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2023-01-10 12:00:05 +00:00
# ILI9486 nano-gui driver for ili9486 displays
# As with all nano-gui displays, touch is not supported.
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2022
# Released under the MIT license see LICENSE
2023-01-13 16:41:33 +00:00
# Much help provided by @brave-ulysses in this thread
# https://github.com/micropython/micropython/discussions/10404 for the special handling
# required by the Waveshare Pi HAT.
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# This driver configures the chip in portrait mode with rotation performed in the driver.
# This is done to enable default values to be used for the Column Address Set and Page
# Address Set registers. This avoids having to use commands with multi-byte data values,
# which would necessitate special code for the Waveshare Pi HAT (see DRIVERS.md).
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from time import sleep_ms
import gc
import framebuf
import uasyncio as asyncio
from drivers.boolpalette import BoolPalette
# Portrait mode
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def _lcopy(dest: ptr16, source: ptr8, lut: ptr16, length: int):
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# rgb565 - 16bit/pixel
n = 0
for x in range(length):
c = source[x]
dest[n] = lut[c >> 4] # current pixel
n += 1
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dest[n] = lut[c & 0x0F] # next pixel
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n += 1
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# FB is in landscape mode, hence issue a column at a time to portrait mode hardware.
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def _lscopy(dest: ptr16, source: ptr8, lut: ptr16, ch: int):
col = ch & 0x1FF # Unpack (viper 4 parameter limit)
height = (ch >> 9) & 0x1FF
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wbytes = ch >> 19 # Width in bytes is width // 2
# rgb565 - 16bit/pixel
n = 0
clsb = col & 1
idx = col >> 1 # 2 pixels per byte
for _ in range(height):
if clsb:
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c = source[idx] & 0x0F
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c = source[idx] >> 4
dest[n] = lut[c] # 16 bit transfer of rightmost 4-bit pixel
n += 1 # 16 bit
idx += wbytes
class ILI9486(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
lut = bytearray(32)
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# Convert r, g, b in range 0-255 to a 16 bit colour value
# LS byte goes into LUT offset 0, MS byte into offset 1
# Same mapping in linebuf so LS byte is shifted out 1st
# ILI9486 expects RGB order. 8 bit register writes require padding
def rgb(cls, r, g, b):
return cls.COLOR_INVERT ^ ((r & 0xF8) | (g & 0xE0) >> 5 | (g & 0x1C) << 11 | (b & 0xF8) << 5)
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# Transpose width & height for landscape mode
def __init__(self, spi, cs, dc, rst, height=320, width=480, usd=False, mirror=False, init_spi=False):
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self._spi = spi
self._cs = cs
self._dc = dc
self._rst = rst
self.height = height # Logical dimensions for GUIs
self.width = width
self._long = max(height, width) # Physical dimensions of screen and aspect ratio
self._short = min(height, width)
self._spi_init = init_spi
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mode = framebuf.GS4_HMSB
self.palette = BoolPalette(mode)
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buf = bytearray(height * width // 2)
self._mvb = memoryview(buf)
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super().__init__(buf, width, height, mode) # Logical aspect ratio
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self._linebuf = bytearray(self._short * 2)
# Hardware reset
if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed
self._spi_init(spi) # Bus may be shared
self._lock = asyncio.Lock()
# Send initialization commands
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self._wcmd(b"\x01") # SWRESET Software reset
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2023-01-13 16:41:33 +00:00
self._wcmd(b"\x11") # sleep out
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2023-01-13 16:41:33 +00:00
self._wcd(b"\x3a", b"\x55") # interface pixel format
# Normally use defaults. This allows it to work on the Waveshare board with a
# shift register. If size is not 320x480 assume no shift register.
# Default column address start == 0, end == 0x13F (319)
if self._short != 320: # Not the Waveshare board: no shift register
self._wcd(b"\x2a", int.to_bytes(self._short - 1, 4, "big"))
# Default page address start == 0 end == 0x1DF (479)
if self._long != 480:
self._wcd(b"\x2b", int.to_bytes(self._long - 1, 4, "big")) # SET_PAGE ht
# self._wcd(b"\x36", b"\x48" if usd else b"\x88") # MADCTL: RGB portrait mode
madctl = 0x48 if usd else 0x88
if mirror:
madctl ^= 0x80
self._wcd(b"\x36", madctl.to_bytes(1, 'big')) # MADCTL: RGB portrait mode
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self._wcmd(b"\x11") # sleep out
self._wcmd(b"\x29") # display on
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# Write a command.
def _wcmd(self, command):
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# Write a command followed by a data arg.
def _wcd(self, command, data):
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# @micropython.native # Made almost no difference to timing
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def show(self): # Physical display is in portrait mode
clut = ILI9486.lut
lb = self._linebuf
buf = self._mvb
if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed
self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared
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self._wcmd(b"\x2c") # WRITE_RAM
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if self.width < self.height: # Portrait 214ms on RP2 120MHz, 30MHz SPI clock
wd = self.width // 2
ht = self.height
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for start in range(0, wd * ht, wd): # For each line
_lcopy(lb, buf[start:], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors
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else: # Landscpe 264ms on RP2 120MHz, 30MHz SPI clock
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width = self.width
wd = width - 1
cargs = (self.height << 9) + (width << 18) # Viper 4-arg limit
for col in range(width): # For each column of landscape display
_lscopy(lb, buf, clut, wd - col + cargs) # Copy and map colors
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async def do_refresh(self, split=4):
async with self._lock:
lines, mod = divmod(self._long, split) # Lines per segment
if mod:
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raise ValueError("Invalid do_refresh arg.")
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clut = ILI9486.lut
lb = self._linebuf
buf = self._mvb
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self._wcmd(b"\x2c") # WRITE_RAM
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if self.width < self.height: # Portrait: write sets of rows
wd = self.width // 2
line = 0
for _ in range(split): # For each segment
if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed
self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared
for start in range(wd * line, wd * (line + lines), wd): # For each line
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_lcopy(lb, buf[start:], clut, wd) # Copy and map colors
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line += lines
self._cs(1) # Allow other tasks to use bus
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)
else: # Landscape: write sets of cols. lines is no. of cols per segment.
cargs = (self.height << 9) + (self.width << 18) # Viper 4-arg limit
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sc = self.width - 1 # Start and end columns
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ec = sc - lines # End column
for _ in range(split): # For each segment
if self._spi_init: # A callback was passed
self._spi_init(self._spi) # Bus may be shared
for col in range(sc, ec, -1): # For each column of landscape display
_lscopy(lb, buf, clut, col + cargs) # Copy and map colors
sc -= lines
ec -= lines
self._cs(1) # Allow other tasks to use bus
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)