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# sliders.py Extension to ugui providing linear "potentiometer" widgets.
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
from micropython import const
from gui.core.ugui import LinearIO, display
from gui.core.colors import *
# Null function
dolittle = lambda *_ : None
# *********** SLIDER CLASSES ***********
# A slider's text items lie outside its bounding box.
_SLIDE_DEPTH = const(6) # Must be divisible by 2
_TICK_VISIBLE = const(3) # No. of tick pixels visible either side of slider
_HALF_SLOT_WIDTH = const(2) # Width of slot /2
class Slider(LinearIO):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *,
height=100, width=20, divisions=10, legends=None,
fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, fontcolor=None, bdcolor=None,
slotcolor=None, prcolor=None,
callback=dolittle, args=[], value=0.0, active=True,
min_delta=0.01, max_delta=0.1):
width &= 0xfe # ensure divisible by 2
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, value, active, prcolor, min_delta, max_delta)
super()._set_callbacks(callback, args)
self.divisions = divisions
self.legends = legends
if legends is not None: # Adjust column metric
ml = max((writer.stringlen(l) for l in legends))
self.mcol += ml + 2 # Strings are rendered 2 pixels right of border
self.fontcolor = self.fgcolor if fontcolor is None else fontcolor
self.slotcolor = self.bgcolor if slotcolor is None else slotcolor
# Define slider
self.slide_x0 = col + _TICK_VISIBLE # Draw slider shorter than ticks
self.slide_w = width - 2 * _TICK_VISIBLE
# y coord of top left hand corner of slide when value == 0
self.slide_y0 = row + height - _SLIDE_DEPTH - 1
# Slot coordinates
centre = col + width // 2
self.slot_x0 = centre - _HALF_SLOT_WIDTH
self.slot_y0 = row + _SLIDE_DEPTH // 2
self.slot_h = height - _SLIDE_DEPTH - 1
self.draw = True # Ensure a redraw on next refresh
# Run callback (e.g. to set dynamic colors)
self.callback(self, *self.args)
def show(self):
# Blank slot, ticks and slider
if super().show(False): # Honour bgcolor
x = self.col
y = self.slot_y0
# Length of travel of slider
slot_len = self.slot_h # Dimensions of slot
slot_w = 2 * _HALF_SLOT_WIDTH
if self.divisions > 0:
dy = slot_len / (self.divisions) # Tick marks
xs = x + 1
xe = x + self.width -1
for tick in range(self.divisions + 1):
ypos = int(y + dy * tick)
display.line(xs, ypos, xe, ypos, self.fgcolor)
# Blank and redraw slot
display.fill_rect(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, slot_w, slot_len, self.slotcolor)
display.rect(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, slot_w, slot_len, self.fgcolor)
txtcolor = GREY if self.greyed_out() else self.fontcolor
# Dynamic processing of legends supports greying-out
if self.legends is not None:
if len(self.legends) <= 1:
dy = 0
dy = slot_len / (len(self.legends) -1)
yl = y + slot_len # Start at bottom
wri = self.writer
fhdelta = wri.height / 2
for legend in self.legends:
display.print_left(wri, x + self.width + 4, int(yl - fhdelta),
legend, txtcolor, self.bgcolor)
yl -= dy
slide_y = round(self.slide_y0 - self._value * slot_len)
display.fill_rect(self.slide_x0, slide_y, self.slide_w, _SLIDE_DEPTH, self.fgcolor)
self.drawn = True
def color(self, color):
if color != self.fgcolor:
self.fgcolor = color
self.draw = True
class HorizSlider(LinearIO):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *,
height=20, width=100, divisions=10, legends=None,
fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, fontcolor=None, bdcolor=None,
slotcolor=None, prcolor=None,
callback=dolittle, args=[], value=0.0, active=True,
min_delta=0.01, max_delta=0.1):
height &= 0xfe # ensure divisible by 2
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, value, active, prcolor, min_delta, max_delta)
super()._set_callbacks(callback, args)
self.divisions = divisions
self.legends = legends
self.fontcolor = self.fgcolor if fontcolor is None else fontcolor
self.slotcolor = self.bgcolor if slotcolor is None else slotcolor
# Define slider
self.slide_y0 = row + _TICK_VISIBLE # Draw slider shorter than ticks
self.slide_h = height - 2 * _TICK_VISIBLE
# Slot coordinates
self.slot_x0 = col + _SLIDE_DEPTH // 2
self.slot_w = width - _SLIDE_DEPTH - 1
centre = row + height // 2
self.slot_y0 = centre - _HALF_SLOT_WIDTH
self.draw = True # Ensure a redraw on next refresh
# Run callback (e.g. to set dynamic colors)
self.callback(self, *self.args)
def show(self):
# Blank slot, ticks and slider
if super().show(False): # Honour bgcolor
x = self.slot_x0
y = self.row
slot_len = self.slot_w # Slot dimensions
slot_h = 2 * _HALF_SLOT_WIDTH
if self.divisions > 0:
dx = slot_len / (self.divisions) # Tick marks
ys = y + 1
ye = y + self.height - 1
for tick in range(self.divisions + 1):
xpos = int(x + dx * tick)
display.line(xpos, ys, xpos, ye, self.fgcolor)
# Blank and redraw slot
display.fill_rect(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, slot_len, slot_h, self.slotcolor)
display.rect(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, slot_len, slot_h, self.fgcolor)
txtcolor = GREY if self.greyed_out() else self.fontcolor
if self.legends is not None:
if len(self.legends) <= 1:
dx = 0
dx = slot_len / (len(self.legends) -1)
xl = x
wri = self.writer
for legend in self.legends:
offset = wri.stringlen(legend) / 2
display.print_left(wri, int(xl - offset), y - wri.height - 4,
legend, txtcolor, self.bgcolor)
xl += dx
self.slide_x = round(self.col + self._value * slot_len)
display.fill_rect(self.slide_x, self.slide_y0, _SLIDE_DEPTH, self.slide_h, self.fgcolor)
self.drawn = True
def color(self, color):
if color != self.fgcolor:
self.fgcolor = color
self.draw = True