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# listbox.py Extension to ugui providing the Listbox class
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
from micropython import const
from gui.core.ugui import Widget, display
from gui.core.colors import *
dolittle = lambda *_ : None
# Behaviour has issues compared to touch displays because movement between
# entries is sequential. This can affect the choice in when the callback runs.
# It always runs when select is pressed. See 'also' ctor arg.
ON_MOVE = const(1) # Also run whenever the currency moves.
ON_LEAVE = const(2) # Also run on exit from the control.
class Listbox(Widget):
def dimensions(writer, elements):
entry_height = writer.height + 2 # Allow a pixel above and below text
le = len(elements)
height = entry_height * le + 2
textwidth = max(writer.stringlen(s) for s in elements) + 4
return entry_height, height, textwidth
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *, elements, width=None, value=0,
fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bdcolor=False, fontcolor=None, select_color=DARKBLUE,
callback=dolittle, args=[], also=0):
self.entry_height, height, textwidth = self.dimensions(writer, elements)
self.also = also
if width is None:
width = textwidth
if not isinstance(value, int) or value >= len(elements):
value = 0
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, value, True)
self.cb = callback
self.cb_args = args
self.select_color = select_color
self.fontcolor = fontcolor
fail = False
self.elements = [s for s in elements if type(s) is str]
fail = True
fail = len(self.elements) == 0
if fail:
raise ValueError('elements must be a list or tuple of one or more strings')
self._value = value # No callback until user selects
self.ev = value
def show(self):
if not super().show(False): # Clear to self.bgcolor
length = len(self.elements)
x = self.col
y = self.row
for n in range(length):
if n == self._value:
display.fill_rect(x, y + 1, self.width, self.entry_height - 1, self.select_color)
display.print_left(self.writer, x + 2, y + 1, self.elements[n], self.fgcolor, self.select_color)
display.print_left(self.writer, x + 2, y + 1, self.elements[n], self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor)
y += self.entry_height
def textvalue(self, text=None): # if no arg return current text
if text is None:
return self.elements[self._value]
else: # set value by text
v = self.elements.index(text)
except ValueError:
v = None
if v != self._value:
return v
def do_up(self, _):
if v := self._value:
self.value(v - 1)
if (self.also & ON_MOVE): # Treat as if select pressed
def do_down(self, _):
if (v := self._value) < len(self.elements) - 1:
self.value(v + 1)
if (self.also & ON_MOVE):
# Callback runs if select is pressed. Also (if ON_LEAVE) if user changes
# list currency and then moves off the control. Otherwise if we have a
# callback that refreshes another control, that second control does not
# track currency.
def do_sel(self): # Select was pushed
self.ev = self._value
self.cb(self, *self.cb_args)
def enter(self):
self.ev = self._value # Value change detection
def leave(self):
if (self.also & ON_LEAVE) and self._value != self.ev: