# writer.py Implements the Writer class. # Handles colour, word wrap and tab stops # V0.5.0 Sep 2021 Color now requires firmware >= 1.17. # V0.4.3 Aug 2021 Support for fast blit to color displays (PR7682). # V0.4.0 Jan 2021 Improved handling of word wrap and line clip. Upside-down # rendering no longer supported: delegate to device driver. # V0.3.5 Sept 2020 Fast rendering option for color displays # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Peter Hinch # A Writer supports rendering text to a Display instance in a given font. # Multiple Writer instances may be created, each rendering a font to the # same Display object. # Timings were run on a pyboard D SF6W comparing slow and fast rendering # and averaging over multiple characters. Proportional fonts were used. # 20 pixel high font, timings were 5.44ms/467μs, gain 11.7 (freesans20). # 10 pixel high font, timings were 1.76ms/396μs, gain 4.36 (arial10). import framebuf from uctypes import bytearray_at, addressof from sys import implementation import os __version__ = (0, 5, 0) fast_mode = True # Does nothing. Kept to avoid breaking code. class DisplayState(): def __init__(self): self.text_row = 0 self.text_col = 0 def _get_id(device): if not isinstance(device, framebuf.FrameBuffer): raise ValueError('Device must be derived from FrameBuffer.') return id(device) # Basic Writer class for monochrome displays class Writer(): state = {} # Holds a display state for each device @staticmethod def set_textpos(device, row=None, col=None): devid = _get_id(device) if devid not in Writer.state: Writer.state[devid] = DisplayState() s = Writer.state[devid] # Current state if row is not None: if row < 0 or row >= device.height: raise ValueError('row is out of range') s.text_row = row if col is not None: if col < 0 or col >= device.width: raise ValueError('col is out of range') s.text_col = col return s.text_row, s.text_col def __init__(self, device, font, verbose=True): self.devid = _get_id(device) self.device = device if self.devid not in Writer.state: Writer.state[self.devid] = DisplayState() self.font = font if font.height() >= device.height or font.max_width() >= device.width: raise ValueError('Font too large for screen') # Allow to work with reverse or normal font mapping if font.hmap(): self.map = framebuf.MONO_HMSB if font.reverse() else framebuf.MONO_HLSB else: raise ValueError('Font must be horizontally mapped.') if verbose: fstr = 'Orientation: Horizontal. Reversal: {}. Width: {}. Height: {}.' print(fstr.format(font.reverse(), device.width, device.height)) print('Start row = {} col = {}'.format(self._getstate().text_row, self._getstate().text_col)) self.screenwidth = device.width # In pixels self.screenheight = device.height self.bgcolor = 0 # Monochrome background and foreground colors self.fgcolor = 1 self.row_clip = False # Clip or scroll when screen fullt self.col_clip = False # Clip or new line when row is full self.wrap = True # Word wrap self.cpos = 0 self.tab = 4 self.glyph = None # Current char self.char_height = 0 self.char_width = 0 self.clip_width = 0 def _getstate(self): return Writer.state[self.devid] def _newline(self): s = self._getstate() height = self.font.height() s.text_row += height s.text_col = 0 margin = self.screenheight - (s.text_row + height) y = self.screenheight + margin if margin < 0: if not self.row_clip: self.device.scroll(0, margin) self.device.fill_rect(0, y, self.screenwidth, abs(margin), self.bgcolor) s.text_row += margin def set_clip(self, row_clip=None, col_clip=None, wrap=None): if row_clip is not None: self.row_clip = row_clip if col_clip is not None: self.col_clip = col_clip if wrap is not None: self.wrap = wrap return self.row_clip, self.col_clip, self.wrap @property def height(self): # Property for consistency with device return self.font.height() def printstring(self, string, invert=False): # word wrapping. Assumes words separated by single space. q = string.split('\n') last = len(q) - 1 for n, s in enumerate(q): if s: self._printline(s, invert) if n != last: self._printchar('\n') def _printline(self, string, invert): rstr = None if self.wrap and self.stringlen(string, True): # Length > self.screenwidth pos = 0 lstr = string[:] while self.stringlen(lstr, True): # Length > self.screenwidth pos = lstr.rfind(' ') lstr = lstr[:pos].rstrip() if pos > 0: rstr = string[pos + 1:] string = lstr for char in string: self._printchar(char, invert) if rstr is not None: self._printchar('\n') self._printline(rstr, invert) # Recurse def stringlen(self, string, oh=False): sc = self._getstate().text_col # Start column wd = self.screenwidth l = 0 for char in string[:-1]: _, _, char_width = self.font.get_ch(char) l += char_width if oh and l + sc > wd: return True # All done. Save time. char = string[-1] _, _, char_width = self.font.get_ch(char) if oh and l + sc + char_width > wd: l += self._truelen(char) # Last char might have blank cols on RHS else: l += char_width # Public method. Return same value as old code. return l + sc > wd if oh else l # Return the printable width of a glyph less any blank columns on RHS def _truelen(self, char): glyph, ht, wd = self.font.get_ch(char) div, mod = divmod(wd, 8) gbytes = div + 1 if mod else div # No. of bytes per row of glyph mc = 0 # Max non-blank column data = glyph[(wd - 1) // 8] # Last byte of row 0 for row in range(ht): # Glyph row for col in range(wd -1, -1, -1): # Glyph column gbyte, gbit = divmod(col, 8) if gbit == 0: # Next glyph byte data = glyph[row * gbytes + gbyte] if col <= mc: break if data & (1 << (7 - gbit)): # Pixel is lit (1) mc = col # Eventually gives rightmost lit pixel break if mc + 1 == wd: break # All done: no trailing space # print('Truelen', char, wd, mc + 1) # TEST return mc + 1 def _get_char(self, char, recurse): if not recurse: # Handle tabs if char == '\n': self.cpos = 0 elif char == '\t': nspaces = self.tab - (self.cpos % self.tab) if nspaces == 0: nspaces = self.tab while nspaces: nspaces -= 1 self._printchar(' ', recurse=True) self.glyph = None # All done return self.glyph = None # Assume all done if char == '\n': self._newline() return glyph, char_height, char_width = self.font.get_ch(char) s = self._getstate() np = None # Allow restriction on printable columns if s.text_row + char_height > self.screenheight: if self.row_clip: return self._newline() oh = s.text_col + char_width - self.screenwidth # Overhang (+ve) if oh > 0: if self.col_clip or self.wrap: np = char_width - oh # No. of printable columns if np <= 0: return else: self._newline() self.glyph = glyph self.char_height = char_height self.char_width = char_width self.clip_width = char_width if np is None else np # Method using blitting. Efficient rendering for monochrome displays. # Tested on SSD1306. Invert is for black-on-white rendering. def _printchar(self, char, invert=False, recurse=False): s = self._getstate() self._get_char(char, recurse) if self.glyph is None: return # All done buf = bytearray(self.glyph) if invert: for i, v in enumerate(buf): buf[i] = 0xFF & ~ v fbc = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, self.clip_width, self.char_height, self.map) self.device.blit(fbc, s.text_col, s.text_row) s.text_col += self.char_width self.cpos += 1 def tabsize(self, value=None): if value is not None: self.tab = value return self.tab def setcolor(self, *_): return self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor # Writer for colour displays. class CWriter(Writer): def __init__(self, device, font, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, verbose=True): if not hasattr(device, 'palette'): raise OSError('Incompatible device driver.') if implementation[1] < (1, 17, 0): raise OSError('Firmware must be >= 1.17.') super().__init__(device, font, verbose) if bgcolor is not None: # Assume monochrome. self.bgcolor = bgcolor if fgcolor is not None: self.fgcolor = fgcolor self.def_bgcolor = self.bgcolor self.def_fgcolor = self.fgcolor def _printchar(self, char, invert=False, recurse=False): s = self._getstate() self._get_char(char, recurse) if self.glyph is None: return # All done buf = bytearray_at(addressof(self.glyph), len(self.glyph)) fbc = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, self.clip_width, self.char_height, self.map) palette = self.device.palette palette.bg(self.fgcolor if invert else self.bgcolor) palette.fg(self.bgcolor if invert else self.fgcolor) self.device.blit(fbc, s.text_col, s.text_row, -1, palette) s.text_col += self.char_width self.cpos += 1 def setcolor(self, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None): if fgcolor is None and bgcolor is None: self.fgcolor = self.def_fgcolor self.bgcolor = self.def_bgcolor else: if fgcolor is not None: self.fgcolor = fgcolor if bgcolor is not None: self.bgcolor = bgcolor return self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor