# st7735r.py Driver for 1.8" 128*160 ST7735R LCD displays for nano-gui # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Peter Hinch # Supported display # Adfruit 1.8' Color TFT LCD display with MicroSD Card Breakout: # https://www.adafruit.com/product/358 # Based on # https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7735R/blob/master/adafruit_st7735r.py # https://github.com/GuyCarver/MicroPython/blob/master/lib/ST7735.py # https://github.com/boochow/MicroPython-ST7735 # https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-1-44-color-tft-with-micro-sd-socket/python-usage # disp = st7735.ST7735R(spi, rotation=90, # 1.8" ST7735R # disp = st7735.ST7735R(spi, rotation=270, height=128, x_offset=2, y_offset=3, # 1.44" ST7735R from time import sleep_ms import framebuf import gc import micropython from drivers.boolpalette import BoolPalette # Datasheet para 8.4 scl write cycle 66ns == 15MHz @micropython.viper def _lcopy(dest:ptr8, source:ptr8, lut:ptr8, length:int): n = 0 for x in range(length): c = source[x] d = (c & 0xf0) >> 3 # 2* LUT indices (LUT is 16 bit color) e = (c & 0x0f) << 1 dest[n] = lut[d] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[d + 1] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[e] n += 1 dest[n] = lut[e + 1] n += 1 class ST7735R(framebuf.FrameBuffer): lut = bytearray(32) # Convert r, g, b in range 0-255 to a 16 bit colour value # LS byte goes into LUT offset 0, MS byte into offset 1 # Same mapping in linebuf so LS byte is shifted out 1st @staticmethod def rgb(r, g, b): return (b & 0xf8) << 5 | (g & 0x1c) << 11 | (g & 0xe0) >> 5 | (r & 0xf8) # rst and cs are active low, SPI is mode 0 def __init__(self, spi, cs, dc, rst, height=128, width=160, usd=False, init_spi=False): self._spi = spi self._rst = rst # Pins self._dc = dc self._cs = cs self.height = height # Required by Writer class self.width = width self._spi_init = init_spi mode = framebuf.GS4_HMSB # Use 4bit greyscale. self.palette = BoolPalette(mode) gc.collect() buf = bytearray(height * width // 2) self._mvb = memoryview(buf) super().__init__(buf, width, height, mode) self._linebuf = bytearray(self.width * 2) # 16 bit color out self._init(usd) self.show() # Hardware reset def _hwreset(self): self._dc(0) self._rst(1) sleep_ms(1) self._rst(0) sleep_ms(1) self._rst(1) sleep_ms(1) # Write a command, a bytes instance (in practice 1 byte). def _wcmd(self, buf): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(buf) self._cs(1) # Write a command followed by a data arg. def _wcd(self, c, d): self._dc(0) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(c) self._cs(1) self._dc(1) self._cs(0) self._spi.write(d) self._cs(1) # Initialise the hardware. Blocks 500ms. def _init(self, usd): self._hwreset() # Hardware reset. Blocks 3ms if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared cmd = self._wcmd wcd = self._wcd cmd(b'\x01') # SW reset datasheet specifies > 120ms sleep_ms(150) cmd(b'\x11') # SLPOUT sleep_ms(256) # Adafruit delay (datsheet 120ms) wcd(b'\xb1', b'\x01\x2C\x2D') # FRMCTRL1 wcd(b'\xb2', b'\x01\x2C\x2D') # FRMCTRL2 wcd(b'\xb3', b'\x01\x2C\x2D\x01\x2C\x2D') # FRMCTRL3 wcd(b'\xb4', b'\x07') # INVCTR line inversion wcd(b'\xc0', b'\xa2\x02\x84') # PWCTR1 GVDD = 4.7V, 1.0uA wcd(b'\xc1', b'\xc5') # PWCTR2 VGH=14.7V, VGL=-7.35V wcd(b'\xc2', b'\x0a\x00') # PWCTR3 Opamp current small, Boost frequency wcd(b'\xc3', b'\x8a\x2a') # PWCTR4 wcd(b'\xc4', b'\x8a\xee') # PWCTR5 wcd(b'\xc5', b'\x0e') # VMCTR1 VCOMH = 4V, VOML = -1.1V NOTE I make VCOM == -0.775V cmd(b'\x20') # INVOFF # d7..d5 of MADCTL determine rotation/orientation if self.height > self.width: wcd(b'\x36', b'\x80' if usd else b'\x40') # MADCTL: RGB portrait mode else: wcd(b'\x36', b'\xe0' if usd else b'\x20') # MADCTL: RGB landscape mode wcd(b'\x3a', b'\x05') # COLMOD 16 bit wcd(b'\xe0', b'\x02\x1c\x07\x12\x37\x32\x29\x2d\x29\x25\x2B\x39\x00\x01\x03\x10') # GMCTRP1 Gamma wcd(b'\xe1', b'\x03\x1d\x07\x06\x2E\x2C\x29\x2D\x2E\x2E\x37\x3F\x00\x00\x02\x10') # GMCTRN1 wcd(b'\x2a', int.to_bytes(self.width, 4, 'big')) # CASET column address 0 start, 160 end wcd(b'\x2b', int.to_bytes(self.height, 4, 'big')) # RASET cmd(b'\x13') # NORON sleep_ms(10) cmd(b'\x29') # DISPON sleep_ms(100) def show(self): # Blocks 36ms on Pyboard D at stock frequency (160*128) clut = ST7735R.lut wd = self.width // 2 ht = self.height lb = self._linebuf buf = self._mvb self._dc(0) self._cs(0) if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared self._spi.write(b'\x2c') # RAMWR self._dc(1) for start in range(wd * (ht - 1), -1, - wd): # For each line _lcopy(lb, buf[start :], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors self._spi.write(lb) self._cs(1)