Add reference to micropython-touch.

Peter Hinch 2024-03-17 10:57:37 +00:00
rodzic 2f9925f232
commit b937d88e13
1 zmienionych plików z 9 dodań i 7 usunięć

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@ -33,13 +33,15 @@ micro_gui now has limited support for ePaper.
# Rationale
Touch GUI's have many advantages, however they have drawbacks, principally cost
and the need for calibration (although the
[official LCD160cr]( is
factory calibrated). Another problem is that there are various types of touch
controller, magnifying the difficulty of writing a portable GUI.
Touch GUI's are supported by [micropython-touch](
This GUI provides an alternative for displays without a touch overlay. A
non-touch solution avoids the need for calibration and can also save cost. Cheap
Chinese touch displays often marry a good display to a poor touch overlay. It
can make sense to use such a screen with micro-gui, ignoring the touch overlay.
For touch support it is worth spending money on a good quality device (for
example Adafruit).
The input options work well and yield astonishingly low cost solutions. A
The micro-gui input options work well and can yield inexpensive solutions. A
network-connected board with a 135x240 color display can be built for under £20
($20?) using the
[TTGO T-Display]( The
@ -1407,7 +1409,7 @@ Method:
showing it in its new state.
Class variable:
* `lit_time=1` Period in seconds the `litcolor` is displayed.
* `lit_time=1000` Period in ms the `litcolor` is displayed.
### CloseButton