Simplfy calendar demo. Fix Label where text is None.

peterhinch 2023-06-01 08:48:52 +01:00
rodzic 28db6e7240
commit d886989f7e
2 zmienionych plików z 38 dodań i 56 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ class BaseScreen(Screen):
row = 2
rows = 6
cols = 7
self.ncells = cols * (rows - 1) # Row 0 has day labels
self.last_cell = cols * rows
colwidth = 35
self.lbl = Label(wri, row, col, text = (colwidth + 4) * cols, justify=Label.CENTRE)
row = self.lbl.mrow
@ -72,49 +74,28 @@ class BaseScreen(Screen):
def update(self):
def cell():
if cur.year == today.year and cur.month == today.month and mday == today.mday: # Today
d["fgcolor"] = RED
elif mday == cur.mday: # Currency
d["fgcolor"] = YELLOW
elif mday in sundays:
d["fgcolor"] = BLUE
d["fgcolor"] = GREEN
d["text"] = str(mday)
self.grid[idx] = d
def days(self, month_length): # Produce content for every cell
for n in range(self.ncells + 1):
yield str(n + 1) if n < month_length else ""
today = DateCal()
def update(self):
grid = self.grid
cur = # Currency
self.lbl.value(f"{DateCal.months[cur.month - 1]} {cur.year}")
d = {} # Args for Label.value
wday = 0
wday_1 = cur.wday_n(1) # Weekday of 1st of month
mday = 1
seek = True
sundays = cur.mday_list(6)
for idx in range(7, self.grid.ncells):
if seek: # Find column for 1st of month
if wday < wday_1:
self.grid[idx] = ""
wday += 1
seek = False
if not seek:
if mday <= cur.month_length:
mday += 1
self.grid[idx] = ""
idx = 7 # Where another row would be needed, roll over to top few cells.
while mday <= cur.month_length:
idx += 1
mday += 1
# Populate day number cells
values = self.days(cur.month_length) # Instantiate generator
idx_1 = 7 + cur.wday_n(1) # Index of 1st of month
grid[idx_1 : self.last_cell] = values # Populate from mday 1 to last cell
grid[7 : idx_1] = values # Populate cells before 1st of month
# Color cells of Sunday, today and currency. In collisions (e.g. today==Sun)
# last color applied is effective
grid[1:6, 6] = {"fgcolor": BLUE} # Sunday color
grid[idx_1 + cur.mday - 1] = {"fgcolor": YELLOW} # Currency
today = DateCal()
if cur.year == today.year and cur.month == today.month: # Today is in current month
grid[idx_1 + today.mday - 1] = {"fgcolor": RED}
self.lblnow.value(f"{today.day_str} {today.mday} {today.month_str} {today.year}")
def test():
print('Calendar demo.')
Screen.change(BaseScreen) # A class is passed here, not an instance.

Wyświetl plik

@ -28,24 +28,25 @@ class Label(Widget):
self.value(text, invert)
def value(self, text=None, invert=False, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bdcolor=None, justify=None):
sl = self.writer.stringlen(text)
if justify is None:
justify = self.justify
self.tcol = self.col # Default is left justify
if sl > self.width: # Clip
font = self.writer.font
pos = 0
n = 0
for ch in text:
pos += font.get_ch(ch)[2] # width of current char
if pos > self.width:
n += 1
text = text[: n]
elif justify == 1: # Centre
self.tcol = self.col + (self.width - sl) // 2
elif justify == 2: # Right
self.tcol = self.col + self.width - sl
if text is not None:
sl = self.writer.stringlen(text)
if justify is None:
justify = self.justify
self.tcol = self.col # Default is left justify
if sl > self.width: # Clip
font = self.writer.font
pos = 0
n = 0
for ch in text:
pos += font.get_ch(ch)[2] # width of current char
if pos > self.width:
n += 1
text = text[: n]
elif justify == 1: # Centre
self.tcol = self.col + (self.width - sl) // 2
elif justify == 2: # Right
self.tcol = self.col + self.width - sl
txt = super().value(text)
self.draw = True # Redraw unconditionally: colors may have changed.