# iotest7.py Test fast_io PR # https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/pull/287 # Test the case where runq is empty # The MyIO class supports .readline() which updates a call counter and clears the # .ready_rd flag. This is set by a timer (emulating the arrival of data from # some hardware device). import io import pyb import utime import uasyncio as asyncio import micropython micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) MP_STREAM_POLL_RD = const(1) MP_STREAM_POLL_WR = const(4) MP_STREAM_POLL = const(3) MP_STREAM_ERROR = const(-1) class MyIO(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, read=False, write=False): self.read_count = 0 self.dummy_count = 0 self.ready_rd = False pyb.Timer(4, freq = 100, callback = self.do_input) # Read callback: emulate asynchronous input from hardware. def do_input(self, t): self.ready_rd = True # Data is ready to read def ioctl(self, req, arg): ret = MP_STREAM_ERROR if req == MP_STREAM_POLL: ret = 0 if arg & MP_STREAM_POLL_RD: if self.ready_rd: ret |= MP_STREAM_POLL_RD return ret def readline(self): self.read_count += 1 self.ready_rd = False return b'a\n' async def dummy(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep_ms(50) self.dummy_count += 1 async def killer(self): print('Test runs for 5s') await asyncio.sleep(5) print('I/O count {} Dummy count {}'.format(self.read_count, self.dummy_count)) async def receiver(myior): sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(myior) while True: await sreader.readline() def test(fast_io=False): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop(ioq_len = 6 if fast_io else 0) myior = MyIO() loop.create_task(receiver(myior)) loop.create_task(myior.dummy()) loop.run_until_complete(myior.killer()) print('Test case of empty runq: the fast_io option has no effect.') print('I/O and dummy run at expected rates (around 500 and 99 counts respectively.') print('Run test() to check normal I/O, test(True) for fast I/O')