
262 wiersze
8.3 KiB

# audio.py
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
import hardware_setup # Create a display instance
from gui.core.ugui import Screen, ssd
from machine import I2S
from machine import Pin
import pyb
# ***************
# Do allocations early
BUFSIZE = 1024*20 # 5.8ms/KiB 8KiB occasional dropouts
WAVSIZE = 1024*2
root = "/sd/music" # Location of directories containing albums
pyb.Pin("EN_3V3").on() # provide 3.3V on 3V3 output pin
# ======= I2S CONFIGURATION =======
I2S_ID = 1
# allocate sample array once
wav_samples = bytearray(WAVSIZE)
# The proper way is to parse the WAV file as per
# https://github.com/miketeachman/micropython-i2s-examples/blob/master/examples/wavplayer.py
# Here for simplicity we assume stereo files ripped from CD's.
config = {
'sck' : Pin('W29'),
'ws' : Pin('W16'),
'sd' : Pin('Y4'),
'mode' : I2S.TX,
'bits' : 16, # Sample size in bits/channel
'format' : I2S.STEREO,
'rate' : 44100, # Sample rate in Hz
'ibuf' : BUFSIZE, # Buffer size
audio_out = I2S(I2S_ID, **config)
# ======= GUI =======
from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets import Button, CloseButton, HorizSlider, Listbox
from gui.core.writer import CWriter
# Font for CWriter
import gui.fonts.arial10 as arial10
import gui.fonts.icons as icons
from gui.core.colors import *
import os
import gc
import uasyncio as asyncio
import sys
# Initial check on filesystem
subdirs = [x[0] for x in os.ilistdir(root) if x[1] == 0x4000]
if len(subdirs):
print("No albums found in ", root)
except OSError:
print(f"Expected {root} directory not found.")
class SelectScreen(Screen):
songs = []
album = ""
def __init__(self, wri):
Listbox(wri, 2, 2, elements = subdirs, dlines = 8, width=100, callback = self.lbcb)
def lbcb(self, lb): # sort
directory = ''.join((root, '/', lb.textvalue()))
songs = [x[0] for x in os.ilistdir(directory) if x[1] != 0x4000]
SelectScreen.songs = [''.join((directory, '/', x)) for x in songs]
SelectScreen.album = lb.textvalue()
class BaseScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):
self.swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(audio_out)
args = {
'bdcolor' : RED,
'slotcolor' : BLUE,
'legends' : ('-48dB', '-24dB', '0dB'),
'value' : 0.5,
'height' : 15,
buttons = {
'shape' : CIRCLE,
'fgcolor' : GREEN,
# Audio status
self.playing = False # Track is playing
self.stop_play = False # Command
self.paused = False
self.songs = [] # Paths to songs in album
self.song_idx = 0 # Current index into .songs
self.offset = 0 # Offset into file
self.volume = -3
wri = CWriter(ssd, arial10, GREEN, BLACK, False)
wri_icons = CWriter(ssd, icons, WHITE, BLACK, False)
Button(wri_icons, 2, 2, text='E', callback=self.new, args=(wri,), **buttons) # New
Button(wri_icons, row := 30, col := 2, text='D', callback=self.replay, **buttons) # Replay
Button(wri_icons, row, col := col + 25, text='F', callback=self.play_cb, **buttons) # Play
Button(wri_icons, row, col := col + 25, text='B', callback=self.pause, **buttons) # Pause
Button(wri_icons, row, col := col + 25, text='A', callback=self.stop, **buttons) # Stop
Button(wri_icons, row, col + 25, text='C', callback=self.skip, **buttons) # Skip
row = 60
col = 2
self.lbl = Label(wri, row, col, 120)
self.lblsong = Label(wri, self.lbl.mrow + 2, col, 120)
row = 110
col = 14
HorizSlider(wri, row, col, callback=self.slider_cb, **args)
CloseButton(wri) # Quit the application
# self.reg_task(asyncio.create_task(self.report()))
async def report(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(20)
def slider_cb(self, s):
self.volume = round(8 * (s.value() - 1))
def play_cb(self, _):
def pause(self, _):
self.stop_play = True
self.paused = True
def stop(self, _): # Abandon album
self.stop_play = True
self.paused = False
self.song_idx = 0
def replay(self, _):
if self.stop_play:
self.song_idx = max(0, self.song_idx - 1)
self.stop_play = True # Replay from start
self.paused = False
def skip(self, _):
self.stop_play = True
self.paused = False
self.song_idx = min(self.song_idx + 1, len(self.songs) -1)
def new(self, _, wri):
self.stop_play = True
self.paused = False
Screen.change(SelectScreen, args=[wri,])
def play_album(self):
if not self.playing:
def after_open(self):
self.songs = SelectScreen.songs
if self.songs:
self.song_idx = 0 # Start on track 0
def show_song(self): # 13ms
song = self.songs[self.song_idx]
ns = song.find(SelectScreen.album)
ne = song[ns:].find('/') + 1
end = song[ns + ne:].find(".wav")
self.lblsong.value(song[ns + ne: ns + ne + end])
async def refresh_and_stop(self):
Screen.rfsh_start.set() # Allow refresh
await Screen.rfsh_done.wait() # Wait for a refresh to end
Screen.rfsh_start.clear() # Prevent another.
async def refresh_ctrl(self): # Enter with refresh paused
await asyncio.sleep_ms(100) # Time for initial buffer fill
while True:
await self.refresh_and_stop() # Allow one screen refresh
await asyncio.sleep_ms(20) # Time for buffer top-up
finally: # Allow refresh to free-run
async def album_task(self):
self.playing = True # Prevent other instances
self.stop_play = False
# Leave paused status unchanged
songs = self.songs[self.song_idx :] # Start from current index
for song in songs:
await self.refresh_and_stop() # Pause until refresh is stopped.
# Delay refresh to ensure buffer is filled
rc = asyncio.create_task(self.refresh_ctrl())
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)
await self.play_song(song)
rc.cancel() # Restore normal display refresh
if self.stop_play:
break # A callback has stopped playback
self.song_idx += 1
self.song_idx = 0 # Played to completion.
self.playing = False
rc.cancel() # Restore normal display refresh
# Open and play a binary wav file
async def play_song(self, song):
wav_samples_mv = memoryview(wav_samples)
size = len(wav_samples)
if not self.paused:
# advance to first byte of Data section in WAV file. This is not
# correct for all WAV files. See link above.
self.offset = 44
swriter = self.swriter
with open(song, "rb") as wav:
_ = wav.seek(self.offset)
while (num_read := wav.readinto(wav_samples_mv)) and not self.stop_play:
I2S.shift(buf=wav_samples_mv[:num_read], bits=16, shift=self.volume)
# HACK awaiting https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/7868
swriter.out_buf = wav_samples_mv[:num_read]
await swriter.drain()
# wav_samples is now empty
self.offset += size
def test():
print('Audio demo.')
Screen.change(BaseScreen) # A class is passed here, not an instance.
print("========== CLOSE AUDIO ==========")