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2021-06-09 16:11:48 +00:00
# scale_log.py Extension to micro-gui providing the ScaleLog class
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
# A logarithmic Scale which responds to user input
# Usage:
# from gui.widgets.scale_log import ScaleLog
import uasyncio as asyncio
from time import ticks_ms, ticks_diff
from math import log10
from gui.core.ugui import LinearIO, display
from hardware_setup import ssd # Display driver for Writer
from gui.core.writer import Writer
from gui.core.colors import BLACK
# Null function
dolittle = lambda *_ : None
# Start value is 1.0. User applies scaling to value and ticks callback.
class ScaleLog(LinearIO):
def __init__(self, writer, row, col, *,
decades=5, height=0, width=160,
bdcolor=None, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None,
pointercolor=None, fontcolor=None,
legendcb=None, tickcb=None,
callback=dolittle, args=[],
value=1.0, delta=0.01, active=False):
# For correct text rendering inside control must explicitly set bgcolor
bgcolor = BLACK if bgcolor is None else bgcolor
if decades < 3:
raise ValueError('decades must be >= 3')
self.mval = 10**decades # Max value
self.tickcb = tickcb
self.delta = delta # Min multiplier = 1 + delta
def lcb(f):
return '{:<1.0f}'.format(f)
self.legendcb = legendcb if legendcb is not None else lcb
text_ht = writer.height
ctrl_ht = 12 # Minimum height for ticks
min_ht = text_ht + 8 # Ht of text and gap between text and ticks
if height < min_ht + ctrl_ht:
height = min_ht + ctrl_ht # min workable height
ctrl_ht = height - min_ht # adjust ticks for greater height
width &= 0xfffe # Make divisible by 2: avoid 1 pixel pointer offset
super().__init__(writer, row, col, height, width, fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor, self._constrain(value), active)
if active:
super()._set_callbacks(callback, args)
self.fontcolor = fontcolor if fontcolor is not None else self.fgcolor
self.x0 = col + 2
self.x1 = col + self.width - 2
self.y0 = row + 2
self.y1 = row + self.height - 2
self.ptrcolor = pointercolor if pointercolor is not None else self.fgcolor
# Define tick dimensions
ytop = self.y0 + text_ht + 2 # Top of scale graphic (2 pixel gap)
ycl = ytop + (self.y1 - ytop) // 2 # Centre line
self.sdl = round(ctrl_ht * 1 / 3) # Length of small tick.
self.sdy0 = ycl - self.sdl // 2
self.mdl = round(ctrl_ht * 2 / 3) # Medium tick
self.mdy0 = ycl - self.mdl // 2
self.ldl = ctrl_ht # Large tick
self.ldy0 = ycl - self.ldl // 2
self.dw = (self.x1 - self.x0) // 2 # Pixel width of a decade
self.draw = True # Ensure a redraw on next refresh
if active: # Run callback (e.g. to set dynamic colors)
self.callback(self, *self.args)
# Pre calculated log10(x) for x in range(1, 10)
def show(self, logs=(0.0, 0.3010, 0.4771, 0.6021, 0.6990, 0.7782, 0.8451, 0.9031, 0.9542)):
#start = ticks_ms()
x0: int = self.x0 # Internal rectangle occupied by scale and text
x1: int = self.x1
y0: int = self.y0
y1: int = self.y1
xc: int = x0 + (x1 - x0) // 2 # x location of pointer
dw: int = self.dw # Width of a decade in pixels
wri = self.writer
if super().show():
vc = self._value # Current value, corresponds to centre of display
d = int(log10(vc)) - 1 # 10**d is start of a decade guaranteed to be outside display
vs = max(10 ** d, 1.0) # vs: start value of current decade
while True: # For each decade until we run out of space
done = True # Assume completion
xs: float = xc - dw * log10(vc / vs) # x location of start of scale
tick: int
q: float
# log10 ~38us on Pi Pico
for tick, q in enumerate(logs):
vt: float = vs * (1 + tick) # Value of current tick
x: int = round(xs + q * dw) # x location of current tick
if x >= x1:
break # All visible ticks drawn
elif x > x0: # Tick is visible
if not tick:
txt = self.legendcb(vt)
tlen = wri.stringlen(txt)
Writer.set_textpos(ssd, y0, min(x, x1 - tlen))
wri.setcolor(self.fontcolor, self.bgcolor)
ys = self.ldy0 # Large tick
yl = self.ldl
elif tick == 4:
ys = self.mdy0
yl = self.mdl
ys = self.sdy0
yl = self.sdl
if self.tickcb is None:
color = self.fgcolor
color = self.tickcb(vt, self.fgcolor)
display.vline(x, ys, yl, color) # Draw tick
if (not tick) and (vt > 0.999 * self.mval):
break # Drawn last tick at end of data
vs *= 10 # More to do. Next decade.
done = False
if done:
display.vline(xc, y0, y1 - y0, self.ptrcolor) # Draw pointer
#print(ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start)) 75-95ms on Pyboard D depending on calbacks
def _constrain(self, v):
return min(max(v, 1.0), self.mval)
def value(self, val=None): # User method to get or set value
if val is not None:
v = self._constrain(val)
if self._value is None or v != self._value:
self._value = v
self.draw = True # Ensure a redraw on next refresh
self.callback(self, *self.args)
return self._value
async def btnhan(self, button, up):
up = up == 1
delta = self.delta
maxdelta = 0.64
smul= (1 + delta) if up else (1 / (1 + delta))
self.value(self.value() * smul)
t = ticks_ms()
while not button():
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0) # Quit fast on button release
if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t) > 500: # Button was held down
delta = min(maxdelta, delta * 2)
smul = (1 + delta) if up else (1 / (1 + delta))
self.value(self.value() * smul)
t = ticks_ms()