# color_setup.py Customise for your hardware config # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch, Ihor Nehrutsa # Supports: # TTGO T-Display 1.14" 135*240(Pixel) based on ST7789V # http://www.lilygo.cn/claprod_view.aspx?TypeId=62&Id=1274 # http://www.lilygo.cn/prod_view.aspx?TypeId=50044&Id=1126 # https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO-T-Display # https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO-T-Display/blob/master/image/pinmap.jpg # https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO-T-Display/blob/master/schematic/ESP32-TFT(6-26).pdf # WIRING (TTGO T-Display pin numbers and names). # Pinout of TFT Driver # ST7789 ESP32 # TFT_MISO N/A TFT_MOSI = 19 # (SDA on schematic pdf) SPI interface output/input pin. TFT_SCLK = 18 # This pin is used to be serial interface clock. TFT_CS = 5 # Chip selection pin, low enable, high disable. TFT_DC = 16 # Display data/command selection pin in 4-line serial interface. TFT_RST = 23 # This signal will reset the device,Signal is active low. TFT_BL = 4 # (LEDK on schematic pdf) Display backlight control pin ADC_IN = 34 # Measuring battery or USB voltage, see comment below ADC_EN = 14 # (PWR_EN on schematic pdf) is the ADC detection enable port BUTTON1 = 35 # right of the USB connector BUTTON2 = 0 # left of the USB connector # ESP32 pins, free for use in user applications #I2C_SDA = 21 # hardware ID 0 #I2C_SCL = 22 #UART2TXD = 17 #GPIO2 = 2 #GPIO15 = 15 #GPIO13 = 13 #GPIO12 = 12 #GPIO37 = 37 #GPIO38 = 38 #UART1TXD = 4 #UART1RXD = 5 #GPIO18 = 18 #GPIO19 = 19 #GPIO17 = 17 #DAC1 = 25 #DAC2 = 26 # Input only pins #GPIO36 = 36 # input only #GPIO39 = 39 # input only # Demo of initialisation procedure designed to minimise risk of memory fail # when instantiating the frame buffer. The aim is to do this as early as # possible before importing other modules. from machine import Pin, SPI, ADC, freq import gc from drivers.st7789.st7789_4bit import * SSD = ST7789 pdc = Pin(TFT_DC, Pin.OUT, value=0) # Arbitrary pins pcs = Pin(TFT_CS, Pin.OUT, value=1) prst = Pin(TFT_RST, Pin.OUT, value=1) pbl = Pin(TFT_BL, Pin.OUT, value=1) gc.collect() # Precaution before instantiating framebuf # Conservative low baudrate. Can go to 62.5MHz. spi = SPI(1, 30_000_000, sck=Pin(TFT_SCLK), mosi=Pin(TFT_MOSI)) freq(160_000_000) ''' TTGO v +----------------+ 40 | | | ^ | +------+ | pin 36 | | | | | | | | | | 240 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | +------+ | 40 | | | Reset button ^ +----------------+ >----<------>----< 52 135 xx BUTTON2 BUTTON1 ''' # Right way up landscape: defined as top left adjacent to pin 36 ssd = SSD(spi, height=135, width=240, dc=pdc, cs=pcs, rst=prst, disp_mode=LANDSCAPE, display=TDISPLAY) # Normal portrait display: consistent with TTGO logo at top # ssd = SSD(spi, height=240, width=135, dc=pdc, cs=pcs, rst=prst, disp_mode=PORTRAIT, display=TDISPLAY) from gui.core.ugui import Display # Create and export a Display instance # Define control buttons nxt = Pin(32, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Move to next control sel = Pin(36, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Operate current control prev = Pin(38, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Move to previous control increase = Pin(37, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Increase control's value decrease = Pin(39, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Decrease control's value display = Display(ssd, nxt, sel, prev, increase, decrease) # optional # b1 = Pin(BUTTON1, Pin.IN) # b2 = Pin(BUTTON2, Pin.IN) # adc_en = Pin(ADC_EN, Pin.OUT, value=1) # adc_in = ADC(Pin(ADC_IN)) # adc_en.value(0) ''' Set ADC_EN to "1" and read voltage in BAT_ADC, if this voltage more than 4.3 V device have powered from USB. If less then 4.3 V - device have power from battery. To save battery you can set ADC_EN to "0" and in this case the USB converter will be power off and do not use your battery. When you need to measure battery voltage first set ADC_EN to "1", measure voltage and then set ADC_EN back to "0" for save battery. '''