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# sharp.py Device driver for monochrome sharp displays
# Tested on
# https://www.adafruit.com/product/4694 2.7 inch 400x240 Monochrome
# Should also work on
# https://www.adafruit.com/product/3502 1.3 inch 144x168
# https://www.adafruit.com/product/1393 1.3 inch 96x96 Monochrome
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2020-2021
# Released under the MIT license see LICENSE
# Code checked against https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_SharpMemoryDisplay
# Current draw on 2.7" Adafruit display ~90uA.
# 2.7" schematic https://learn.adafruit.com/assets/94077
# Datasheet 2.7" https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/094/215/original/LS027B7DH01_Rev_Jun_2010.pdf?1597872422
# Datasheet 1.3" http://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/LS013B4DN04-3V_FPC-204284.pdf
import framebuf
import machine
from micropython import const
_WRITECMD = const(1) # Command bits
_VCOM = const(2)
class SHARP(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
def rgb(r, g, b):
return int((r > 127) or (g > 127) or (b > 127))
def __init__(self, spi, pincs, height=240, width=400, vcom=False):
spi.init(baudrate=2_000_000, firstbit=machine.SPI.LSB) # Data sheet: should support 2MHz
self._spi = spi
self._pincs = pincs
self.height = height # Required by Writer class and nanogui
self.width = width
self._buffer = bytearray(self.height * self.width // 8)
self._mvb = memoryview(self._buffer)
super().__init__(self._buffer, self.width, self.height, framebuf.MONO_HMSB)
self._cmd = bytearray(1) # Buffer for command. Holds current VCOM bit
self._cmd[0] = _WRITECMD | _VCOM if vcom else _WRITECMD
self._lno = bytearray(1) # Line no.
self._dummy = bytearray(1) # Dummy (0)
# .show should be called periodically to avoid frame inversion flag
# (VCOM) retaining the same value for long periods
def show(self):
spi = self._spi
bpl = self.width // 8 # Bytes per line
self._pincs(1) # CS is active high
start = 0
lno = self._lno
lno[0] = 1 # Gate line address (starts at 1)
for _ in range(self.height):
spi.write(self._mvb[start : start + bpl])
start += bpl
lno[0] += 1 # Gate line address
self._cmd[0] ^= _VCOM # Toggle frame inversion flag
# Toggle the VCOM bit without changing the display. Power saving method.
def update(self):
self._lno[0] = self._cmd[0] & _VCOM
self._cmd[0] ^= _VCOM # Toggle frame inversion flag