# ILI9341 nano-gui driver for ili9341 displays # As with all nano-gui displays, touch is not supported. # Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2020 # Released under the MIT license see LICENSE # This work is based on the following sources. # https://github.com/rdagger/micropython-ili9341 # Also this forum thread with ideas from @minyiky: # https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9368 from time import sleep_ms import gc import framebuf @micropython.viper def _lcopy(dest:ptr8, source:ptr8, lut:ptr8, length:int): n = 0 for x in range(length): c = source[x] d = (c & 0xf0) >> 3 # 2* pointers (lut is 16 bit color) e = (c & 0x0f) << 1 dest[n] = lut[d] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[d + 1] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[e] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[e + 1] n += 1 class ILI9341(framebuf.FrameBuffer): lut = bytearray(32) @staticmethod def rgb(r, g, b): return (r & 0xf8) << 8 | (g & 0xfc) << 3 | b >> 3 # Transpose width & height for landscape mode def __init__(self, spi, cs, dc, rst, height=240, width=320, usd=False, split=False, init_spi=False): self._spi = spi self._cs = cs self._dc = dc self._rst = rst self.height = height self.width = width if split and split not in (2, 4, 8): raise ValueError('split must be 2, 4 or 8') self._spi_init = init_spi self._lines = 0 if not split else height // split # For uasyncio use: show n lines only self._line = 0 # Current line mode = framebuf.GS4_HMSB gc.collect() buf = bytearray(self.height * self.width // 2) self._mvb = memoryview(buf) super().__init__(buf, self.width, self.height, mode) self._linebuf = bytearray(self.width * 2) # Hardware reset self._rst(0) sleep_ms(50) self._rst(1) sleep_ms(50) if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(spi) # Bus may be shared # Send initialization commands self._wcmd(b'\x01') # SWRESET Software reset sleep_ms(100) self._wcd(b'\xcf', b'\x00\xC1\x30') # PWCTRB Pwr ctrl B self._wcd(b'\xed', b'\x64\x03\x12\x81') # POSC Pwr on seq. ctrl self._wcd(b'\xe8', b'\x85\x00\x78') # DTCA Driver timing ctrl A self._wcd(b'\xcb', b'\x39\x2C\x00\x34\x02') # PWCTRA Pwr ctrl A self._wcd(b'\xf7', b'\x20') # PUMPRC Pump ratio control self._wcd(b'\xea', b'\x00\x00') # DTCB Driver timing ctrl B self._wcd(b'\xc0', b'\x23') # PWCTR1 Pwr ctrl 1 self._wcd(b'\xc1', b'\x10') # PWCTR2 Pwr ctrl 2 self._wcd(b'\xc5', b'\x3E\x28') # VMCTR1 VCOM ctrl 1 self._wcd(b'\xc7', b'\x86') # VMCTR2 VCOM ctrl 2 # (b'\x88', b'\xe8', b'\x48', b'\x28')[rotation // 90] if self.height > self.width: self._wcd(b'\x36', b'\x48' if usd else b'\x88') # MADCTL: RGB portrait mode else: self._wcd(b'\x36', b'\x28' if usd else b'\xe8') # MADCTL: RGB landscape mode self._wcd(b'\x37', b'\x00') # VSCRSADD Vertical scrolling start address self._wcd(b'\x3a', b'\x55') # PIXFMT COLMOD: Pixel format self._wcd(b'\xb1', b'\x00\x18') # FRMCTR1 Frame rate ctrl self._wcd(b'\xb6', b'\x08\x82\x27') # DFUNCTR self._wcd(b'\xf2', b'\x00') # ENABLE3G Enable 3 gamma ctrl self._wcd(b'\x26', b'\x01') # GAMMASET Gamma curve selected self._wcd(b'\xe0', b'\x0F\x31\x2B\x0C\x0E\x08\x4E\xF1\x37\x07\x10\x03\x0E\x09\x00') # GMCTRP1 self._wcd(b'\xe1', b'\x00\x0E\x14\x03\x11\x07\x31\xC1\x48\x08\x0F\x0C\x31\x36\x0F') # GMCTRN1 self._wcmd(b'\x11') # SLPOUT Exit sleep sleep_ms(100) self._wcmd(b'\x29') # DISPLAY_ON Display on sleep_ms(100) # Write a command. def _wcmd(self, buf): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(buf) self._cs(1) # Write a command followed by a data arg. def _wcd(self, command, data): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(command) self._cs(1) self._dc(1) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(data) self._cs(1) # No. of lines buffered vs time. Tested in portrait mode 240 pixels/line. # ESP32 at stock freq. # 24 lines 171ms # 2 lines 180ms # 1 line 196ms @micropython.native def show(self): clut = ILI9341.lut wd = self.width // 2 ht = self.height lb = self._linebuf buf = self._mvb # Commands needed to start data write #self._wcd(b'\x2a', *ustruct.pack(">HH", 0, self.width)) # SET_COLUMN #self._wcd(b'\x2b', *ustruct.pack(">HH", 0, ht)) # SET_PAGE if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared self._wcd(b'\x2a', int.to_bytes(self.width, 4, 'big')) # SET_COLUMN self._wcd(b'\x2b', int.to_bytes(ht, 4, 'big')) # SET_PAGE self._wcmd(b'\x2c') # WRITE_RAM self._dc(1) self._cs(0) if self._lines: end = self._line + wd * self._lines for start in range(self._line, end, wd): # For each line _lcopy(lb, buf[start :], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors self._spi.write(lb) nxt = start + wd self._line = nxt % wd*ht else: for start in range(0, wd*ht, wd): # For each line _lcopy(lb, buf[start :], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors self._spi.write(lb) self._cs(1)