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# menu.py Extension to micro-gui providing the Menu class
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
# Usage:
# from gui.widgets.menu import Menu
from gui.core.ugui import Window, Screen
from gui.widgets.buttons import Button
from gui.widgets.listbox import Listbox
from gui.core.colors import *
# A SubMenu is a Window containing a Listbox
# Next and Prev close the listbox without running the callback. This is
# handled by Screen .move bound method
class SubMenu(Window):
def __init__(self, menu, button, elements, cb, args): # menu is parent Menu
wri = menu.writer
row = 10
col = button.col + 4 # Drop down below top level menu button
# Need to determine Window dimensions from size of Listbox, which
# depends on number and length of elements.
entry_height, lb_height, textwidth = Listbox.dimensions(wri, elements)
lb_width = textwidth + 2
# Calculate Window dimensions
ap_height = lb_height + 6 # Allow for listbox border
ap_width = lb_width + 6
super().__init__(row, col, ap_height, ap_width)
self.listbox = Listbox(wri, row + 3, col + 3, elements = elements, width = lb_width,
fgcolor = button.fgcolor, bgcolor = button.bgcolor, bdcolor=False,
fontcolor = button.textcolor, select_color = menu.select_color,
callback = self.callback)
self.cb = cb
self.args = args
def callback(self, obj_listbox):
self.cb(obj_listbox, *self.args) # CB can access obj_listbox.value() or .textvalue()
# A Menu is a set of Button objects at the top of the screen. On press, Buttons either run the
# user callback or instantiate a SubMenu
class Menu:
def __init__(self, writer, *, height=25, bgcolor=None, fgcolor=None, textcolor=None, select_color=DARKBLUE, args): # ((text, cb, (args,)),(text, cb, (args,), (elements,)), ...)
self.writer = writer
self.select_color = select_color
row = 2
col = 2
btn = {'bgcolor' : bgcolor,
'fgcolor' : fgcolor,
'height' : height,
'textcolor' : textcolor, }
for arg in args:
if len(arg) == 4: # Handle submenu
# txt, cb, (cbargs,), (elements,) = arg
b = Button(writer, row, col, text=arg[0],
callback=self.cb, args=arg, **btn)
txt, cb, cbargs = arg
b = Button(writer, row, col, text=txt,
callback=cb, args=cbargs, **btn)
col = b.mcol
def cb(self, button, txt, user_cb, args, elements): # Button pushed which calls submenu
args = (self, button, elements, user_cb, args)
Screen.change(SubMenu, args = args)