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# aclock.py micro-gui analog clock demo.
# Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Hinch
# Initialise hardware and framebuf before importing modules.
import hardware_setup # Create a display instance
from gui.core.ugui import Screen, ssd
from gui.widgets.label import Label
from gui.widgets.dial import Dial, Pointer
from gui.widgets.buttons import CloseButton
# Now import other modules
from cmath import rect, pi
import uasyncio as asyncio
import time
from gui.core.writer import CWriter
# Font for CWriter
import gui.fonts.arial10 as font
from gui.core.colors import *
# Adjust passed Dial and Label instances to show current time and date.
async def aclock(dial, lbldate, lbltim):
# Return a unit vector of phase phi. Multiplying by this will
# rotate a vector anticlockwise which is mathematically correct.
# Alas clocks modelled on sundials were invented in the northern
# hemisphere. Otherwise they would have rotated widdershins
# in accordance with maths. Hence negative sign when called.
def uv(phi):
return rect(1, phi)
def suffix(n):
if n in (1, 21, 31):
return 'st'
if n in (2, 22):
return 'nd'
if n in (3, 23):
return 'rd'
return th
days = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul',
'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
hrs = Pointer(dial)
mins = Pointer(dial)
secs = Pointer(dial)
hstart = 0 + 0.7j # Pointer lengths. Will rotate relative to top.
mstart = 0 + 1j
sstart = 0 + 1j
while True:
t = time.localtime()
hrs.value(hstart * uv(-t[3] * pi/6 - t[4] * pi / 360), CYAN)
mins.value(mstart * uv(-t[4] * pi/30), CYAN)
secs.value(sstart * uv(-t[5] * pi/30), RED)
lbltim.value('{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d}'.format(t[3], t[4], t[5]))
lbldate.value('{} {}{} {} {}'.format(days[t[6]], t[2], suffix(t[2]), months[t[1] - 1], t[0]))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
class BaseScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):
labels = {'bdcolor' : RED,
'fgcolor' : WHITE,
'bgcolor' : DARKGREEN,
wri = CWriter(ssd, font, GREEN, BLACK, verbose=False)
gap = 4 # Vertical gap between widgets
dial = Dial(wri, 2, 2, height = 70, ticks = 12,
fgcolor = GREEN, pip = GREEN)
# Set up clock display: instantiate labels
row = dial.rows + gap
lbldate = Label(wri, row, 2, 100, **labels)
row += lbldate.rows + gap
lbltim = Label(wri, row, 2, '00.00.00', **labels)
self.reg_task(aclock(dial, lbldate, lbltim))
def test():
print('Analog clock demo.')