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2021-06-09 16:11:48 +00:00
# SSD1351_generic.py MicroPython driver for Adafruit color OLED displays.
# This is cross-platform. It lacks STM optimisations and is slower than the
# standard version.
# Adafruit 1.5" 128*128 OLED display: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1431
# Adafruit 1.27" 128*96 display https://www.adafruit.com/product/1673
# For wiring details see drivers/ADAFRUIT.md in this repo.
# This driver is based on the Adafruit C++ library for Arduino
# https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-SSD1351-library.git
# Copyright (c) Peter Hinch 2018-2020
# Released under the MIT license see LICENSE
import framebuf
import utime
import gc
import micropython
from uctypes import addressof
from drivers.boolpalette import BoolPalette
2021-06-09 16:11:48 +00:00
import sys
# https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-nano-gui/issues/2
# The ESP32 does not work reliably in SPI mode 1,1. Waveforms look correct.
# Now using 0,0 on STM and ESP32
# Timings with standard emitter
# 1.86ms * 128 lines = 240ms. copy dominates: show() took 272ms
# Buffer transfer time = 272-240 = 32ms which accords with expected:
# 128*128*2/10500000 = 31.2ms (2 bytes/pixel, baudrate = 10.5MHz)
# With viper emitter show() takes 47ms vs 41ms for assembler.
def _lcopy(dest:ptr8, source:ptr8, length:int):
n = 0
for x in range(length):
c = source[x]
dest[n] = ((c & 3) << 6) | ((c & 0x1c) >> 2) # Blue green
n += 1
dest[n] = (c & 0xe0) >> 3 # Red
n += 1
# Initialisation commands in cmd_init:
# 0xfd, 0x12, 0xfd, 0xb1, # Unlock command mode
# 0xae, # display off (sleep mode)
# 0xb3, 0xf1, # clock div
# 0xca, 0x7f, # mux ratio
# 0xa0, 0x74, # setremap 0x74
# 0x15, 0, 0x7f, # setcolumn
# 0x75, 0, 0x7f, # setrow
# 0xa1, 0, # set display start line
# 0xa2, 0, # displayoffset
# 0xb5, 0, # setgpio
# 0xab, 1, # functionselect: serial interface, internal Vdd regulator
# 0xb1, 0x32, # Precharge
# 0xbe, 0x05, # vcommh
# 0xa6, # normaldisplay
# 0xc1, 0xc8, 0x80, 0xc8, # contrast abc
# 0xc7, 0x0f, # Master contrast
# 0xb4, 0xa0, 0xb5, 0x55, # set vsl (see datasheet re ext circuit)
# 0xb6, 1, # Precharge 2
# 0xaf, # Display on
class SSD1351(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
# Convert r, g, b in range 0-255 to an 8 bit colour value
# acceptable to hardware: rrrgggbb
def rgb(r, g, b):
return (r & 0xe0) | ((g >> 3) & 0x1c) | (b >> 6)
def __init__(self, spi, pincs, pindc, pinrs, height=128, width=128, init_spi=False):
if height not in (96, 128):
raise ValueError('Unsupported height {}'.format(height))
self.spi = spi
self.spi_init = init_spi
self.pincs = pincs
self.pindc = pindc # 1 = data 0 = cmd
self.height = height # Required by Writer class
self.width = width
mode = framebuf.GS8 # Use 8bit greyscale for 8 bit color.
self.palette = BoolPalette(mode)
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self.buffer = bytearray(self.height * self.width)
super().__init__(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, mode)
self.linebuf = bytearray(self.width * 2)
pinrs(0) # Pulse the reset line
if self.spi_init: # A callback was passed
self.spi_init(spi) # Bus may be shared
# See above comment to explain this allocation-saving gibberish.
b'\xb4\xa0\xb5\x55\xb6\x01\xaf', 0)
def _write(self, buf, dc):
# Write lines from the framebuf out of order to match the mapping of the
# SSD1351 RAM to the OLED device.
def show(self):
lb = self.linebuf
buf = memoryview(self.buffer)
if self.spi_init: # A callback was passed
self.spi_init(self.spi) # Bus may be shared
self._write(b'\x5c', 0) # Enable data write
if self.height == 128:
for l in range(128):
l0 = (95 - l) % 128 # 95 94 .. 1 0 127 126...
start = l0 * self.width
_lcopy(lb, buf[start : start + self.width], self.width)
self._write(lb, 1) # Send a line
for l in range(128):
if l < 64:
start = (63 -l) * self.width
_lcopy(lb, buf[start : start + self.width], self.width)
self._write(lb, 1) # Send a line
elif l < 96: # This is daft but I can't get setrow to work
self._write(lb, 1) # Let RAM counter increase
start = (191 - l) * self.width
_lcopy(lb, buf[start : start + self.width], self.width)
self._write(lb, 1) # Send a line