# bitmap.py Display a changing bitmap via the BitMap widget. # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2022 Peter Hinch # hardware_setup must be imported before other modules because of RAM use. import hardware_setup # Create a display instance from gui.core.ugui import Screen, ssd from gui.widgets import Label, Button, CloseButton, BitMap from gui.core.writer import CWriter import gui.fonts.arial10 as arial10 from gui.core.colors import * class BaseScreen(Screen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() wri = CWriter(ssd, arial10, GREEN, BLACK) col = 2 row = 2 Label(wri, row, col, "Bitmap Demo.") row = 25 self.graphic = BitMap(wri, row, col, 99, 99, fgcolor=WHITE, bgcolor=BLACK) col = 120 Button(wri, row, col, text="Next", callback=self.cb) CloseButton(wri) # Quit the application self.image = 0 def cb(self, _): self.graphic.value(f"/m{self.image:02d}") self.image += 1 self.image %= 4 if self.image == 3: self.graphic.color(BLUE) else: self.graphic.color(WHITE) def test(): print("Bitmap demo.") Screen.change(BaseScreen) # A class is passed here, not an instance. test()