Improve ePaper demo and docs.

peterhinch 2023-04-16 13:56:40 +01:00
rodzic cbbededc60
commit ced79c49d6
4 zmienionych plików z 44 dodań i 41 usunięć

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@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ Raspberry Pico with an ILI9341 from eBay.
TTGO T-Display. A joystick switch and an SIL resistor make a simple inexpensive
and WiFi-capable system.
micro_gui now has limited support for ePaper.
# Rationale
Touch GUI's have many advantages, however they have drawbacks, principally cost

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@ -95,13 +95,14 @@ EPD_partial_lut_bb1 = b"\x00\x19\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00
# Invert: EPD is black on white
# 483/241 us for 2000 bytes (125/250MHz)
# Can't extend to 32 bits becaue of long ints
# 337/141 us for 2000 bytes (125/250MHz)
def _linv(dest:ptr16, source:ptr16, length:int):
for n in range(length):
c: uint = source[n]
dest[n] = c ^ 0xFFFF
def _linv(dest:ptr32, source:ptr32, length:int):
n: int = length-1
z: uint32 = int(0xFFFFFFFF)
while n >= 0:
dest[n] = source[n] ^ z
n -= 1
class EPD(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
# A monochrome approach should be used for coding this. The rgb method ensures
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ class EPD(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
def _bsend(self, start, nbytes):
buf = self.ibuf
_linv(buf, self.mvb[start:], nbytes >> 1) # Invert image data for EPD
_linv(buf, self.mvb[start:], nbytes >> 2) # Invert image data for EPD
# Time to convert and transmit 1000 bytes ~ 1ms: most of that is tx @ 10MHz

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@ -12,16 +12,14 @@ import hardware_setup
from gui.core.ugui import Screen, ssd
from gui.core.writer import CWriter
import gui.fonts.arial10 as arial10 # Font for CWriter
import gui.fonts.freesans20 as large
from gui.core.colors import *
# Widgets
from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets.dial import Dial, Pointer
from gui.widgets.meter import Meter
from gui.widgets.scale import Scale
from gui.widgets.buttons import Button, ButtonList, RadioButtons, CloseButton
from gui.widgets.checkbox import Checkbox
from gui.widgets.led import LED
from gui.widgets import Label, Dial, Pointer, Meter, Scale, Button, ButtonList, RadioButtons, CloseButton, Checkbox, LED
from gui.widgets.graph import CartesianGraph, Curve
from math import sin, pi
import cmath
import uasyncio as asyncio
import utime
@ -46,13 +44,6 @@ class FooScreen(Screen):
{'fgcolor' : GREEN, 'text' : 'Enable', 'args' : (buttons, False)},
table_radiobuttons = (
{'text' : '1', 'args' : ('1',)},
{'text' : '2', 'args' : ('2',)},
{'text' : '3', 'args' : ('3',)},
{'text' : '4', 'args' : ('4',)},
def tickcb(f, c):
if f > 0.8:
return RED
@ -67,10 +58,11 @@ class FooScreen(Screen):
self.rb0 = None
self.bs0 = None
wri = CWriter(ssd, arial10, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
wri_large = CWriter(ssd, large, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
lbltim = Label(wri, 65, 100, 'this is a test', bdcolor=RED)
m0 = Meter(wri, 10, 240, divisions = 4, ptcolor=YELLOW, height=80, width=15,
label='Meter example', style=Meter.BAR, legends=('0.0', '0.5', '1.0'))
label='Meter', style=Meter.BAR, legends=('0.0', '0.5', '1.0'))
# Instantiate displayable objects. bgcolor forces complete redraw.
dial = Dial(wri, 2, 2, height = 75, ticks = 12, bgcolor=BLACK, bdcolor=None, label=120) # Border in fg color
scale = Scale(wri, 2, 100, width = 124, tickcb = tickcb,
@ -100,25 +92,24 @@ class FooScreen(Screen):
col+= 60
btn = Button(wri, row, col, height=30, callback=self.rstcb, text='reset', litcolor=RED, fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=DARKGREEN)
col = 2
row = 170
Label(wri, row, col, 'Radio buttons')
# Radio buttons
row = 185
self.rb = RadioButtons(BLUE, self.rbcb) # color of selected button
self.rb0 = None
for t in table_radiobuttons:
button = self.rb.add_button(wri, row, col, textcolor = WHITE,
fgcolor = BLUE, bgcolor = DARKBLUE, shape=CIRCLE, height = 30, **t)
if self.rb0 is None: # Save for reset button callback
self.rb0 = button
col+= 35
col = btn.mcol + 15
# Checkbox
col+= 35
Label(wri, row - 15, col, 'Checkbox and LED')
Checkbox(wri, row, col, callback=self.cbcb)
col+= 40
self.led = LED(wri, row, col, color=YELLOW, bdcolor=GREEN)
row = self.bs0.mrow + 5
col = 20
ht = 75
wd = 200
self.graph = CartesianGraph(wri, row, col, height = ht, width = wd, bdcolor=False)
Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 10, '-2.0')
Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 8 + int(wd//2), '0.0')
lbl = Label(wri, row + ht + 5, col - 10 + wd, '2.0')
Label(wri_large, lbl.mrow + 5, col, "y = sinc(x)")
CloseButton(wri, bgcolor=BLACK)
asyncio.create_task(run(dial, lbltim, m0, scale))
@ -126,13 +117,9 @@ class FooScreen(Screen):
def callback(self, button, buttons, val):
def rbcb(self, button, val):
print('RadioButtons callback', val)
def rstcb(self, button):
print('Reset button: init ButtonList and RadioButtons, do full refresh.')
print('Reset button: init ButtonList, do full refresh.')
def cbcb(self, cb):
@ -140,6 +127,18 @@ class FooScreen(Screen):
print('Free RAM:', gc.mem_free())
def after_open(self):
def populate():
x = -0.998
while x < 1.01:
z = 6 * pi * x
y = sin(z) / z
yield x, y
x += 0.05
Curve(self.graph, None, populate())
async def run(dial, lbltim, m0, scale):
days = ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday',

images/epaper.JPG 100644

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