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# calendar.py Test Grid class.
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2023 Peter Hinch
# As written requires a 240*320 pixel display, but could easily be reduced
# with smaller fonts.
# hardware_setup must be imported before other modules because of RAM use.
import hardware_setup # Create a display instance
from gui.core.ugui import Screen, ssd
from gui.widgets import Grid, CloseButton, Label, Button
from gui.core.writer import CWriter
# Font for CWriter
import gui.fonts.font10 as font
import gui.fonts.font14 as font1
from gui.core.colors import *
from time import mktime, localtime
SECS_PER_DAY = const(86400)
class Date:
days = ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday')
months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')
def __init__(self):
def now(self):
lt = list(localtime())
lt[3] = 6 # Disambiguate midnight
self.cur = mktime(lt) // SECS_PER_DAY
def update(self, lt=None):
if lt is not None:
lt[3] = 6
self.cur = mktime(lt) // SECS_PER_DAY
lt = localtime(self.cur * SECS_PER_DAY)
self.year = lt[0]
self.month = lt[1]
self.mday = lt[2]
self.wday = lt[6]
ml = self.mlen(self.month)
self.month_length = ml
self.wday1 = (self.wday - self.mday + 1) % 7 # Weekday of 1st of month
# Commented out code provides support for UK DST calculation
#wdayld = (self.wday1 + ml -1) % 7 # Weekday of last day of month
#self.mday_sun = ml - (wdayld + 1) % 7 # Day of month of last Sunday
def add_days(self, n):
self.cur += n
def add_months(self, n): # Crude algorithm for small n
for _ in range(abs(n)):
self.cur += self.month_length if n > 0 else -self.mlen(self.month - 1)
def add_years(self, n):
lt = list(localtime(self.cur * SECS_PER_DAY))
lt[0] += n
def mlen(self, month):
days = (31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)[month - 1]
year = self.year
return days if days else (28 if year % 4 else (29 if year % 100 else 28))
class BaseScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):
self.date = Date()
wri = CWriter(ssd, font, GREEN, BLACK, False)
wri1 = CWriter(ssd, font1, WHITE, BLACK, False)
col = 2
row = 2
rows = 6
cols = 7
colwidth = 35
self.lbl = Label(wri, row, col, text = (colwidth + 4) * cols, justify=Label.CENTRE)
row = self.lbl.mrow
self.grid = Grid(wri, row, col, colwidth, rows, cols, justify=Label.CENTRE)
for n, day in enumerate(Date.days):
self.grid[[0, n]] = day[:3]
row = self.grid.mrow + 4
ht = 30
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="y-", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_years, -1))
col = b.mcol + 2
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="y+", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_years, 1))
col = b.mcol + 5
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="m-", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_months, -1))
col = b.mcol + 2
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="m+", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_months, 1))
col = b.mcol + 5
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="w-", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_days, -7))
col = b.mcol + 2
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="w+", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_days, 7))
col = b.mcol + 5
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="d-", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_days, -1))
col = b.mcol + 2
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, text="d+", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.add_days, 1))
col = b.mcol + 5
b = Button(wri, row, col, height=ht, shape=CIRCLE, fgcolor=BLUE, text="H", callback=self.adjust, args=(self.date.now,))
#row = b.mrow + 10
col = 2
row = ssd.height - (wri1.height + 2)
self.lblnow = Label(wri1, row, col, text =ssd.width - 4, fgcolor=WHITE)
CloseButton(wri) # Quit the application
def adjust(self, _, f, n=0):
f(n) if n else f()
def update(self):
def cell():
if cur.year == today.year and cur.month == today.month and mday == today.mday: # Today
d["fgcolor"] = RED
elif mday == cur.mday: # Currency
d["fgcolor"] = YELLOW
d["fgcolor"] = GREEN
d["text"] = str(mday)
self.grid[idx] = d
today = Date()
cur = self.date # Currency
self.lbl.value(f"{Date.months[cur.month - 1]} {cur.year}")
d = {} # Args for Label.value
wday = 0
mday = 1
seek = True
for idx in range(7, self.grid.ncells):
self.grid[idx] = ""
for idx in range(7, self.grid.ncells):
if seek: # Find column for 1st of month
if wday < cur.wday1:
self.grid[idx] = ""
wday += 1
seek = False
if not seek:
if mday <= cur.month_length:
mday += 1
self.grid[idx] = ""
idx = 7
while mday <= cur.month_length:
idx += 1
mday += 1
day = Date.days[today.wday]
month = Date.months[today.month - 1]
self.lblnow.value(f"{day} {today.mday} {month} {today.year}")
def test():
print('Calendar demo.')
Screen.change(BaseScreen) # A class is passed here, not an instance.