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# graph.py Graph plotting widgets for micro-gui
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
from hardware_setup import ssd, display # Create a display instance
from gui.core.ugui import Widget
from cmath import rect, pi
from micropython import const
from array import array
type_gen = type((lambda: (yield))())
# Line clipping outcode bits
_TOP = const(1)
_BOTTOM = const(2)
_LEFT = const(4)
_RIGHT = const(8)
# Bounding box for line clipping
_XMAX = const(1)
_XMIN = const(-1)
_YMAX = const(1)
_YMIN = const(-1)
class Curve():
def _outcode(x, y):
oc = _TOP if y > 1 else 0
oc |= _BOTTOM if y < -1 else 0
oc |= _RIGHT if x > 1 else 0
oc |= _LEFT if x < -1 else 0
return oc
def __init__(self, graph, color, populate=None, origin=(0, 0), excursion=(1, 1)):
if not isinstance(self, PolarCurve): # Check not done in subclass
if isinstance(graph, PolarGraph) or not isinstance(graph, CartesianGraph):
raise ValueError('Curve must use a CartesianGraph instance.')
self.graph = graph
self.origin = origin
self.excursion = excursion
self.color = color if color is not None else graph.fgcolor
self.lastpoint = None
self.newpoint = None
if populate is not None and self._valid(populate):
for x, y in populate:
self.point(x, y)
def _valid(self, populate):
if not isinstance(populate, type_gen):
raise ValueError('populate must be a generator.')
return True
def point(self, x=None, y=None):
if x is None or y is None:
self.newpoint = None
self.lastpoint = None
self.newpoint = self._scale(x, y) # In-range points scaled to +-1 bounding box
if self.lastpoint is None: # Nothing to plot. Save for next line.
self.lastpoint = self.newpoint
res = self._clip(*(self.lastpoint + self.newpoint)) # Clip to +-1 box
if res is not None: # Ignore lines which don't intersect
self.graph.line(res[0:2], res[2:], self.color)
self.lastpoint = self.newpoint # Scaled but not clipped
# Cohen–Sutherland line clipping algorithm
# If self.newpoint and self.lastpoint are valid clip them so that both lie
# in +-1 range. If both are outside the box return None.
def _clip(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
oc1 = self._outcode(x0, y0)
oc2 = self._outcode(x1, y1)
while True:
if not oc1 | oc2: # OK to plot
return x0, y0, x1, y1
if oc1 & oc2: # Nothing to do
oc = oc1 if oc1 else oc2
if oc & _TOP:
x = x0 + (_YMAX - y0)*(x1 - x0)/(y1 - y0)
y = _YMAX
elif oc & _BOTTOM:
x = x0 + (_YMIN - y0)*(x1 - x0)/(y1 - y0)
y = _YMIN
elif oc & _RIGHT:
y = y0 + (_XMAX - x0)*(y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
x = _XMAX
elif oc & _LEFT:
y = y0 + (_XMIN - x0)*(y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
x = _XMIN
if oc is oc1:
x0, y0 = x, y
oc1 = self._outcode(x0, y0)
x1, y1 = x, y
oc2 = self._outcode(x1, y1)
def _scale(self, x, y): # Scale to +-1.0
x0, y0 = self.origin
xr, yr = self.excursion
xs = (x - x0) / xr
ys = (y - y0) / yr
return xs, ys
class PolarCurve(Curve): # Points are complex
def __init__(self, graph, color, populate=None):
if not isinstance(graph, PolarGraph):
raise ValueError('PolarCurve must use a PolarGraph instance.')
super().__init__(graph, color)
if populate is not None and self._valid(populate):
for z in populate:
def point(self, z=None):
if z is None:
self.newpoint = None
self.lastpoint = None
self.newpoint = self._scale(z.real, z.imag) # In-range points scaled to +-1 bounding box
if self.lastpoint is None: # Nothing to plot. Save for next line.
self.lastpoint = self.newpoint
res = self._clip(*(self.lastpoint + self.newpoint)) # Clip to +-1 box
if res is not None: # At least part of line was in box
start = res[0] + 1j*res[1]
end = res[2] + 1j*res[3]
self.graph.cline(start, end, self.color)
self.lastpoint = self.newpoint # Scaled but not clipped
class TSequence(Curve):
def __init__(self, graph, color, size, yorigin=0, yexc=1):
super().__init__(graph, color, origin=(0, yorigin), excursion=(1, yexc))
self.data = array('f', (0 for _ in range(size)))
self.cur = 0
self.size = size
self.count = 0
def add(self, v):
p = self.cur
size = self.size
self.data[self.cur] = v
self.cur += 1
self.cur %= size
if self.count < size:
self.count += 1
x = 0
dx = 1/size
for _ in range(self.count):
self.point(x, self.data[p])
x -= dx
p -= 1
p %= size
class Graph(Widget):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, gridcolor):
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor)
self.x0 = col
self.x1 = col + width
self.y0 = row
self.y1 = row + height
if gridcolor is None:
gridcolor = self.fgcolor
self.gridcolor = gridcolor
def clear(self):
self.draw = True # Clear working area
def show(self):
return super().show() # Draw or erase border
class CartesianGraph(Graph):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *, height=90, width=120, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bdcolor=None,
gridcolor=None, xdivs=10, ydivs=10, xorigin=5, yorigin=5):
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, gridcolor)
self.xdivs = xdivs
self.ydivs = ydivs
self.x_axis_len = max(xorigin, xdivs - xorigin) * width / xdivs # Max distance from origin in pixels
self.y_axis_len = max(yorigin, ydivs - yorigin) * height / ydivs
self.xp_origin = self.x0 + xorigin * width / xdivs # Origin in pixels
self.yp_origin = self.y0 + (ydivs - yorigin) * height / ydivs
self.xorigin = xorigin
self.yorigin = yorigin
self.draw = True
def show(self):
if super().show(): # Clear working area
x0 = self.x0
x1 = self.x1
y0 = self.y0
y1 = self.y1
if self.ydivs > 0:
dy = self.height / (self.ydivs) # Y grid line
for line in range(self.ydivs + 1):
color = self.fgcolor if line == self.yorigin else self.gridcolor
ypos = round(self.y1 - dy * line)
ssd.hline(x0, ypos, x1 - x0, color)
if self.xdivs > 0:
width = x1 - x0
dx = width / (self.xdivs) # X grid line
for line in range(self.xdivs + 1):
color = self.fgcolor if line == self.xorigin else self.gridcolor
xpos = round(x0 + dx * line)
ssd.vline(xpos, y0, y1 - y0, color)
# Called by Curve
def line(self, start, end, color): # start and end relative to origin and scaled -1 .. 0 .. +1
xs = round(self.xp_origin + start[0] * self.x_axis_len)
ys = round(self.yp_origin - start[1] * self.y_axis_len)
xe = round(self.xp_origin + end[0] * self.x_axis_len)
ye = round(self.yp_origin - end[1] * self.y_axis_len)
ssd.line(xs, ys, xe, ye, color)
class PolarGraph(Graph):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *, height=90, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bdcolor=None,
gridcolor=None, adivs=3, rdivs=4):
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, height, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, gridcolor)
self.adivs = adivs * 2 # No. of divisions of Pi radians
self.rdivs = rdivs
self.radius = round(height / 2) # Unit: pixels
self.xp_origin = self.x0 + self.radius # Origin in pixels
self.yp_origin = self.y0 + self.radius
self.draw = True
def show(self):
if super().show(): # Clear working area
x0 = self.x0
y0 = self.y0
radius = self.radius
adivs = self.adivs
rdivs = self.rdivs
diam = 2 * radius
if rdivs > 0:
for r in range(1, rdivs + 1):
display.circle(self.xp_origin, self.yp_origin, round(radius * r / rdivs), self.gridcolor)
if adivs > 0:
v = complex(1)
m = rect(1, pi / adivs)
for _ in range(adivs):
self.cline(-v, v, self.gridcolor)
v *= m
ssd.vline(x0 + radius, y0, diam, self.fgcolor)
ssd.hline(x0, y0 + radius, diam, self.fgcolor)
def cline(self, start, end, color): # start and end are complex, 0 <= magnitude <= 1
height = self.radius # Unit: pixels
xs = round(self.xp_origin + start.real * height)
ys = round(self.yp_origin - start.imag * height)
xe = round(self.xp_origin + end.real * height)
ye = round(self.yp_origin - end.imag * height)
ssd.line(xs, ys, xe, ye, color)