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# MicroPython USB MIDI example
# This example demonstrates creating a custom MIDI device.
# To run this example:
# 1. Make sure `usb-device-midi` is installed via: mpremote mip install usb-device-midi
# 2. Run the example via: mpremote run midi_example.py
# 3. mpremote will exit with an error after the previous step, because when the
# example runs the existing USB device disconnects and then re-enumerates with
# the MIDI interface present. At this point, the example is running.
# 4. To see output from the example, re-connect: mpremote connect PORTNAME
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Angus Gratton
import usb.device
from usb.device.midi import MIDIInterface
import time
class MIDIExample(MIDIInterface):
# Very simple example event handler functions, showing how to receive note
# and control change messages sent from the host to the device.
# If you need to send MIDI data to the host, then it's fine to instantiate
# MIDIInterface class directly.
def on_open(self):
print("Device opened by host")
def on_note_on(self, channel, pitch, vel):
print(f"RX Note On channel {channel} pitch {pitch} velocity {vel}")
def on_note_off(self, channel, pitch, vel):
print(f"RX Note Off channel {channel} pitch {pitch} velocity {vel}")
def on_control_change(self, channel, controller, value):
print(f"RX Control channel {channel} controller {controller} value {value}")
m = MIDIExample()
# Remove builtin_driver=True if you don't want the MicroPython serial REPL available.
usb.device.get().init(m, builtin_driver=True)
print("Waiting for USB host to configure the interface...")
while not m.is_open():
print("Starting MIDI loop...")
# TX constants
PITCH = 60
control_val = 0
while m.is_open():
print(f"TX Note On channel {CHANNEL} pitch {PITCH}")
m.note_on(CHANNEL, PITCH) # Velocity is an optional third argument
print(f"TX Note Off channel {CHANNEL} pitch {PITCH}")
m.note_off(CHANNEL, PITCH)
print(f"TX Control channel {CHANNEL} controller {CONTROLLER} value {control_val}")
m.control_change(CHANNEL, CONTROLLER, control_val)
control_val += 1
if control_val == 0x7F:
control_val = 0
print("USB host has reset device, example done.")