astronomy/ Beta version and docs.

Peter Hinch 2023-11-29 12:13:28 +00:00
rodzic 6535469252
commit d29fb19eb4
2 zmienionych plików z 145 dodań i 41 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Astronomical calculations in MicroPython
This module enables sun and moon rise and set times to be determined at any
geographical location. Times are in seconds from midnight and refer to any
event in a 24 hour period starting at midnight. The midnight datum is defined in
local time. The start is a day being the current day plus an offset in days.
A `moonphase` function is also provided enabling the moon phase to be determined
for any date.
The code was ported from C/C++ as presented in "Astronomy on the Personal
Computer" by Montenbruck and Pfleger, with mathematical improvements contributed
by Raul Kompaß and Marcus Mendenhall.
Caveat. I am not an astronomer. If there are errors in the fundamental
algorithms I am unlikely to be able to offer an opinion, still less a fix.
The code is currently under development: the API may change.
# The RiSet class
## Constructor
Args (float):
* `lat=LAT` Latitude in degrees. Defaults are my location. :)
* `long=LONG` Longitude in degrees (-ve is West).
* `lto=0` Local time offset in hours (-ve is West).
* `set_day(day: int = 0)` The arg is the offset from the current system date.
Calling this with a changed arg causes the rise and set times to be updated.
* `sunrise(variant: int = 0)` See below for details and the `variant` arg.
* `sunset(variant: int = 0)`
* `moonrise(variant: int = 0)`
* `moonset(variant: int = 0)`
* `moonphase()` Return current phase as a float: 0.0 <= result < 1.0. 0.0 is new
moon, 0.5 is full.
The return value of the rise and set method is determined by the `variant` arg.
In all cases rise and set events are identified which occur in the current 24
hour period. Note that a given event may be absent in the period: this can occur
with the moon at most locations, and with the sun in polar regions.
* 0 Return integer seconds since midnight local time (or `None` if no event).
* 1 Return integer seconds since since epoch of the MicroPython platform
(or `None`).
* 2 Return text of form hh:mm:ss (or --:--:--) being local time.
# The moonphase function
This is a simple function whose provenance is uncertain. I have a lunar clock
which uses a C version of this which has run for 14 years without issue, but I
can't vouch for its absolute accuracy over long time intervals. The Montenbruck
and Pfleger version is very much more involved but they claim accuracy over
Args (all integers):
* `year` 4-digit year
* `month` 1..12
* `day` Day of month 1..31
* `hour` 0..23
Return value:
A float in range 0.0 <= result < 1.0, 0 being new moon, 0.5 being full moon.

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@ -6,17 +6,18 @@
# Source "Astronomy on the Personal Computer" by Montenbruck and Pfleger
# ISBN 978-3-540-67221-0
# Also contributions from Raul Kompaß and Marcus Mendenhall: see
import time
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, fabs, atan, radians, floor
LAT = 53.29756504536339 # Local defaults
LONG = -2.102811634540558
MOON_PHASE_LENGTH = 29.530588853
def quad(ym, yz, yp):
# See Astronomy on the PC P48-49
# See Astronomy on the PC P48-49, plus contribution from Marcus Mendenhall
# finds the parabola throuh the three points (-1,ym), (0,yz), (1, yp)
# and returns the values of x where the parabola crosses zero
# (roots of the quadratic)
@ -29,9 +30,11 @@ def quad(ym, yz, yp):
ye = (a * xe + b) * xe + c
dis = b * b - 4.0 * a * c # discriminant of y=a*x^2 +bx +c
if dis > 0: # parabola has roots
dx = 0.5 * sqrt(dis) / fabs(a)
z1 = xe - dx
z2 = xe + dx
if b < 0:
z2 = (-b + sqrt(dis)) / (2 * a) # z2 is larger root in magnitude
z2 = (-b - sqrt(dis)) / (2 * a)
z1 = (c / a) / z2 # z1 is always closer to zero
if fabs(z1) <= 1.0:
nz += 1
if fabs(z2) <= 1.0:
@ -53,8 +56,8 @@ def quad(ym, yz, yp):
# (date(2000, 1, 1) - date(1970, 1, 1)).days * 24*60*60 = 946684800
# (date(2000, 1, 1) - date(1970, 1, 1)).days = 10957
# Re platform comparisons get_mjd does integer arithmetic and returns the same
# value regardless of the platform's epoch
# Re platform comparisons get_mjd returns the same value regardless of
# the platform's epoch: integer days since 00:00 on 17 November 1858.
def get_mjd(ndays: int = 0) -> int: # Days offset from today
secs_per_day = 86400 # 24 * 3600
tsecs = time.time() # Time now in secs since epoch
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ def to_int(x):
# Approximate moon phase in range 0.0..1.0 0.0 is new moon, 0.5 full moon
# Provenance of this cde is uncertain.
def moonphase(year, month, day, hour):
fty = year - floor((12.0 - month) / 10.0)
itm = month + 9
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ def moonphase(year, month, day, hour):
tmp = term1 + term2 + day + 59 + hour / 24.0
if tmp > 2299160.0:
tmp = tmp - term3
phi = (tmp - 2451550.1) / MOON_PHASE_LENGTH
phi = (tmp - 2451550.1) / 29.530588853 # 29.530588853 is length of lunar cycle (days)
return phi % 1
@ -181,53 +185,74 @@ def minimoon(t):
class RiSet:
def __init__(self, lat=LAT, long=LONG): # Local defaults
def __init__(self, lat=LAT, long=LONG, lto=0): # Local defaults
self.sglat = sin(radians(lat))
self.cglat = cos(radians(lat))
self.long = long
self.lto = round(lto * 3600) # Localtime offset in secs
self.mjd = None # Current integer MJD
# Times in integer secs from midnight on current day
self._sr = None # Sunrise
self._ss = None # Sunset
self._mr = None # Moonrise
self._ms = None # Moon set
# Times in integer secs from midnight on current day (in local time)
# [sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset]
self._times = [None] * 4
self.set_day() # Initialise to today's date
# ***** API start *****
# 109μs on PBD-SF2W 166μs on ESP32-S3 394μs on RP2 (standard clocks)
def set_day(self, day=0):
def set_day(self, day: int = 0):
mjd = get_mjd(day)
if self.mjd is None or self.mjd != mjd:
spd = 86400 # Secs per day
self._t0 = ((round(time.time()) + day * spd) // spd) * spd # Midnight on target day
# ._t0 is time of midnight (local time) in secs since MicroPython epoch
# time.time() assumes MicroPython clock is set to local time
self._t0 = ((round(time.time()) + day * spd) // spd) * spd
self._times = [None] * 4
self._ms = None # Moon set
for day in range(3):
self.mjd = mjd + day - 1
sr, ss = self.rise_set(True) # Sun
mr, ms = self.rise_set(False) # Moon
# Adjust for local time. Store in ._times if value is in 24-hour
# local time window
self.adjust(sr, day, 0)
self.adjust(ss, day, 1)
self.adjust(mr, day, 2)
self.adjust(ms, day, 3)
self.mjd = mjd
self._sr, self._ss = self.rise_set(True) # Sun
self._mr, self._ms = self.rise_set(False) # Moon
t = time.gmtime(time.time() + day * 86400)
t = time.gmtime(time.time() + day * spd)
self._phase = moonphase(*t[:4])
return self # Allow r.set_day().sunrise()
def sunrise(self, to=0):
return self._format(self._sr, to)
# variants: 0 secs since 00:00:00 localtime. 1 secs since MicroPython epoch
# (relies on system being set to localtime). 2 human-readable text.
def sunrise(self, variant: int = 0):
return self._format(self._times[0], variant)
def sunset(self, to=0):
return self._format(self._ss, to)
def sunset(self, variant: int = 0):
return self._format(self._times[1], variant)
def moonrise(self, to=0):
return self._format(self._mr, to)
def moonrise(self, variant: int = 0):
return self._format(self._times[2], variant)
def moonset(self, to=0):
return self._format(self._ms, to)
def moonset(self, variant: int = 0):
return self._format(self._times[3], variant)
def moonphase(self):
return self._phase
# ***** API end *****
def _format(self, n, to):
if to == 0: # Default: secs since Midnight
def adjust(self, n, day, idx):
if n is not None:
n += self.lto + (day - 1) * 86400
h = n // 3600
if 0 <= h < 24:
self._times[idx] = n
def _format(self, n, variant):
if variant == 0: # Default: secs since Midnight (local time)
return n
elif to == 1: # Secs since epoch
elif variant == 1: # Secs since epoch of MicroPython platform
return None if n is None else n + self._t0
# to == 3
# variant == 3
if n is None:
return "--:--:--"
@ -235,26 +260,31 @@ class RiSet:
mi, sec = divmod(tmp, 60)
return f"{hr:02d}:{mi:02d}:{sec:02d}"
def lmst(self, mjd):
# See
def lmstt(self, t):
# Takes the mjd and the longitude (west negative) and then returns
# the local sidereal time in hours. Im using Meeus formula 11.4
# instead of messing about with UTo and so on
d = mjd - 51544.5
t = d / 36525.0
lst = 280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * d + 0.000387933 * t * t - t * t * t / 38710000
# modified to use the pre-computed 't' value from sin_alt
d = t * 36525
df = frac(d)
c1 = 360
c2 = 0.98564736629
dsum = c1 * df + c2 * d # no large integer * 360 here
lst = 280.46061837 + dsum + 0.000387933 * t * t - t * t * t / 38710000
return (lst % 360) / 15.0 + self.long / 15
def sin_alt(self, hour, func):
# Returns the sine of the altitude of the object (moon or sun)
# at an hour relative to the current date (mjd)
mjd = self.mjd + hour / 24.0
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0
dec, ra = func(t)
mjd1 = (self.mjd - 51544.5) + hour / 24.0
t1 = mjd1 / 36525.0
# print(f"sin_alt mjd0={mjd0:.7f} t0={t0:.9f} mjd1={mjd1:.7f} t1={t1:.9f}")
dec, ra = func(t1)
# hour angle of object: one hour = 15 degrees. Note lmst() uses longitude
tau = 15.0 * (self.lmst(mjd) - ra)
tau = 15.0 * (self.lmstt(t1) - ra)
# sin(alt) of object using the conversion formulas
salt = self.sglat * sin(radians(dec)) + self.cglat * cos(radians(dec)) * cos(radians(tau))
return salt
return self.sglat * sin(radians(dec)) + self.cglat * cos(radians(dec)) * cos(radians(tau))
# Modified to find sunrise and sunset only, not twilight events.
def rise_set(self, sun):
@ -296,8 +326,17 @@ class RiSet:
r = RiSet()
# Seattle RiSet(lat=47.61, long=-122.35, lto=-8)
# t = time.ticks_us()
# r.set_day()
# print("Elapsed us", time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), t))
for d in range(7):
print(f"Day {d}")
print(f"Sun rise {r.sunrise(3)} set {r.sunset(3)}")
print(f"Moon rise {r.moonrise(3)} set {r.moonset(3)}")
# for d in range(30):
# r.set_day(d)
# print(round(r.moonphase() * 1000))