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# bitmap.py Provides the BMG (bitmapped graphics) class
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Peter Hinch
import gc
from framebuf import FrameBuffer, MONO_HLSB
from gui.core.ugui import Widget
from gui.core.colors import *
from gui.core.ugui import ssd
def rbit8(v):
v = (v & 0x0f) << 4 | (v & 0xf0) >> 4
v = (v & 0x33) << 2 | (v & 0xcc) >> 2
return (v & 0x55) << 1 | (v & 0xaa) >> 1
class BMG(Widget):
def make_buffer(height, width):
w = (width >> 3) + int(width & 7 > 0)
return bytearray(height * w)
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, height, width, scale=1, *, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bdcolor=RED, buf=None):
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, False)
if buf is None:
buf = BMG.make_buffer(height, width)
self._fb = FrameBuffer(buf, width, height, MONO_HLSB)
self._scale = scale
self._buf = buf
def show(self):
if super().show(True): # Draw or erase border
palette = ssd.palette
ssd.blit(self._fb, self.col, self.row, -1, palette)
def color(self, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None):
if fgcolor is not None:
self.fgcolor = fgcolor
if bgcolor is not None:
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.draw = True
def value(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, list): # 2d list of booleans
s = self._scale
wd = len(obj[0])
ht = len(obj)
if wd * s > self.width or ht * s > self.height:
print('Object too large for buffer', wd * s, self.width, ht * s, self.height)
print(f"Object is {wd} x {ht}")
for row in range(ht):
for col in range(wd):
v = obj[row][col]
for nc in range(s):
for nr in range(s):
self._fb.pixel(col * s + nc, row * s + nr, v)
elif isinstance(obj, str): # Assume filename
with open(obj, "r") as f:
g = self.handle_stream(f)
n = 0
for x in g:
self._buf[n] = rbit8(x)
n += 1
except OSError:
print(f"Failed to input from {obj}")
self.draw = True
# TODO graphic must be exactly the right size. Get dims from file in app, pass stream?
def handle_stream(self, f):
m = self._scale
s = f.readline()
elements = s.split(" ")
if elements[1].endswith("width"):
wd = int(elements[2])
raise OSError
s = f.readline()
elements = s.split(" ")
if elements[1].endswith("height"):
ht = int(elements[2])
raise OSError
if wd * m > self.width or ht * m > self.height:
print("Object too large for buffer", wd * m, self.width, ht * m, self.height)
raise OSError
s = f.readline()
if not s.startswith("static"):
raise OSError
while s := f.readline():
if (lb := s.find("}")) != -1:
s = s[:lb] # Strip trailing };
p = s.strip().split(',')
for x in p:
if x:
yield int(x, 16)