# st7789.py Driver for ST7789 LCD displays for nano-gui # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch, Ihor Nehrutsa # Tested displays: # Adafruit 1.3" 240x240 Wide Angle TFT LCD Display with MicroSD - ST7789 # https://www.adafruit.com/product/4313 # TTGO T-Display # http://www.lilygo.cn/prod_view.aspx?TypeId=50044&Id=1126 # Based on # Adfruit https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789/blob/master/adafruit_st7789.py # Also see st7735r_4bit.py for other source acknowledgements # SPI bus: default mode. Driver performs no read cycles. # Datasheet table 6 p44 scl write cycle 16ns == 62.5MHz from time import sleep_ms #, ticks_us, ticks_diff import framebuf import gc import micropython import uasyncio as asyncio from drivers.boolpalette import BoolPalette # User orientation constants LANDSCAPE = 0 # Default REFLECT = 1 USD = 2 PORTRAIT = 4 # Display types GENERIC = (0, 0, 0) TDISPLAY = (52, 40, 1) @micropython.viper def _lcopy(dest:ptr16, source:ptr8, lut:ptr16, length:int): # rgb565 - 16bit/pixel n = 0 for x in range(length): c = source[x] dest[n] = lut[c >> 4] # current pixel n += 1 dest[n] = lut[c & 0x0f] # next pixel n += 1 class ST7789(framebuf.FrameBuffer): lut = bytearray(0xFF for _ in range(32)) # set all colors to BLACK # Convert r, g, b in range 0-255 to a 16 bit colour value rgb565. # LS byte goes into LUT offset 0, MS byte into offset 1 # Same mapping in linebuf so LS byte is shifted out 1st # For some reason color must be inverted on this controller. @staticmethod def rgb(r, g, b): return ((b & 0xf8) << 5 | (g & 0x1c) << 11 | (g & 0xe0) >> 5 | (r & 0xf8)) ^ 0xffff # rst and cs are active low, SPI is mode 0 def __init__(self, spi, cs, dc, rst, height=240, width=240, disp_mode=LANDSCAPE, init_spi=False, display=GENERIC): if not 0 <= disp_mode <= 7: raise ValueError('Invalid display mode:', disp_mode) if not display in (GENERIC, TDISPLAY): raise ValueError('Invalid display type.') self._spi = spi # Clock cycle time for write 16ns 62.5MHz max (read is 150ns) self._rst = rst # Pins self._dc = dc self._cs = cs self.height = height # Required by Writer class self.width = width self._offset = display[:2] # display arg is (x, y, orientation) orientation = display[2] # where x, y is the RAM offset self._spi_init = init_spi # Possible user callback self._lock = asyncio.Lock() mode = framebuf.GS4_HMSB # Use 4bit greyscale. self.palette = BoolPalette(mode) gc.collect() buf = bytearray(height * -(-width // 2)) # Ceiling division for odd widths self._mvb = memoryview(buf) super().__init__(buf, width, height, mode) self._linebuf = bytearray(self.width * 2) # 16 bit color out self._init(disp_mode, orientation) self.show() # Hardware reset def _hwreset(self): self._dc(0) self._rst(1) sleep_ms(1) self._rst(0) sleep_ms(1) self._rst(1) sleep_ms(1) # Write a command, a bytes instance (in practice 1 byte). def _wcmd(self, buf): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(buf) self._cs(1) # Write a command followed by a data arg. def _wcd(self, c, d): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(c) self._cs(1) self._dc(1) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(d) self._cs(1) # Initialise the hardware. Blocks 163ms. Adafruit have various sleep delays # where I can find no requirement in the datasheet. I removed them with # other redundant code. def _init(self, user_mode, orientation): self._hwreset() # Hardware reset. Blocks 3ms if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared cmd = self._wcmd wcd = self._wcd cmd(b'\x01') # SW reset datasheet specifies 120ms before SLPOUT sleep_ms(150) cmd(b'\x11') # SLPOUT: exit sleep mode sleep_ms(10) # Adafruit delay 500ms (datsheet 5ms) wcd(b'\x3a', b'\x55') # _COLMOD 16 bit/pixel, 65Kbit color space cmd(b'\x20') # INVOFF Adafruit turn inversion on. This driver fixes .rgb cmd(b'\x13') # NORON Normal display mode # Table maps user request onto hardware values. index values: # 0 Normal # 1 Reflect # 2 USD # 3 USD reflect # Followed by same for LANDSCAPE if not orientation: user_mode ^= PORTRAIT # Hardware mappings # d7..d5 of MADCTL determine rotation/orientation datasheet P124, P231 # d5 = MV row/col exchange # d6 = MX col addr order # d7 = MY page addr order # LANDSCAPE = 0 # PORTRAIT = 0x20 # REFLECT = 0x40 # USD = 0x80 mode = (0x60, 0xe0, 0xa0, 0x20, 0, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x80)[user_mode] # Set display window depending on mode, .height and .width. self.set_window(mode) wcd(b'\x36', int.to_bytes(mode, 1, 'little')) cmd(b'\x29') # DISPON. Adafruit then delay 500ms. # Define the mapping between RAM and the display. # Datasheet section 8.12 p124. def set_window(self, mode): portrait, reflect, usd = 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 rht = 320 rwd = 240 # RAM ht and width wht = self.height # Window (framebuf) dimensions. wwd = self.width # In portrait mode wht > wwd if mode & portrait: xoff = self._offset[1] # x and y transposed yoff = self._offset[0] xs = xoff xe = wwd + xoff - 1 ys = yoff # y start ye = wht + yoff - 1 # y end if mode & reflect: ys = rwd - wht - yoff ye = rwd - yoff - 1 if mode & usd: xs = rht - wwd - xoff xe = rht - xoff - 1 else: # LANDSCAPE xoff = self._offset[0] yoff = self._offset[1] xs = xoff xe = wwd + xoff - 1 ys = yoff # y start ye = wht + yoff - 1 # y end if mode & usd: ys = rht - wht - yoff ye = rht - yoff - 1 if mode & reflect: xs = rwd - wwd - xoff xe = rwd - xoff - 1 # Col address set. self._wcd(b'\x2a', int.to_bytes((xs << 16) + xe, 4, 'big')) # Row address set self._wcd(b'\x2b', int.to_bytes((ys << 16) + ye, 4, 'big')) #@micropython.native # Made virtually no difference to timing. def show(self): # Blocks for 83ms @60MHz SPI # Blocks for 60ms @30MHz SPI on TTGO in PORTRAIT mode # Blocks for 46ms @30MHz SPI on TTGO in LANDSCAPE mode #ts = ticks_us() clut = ST7789.lut wd = -(-self.width // 2) # Ceiling division for odd number widths end = self.height * wd lb = memoryview(self._linebuf) buf = self._mvb if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(b'\x2c') # RAMWR self._dc(1) for start in range(0, end, wd): _lcopy(lb, buf[start:], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors self._spi.write(lb) self._cs(1) #print(ticks_diff(ticks_us(), ts)) # Asynchronous refresh with support for reducing blocking time. async def do_refresh(self, split=5): async with self._lock: lines, mod = divmod(self.height, split) # Lines per segment if mod: raise ValueError('Invalid do_refresh arg.') clut = ST7789.lut wd = -(-self.width // 2) lb = memoryview(self._linebuf) buf = self._mvb line = 0 for n in range(split): if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(b'\x3c' if n else b'\x2c') # RAMWR/Write memory continue self._dc(1) for start in range(wd * line, wd * (line + lines), wd): _lcopy(lb, buf[start :], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors self._spi.write(lb) line += lines self._cs(1) await asyncio.sleep(0)