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# pushbutton.py
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Peter Hinch
# Released under the MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file
import uasyncio as asyncio
import utime as time
from . import launch, Delay_ms
from machine import TouchPad
except ImportError:
class Pushbutton:
debounce_ms = 50
long_press_ms = 1000
double_click_ms = 400
def __init__(self, pin, suppress=False, sense=None):
self.pin = pin # Initialise for input
self._supp = suppress
self._dblpend = False # Doubleclick waiting for 2nd click
self._dblran = False # Doubleclick executed user function
self._tf = False
self._ff = False
self._df = False
self._ld = False # Delay_ms instance for long press
self._dd = False # Ditto for doubleclick
self.sense = pin.value() if sense is None else sense # Convert from electrical to logical value
self.state = self.rawstate() # Initial state
self._run = asyncio.create_task(self._go()) # Thread runs forever
def press_func(self, func=False, args=()):
if func is None:
self.press = asyncio.Event()
self._tf = self.press.set if func is None else func
self._ta = args
def release_func(self, func=False, args=()):
if func is None:
self.release = asyncio.Event()
self._ff = self.release.set if func is None else func
self._fa = args
def double_func(self, func=False, args=()):
if func is None:
self.double = asyncio.Event()
func = self.double.set
self._df = func
self._da = args
if func: # If double timer already in place, leave it
if not self._dd:
self._dd = Delay_ms(self._ddto)
self._dd = False # Clearing down double func
def long_func(self, func=False, args=()):
if func is None:
self.long = asyncio.Event()
func = self.long.set
if func:
if self._ld:
self._ld.callback(func, args)
self._ld = Delay_ms(func, args)
self._ld = False
# Current non-debounced logical button state: True == pressed
def rawstate(self):
return bool(self.pin.value() ^ self.sense)
# Current debounced state of button (True == pressed)
def __call__(self):
return self.state
def _ddto(self): # Doubleclick timeout: no doubleclick occurred
self._dblpend = False
if self._supp and not self.state:
if not self._ld or (self._ld and not self._ld()):
launch(self._ff, self._fa)
def _check(self, state):
if state == self.state:
# State has changed: act on it now.
self.state = state
if state: # Button pressed: launch pressed func
if self._tf:
launch(self._tf, self._ta)
if self._ld: # There's a long func: start long press delay
if self._df:
if self._dd(): # Second click: timer running
self._dblpend = False
self._dblran = True # Prevent suppressed launch on release
launch(self._df, self._da)
# First click: start doubleclick timer
self._dblpend = True # Prevent suppressed launch on release
else: # Button release. Is there a release func?
if self._ff:
if self._supp:
d = self._ld
# If long delay exists, is running and doubleclick status is OK
if not self._dblpend and not self._dblran:
if (d and d()) or not d:
launch(self._ff, self._fa)
launch(self._ff, self._fa)
if self._ld:
self._ld.stop() # Avoid interpreting a second click as a long push
self._dblran = False
async def _go(self):
while True:
# Ignore state changes until switch has settled. Also avoid hogging CPU.
# See https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-async/issues/69
await asyncio.sleep_ms(Pushbutton.debounce_ms)
def deinit(self):
class ESP32Touch(Pushbutton):
thresh = (80 << 8) // 100
def threshold(cls, val):
if not (isinstance(val, int) and 0 < val < 100):
raise ValueError("Threshold must be in range 1-99")
cls.thresh = (val << 8) // 100
def __init__(self, pin, suppress=False):
self._thresh = 0 # Detection threshold
self._rawval = 0
self._pad = TouchPad(pin)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(pin) # Let's have a bit of information :)
super().__init__(pin, suppress, False)
# Current logical button state: True == touched
def rawstate(self):
rv = self._pad.read() # ~220μs
if rv > self._rawval: # Either initialisation or pad was touched
self._rawval = rv # when initialised and has now been released
self._thresh = (rv * ESP32Touch.thresh) >> 8
return False # Untouched
return rv < self._thresh