is to define a (notionally private) class in a module. The module API contains an access function. There is a private instance, initially None. The function checks if the instance is None. If so it instantiates the object and assigns it to the instance. In all cases it returns the instance.

Both have similar logic. The decorator avoids the need for a separate module.

Functor class decorator

The term "functor" derives from "function constructor". It is a function-like object which can retain state. Like singletons the aim is to avoid globals: the state is contained in the functor instance.

def functor(cls):
    instance = None
    def getinstance(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal instance
        if instance is None:
            instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            return instance
        return instance(*args, **kwargs)
    return getinstance

class MyFunctor:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.state = arg
        print('In __init__', arg)

    def __call__(self, arg):
        print('In __call__', arg + self.state)

MyFunctor(42)  # prints 'In __init__ 42'
MyFunctor(5)  # 'In __call__ 47'

A use case is in asynchronous programming. The constructor launches a continuously running task. Subsequent calls alter the behaviour of that task. The following simple example has the task waiting for a period which can be changed at runtime:

import uasyncio as asyncio
import pyb

def functor(cls):
    instance = None
    def getinstance(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal instance
        if instance is None:
            instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            return instance
        return instance(*args, **kwargs)
    return getinstance

class FooFunctor:
    def __init__(self, led, interval):
        self.led = led
        self.interval = interval

    def __call__(self, interval):
        self.interval = interval

    async def _run(self):
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep_ms(self.interval)
            # Do something useful here

def go_fast():  # FooFunctor is available anywhere in this module

async def main():
    FooFunctor(pyb.LED(1), 500)
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
