# dialog.py Extension to ugui providing the DialogBox class # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch from gui.core.ugui import display, Window, Screen from gui.core.colors import * from gui.widgets.label import Label from gui.widgets.buttons import Button, CloseButton dolittle = lambda *_ : None class DialogBox(Window): def __init__(self, writer, row=20, col=20, *, elements, label=None, bgcolor=DARKGREEN, buttonwidth=25, closebutton=True, callback=dolittle, args=[]): def back(button, text): # Callback for normal buttons Window.value(text) callback(Window, *args) Screen.back() def backbutton(button, text): Window.value(text) callback(Window, *args) height = 80 spacing = 10 buttonwidth = max(max(writer.stringlen(e[0]) for e in elements) + 4, buttonwidth) buttonheight = max(writer.height, 15) nelements = len(elements) width = spacing + (buttonwidth + spacing) * nelements if label is not None: width = max(width, writer.stringlen(label) + 2 * spacing) super().__init__(row, col, height, width, bgcolor = bgcolor) col = spacing # Coordinates relative to window row = self.height - buttonheight - 10 gap = 0 if nelements > 1: gap = ((width - 2 * spacing) - nelements * buttonwidth) // (nelements - 1) if label is not None: r, c = self.locn(10, col) Label(writer, r, c, label, bgcolor = bgcolor) for text, color in elements: Button(writer, *self.locn(row, col), height = buttonheight, width = buttonwidth, textcolor = BLACK, bgcolor = color, fgcolor = color, bdcolor = color, text = text, shape = RECTANGLE, callback = back, args = (text,)) col += buttonwidth + gap if closebutton: CloseButton(writer, callback = backbutton, args = ('Close',))