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2019-01-27 10:24:21 +00:00
# soft_wdt.py A software watchdog timer
# Supports fixed or variable time period.
# Supports temporary suspension and permanent cancellation.
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2019
# Released under the MIT licence.
from machine import Timer, reset
from micropython import const
WDT_SUSPEND = const(-1)
WDT_CANCEL = const(-2)
WDT_CB = const(-3)
def wdt(secs=0):
timer = Timer(-1)
timer.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:wdt_feed())
cnt = secs
run = False # Disable until 1st feed
def inner(feed=WDT_CB):
nonlocal cnt, run, timer
if feed > 0: # Call with variable timeout
cnt = feed
run = True
elif feed == 0: # Fixed timeout
cnt = secs
run = True
elif feed < 0: # WDT control/callback
if feed == WDT_SUSPEND:
run = False # Temporary suspension
elif feed == WDT_CANCEL:
timer.deinit() # Permanent cancellation
elif feed == WDT_CB and run: # Timer callback and is running.
cnt -= 1
if cnt <= 0:
return inner
wdt_feed = wdt(2) # Modify this for preferred default period (secs)