kopia lustrzana https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib
unix-ffi/sqlite3: Add commit and rollback functionality like CPython.
To increase the similarity between this module and CPythons sqlite3 module the commit() and rollback() as defined in CPythons version have been added, along with the different (auto)commit behaviors present there. The defaults are also set to the same as in CPython, and can be changed with the same parameters in connect(), as is showcased in the new test. Signed-off-by: Robert Klink <rhermanklink@ripe.net>pull/905/head
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ sq3 = ffilib.open("libsqlite3")
sqlite3_open = sq3.func("i", "sqlite3_open", "sp")
# int sqlite3_config(int, ...);
sqlite3_config = sq3.func("i", "sqlite3_config", "ii")
# int sqlite3_get_autocommit(sqlite3*);
sqlite3_get_autocommit = sq3.func("i", "sqlite3_get_autocommit", "p")
# int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3*);
sqlite3_close = sq3.func("i", "sqlite3_close_v2", "p")
# int sqlite3_prepare(
@ -57,6 +59,9 @@ SQLITE_NULL = 5
# For compatibility with CPython sqlite3 driver
class Error(Exception):
@ -71,86 +76,138 @@ def get_ptr_size():
return uctypes.sizeof({"ptr": (0 | uctypes.PTR, uctypes.PTR)})
def __prepare_stmt(db, sql):
# Prepares a statement
stmt_ptr = bytes(get_ptr_size())
res = sqlite3_prepare(db, sql, -1, stmt_ptr, None)
check_error(db, res)
return int.from_bytes(stmt_ptr, sys.byteorder)
def __exec_stmt(db, sql):
# Prepares, executes, and finalizes a statement
stmt = __prepare_stmt(db, sql)
res = sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
check_error(db, res)
def __is_dml(sql):
# Checks if a sql query is a DML, as these get a BEGIN in LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL
for dml in ["INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "MERGE"]:
if dml in sql.upper():
return True
return False
class Connections:
def __init__(self, h):
self.h = h
def __init__(self, db, isolation_level, autocommit):
self.db = db
self.isolation_level = isolation_level
self.autocommit = autocommit
def commit(self):
if self.autocommit == LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL and not sqlite3_get_autocommit(self.db):
__exec_stmt(self.db, "COMMIT")
elif self.autocommit == False:
__exec_stmt(self.db, "COMMIT")
__exec_stmt(self.db, "BEGIN")
def rollback(self):
if self.autocommit == LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL and not sqlite3_get_autocommit(self.db):
__exec_stmt(self.db, "ROLLBACK")
elif self.autocommit == False:
__exec_stmt(self.db, "ROLLBACK")
__exec_stmt(self.db, "BEGIN")
def cursor(self):
return Cursor(self.h)
return Cursor(self.db, self.isolation_level, self.autocommit)
def close(self):
if self.h:
s = sqlite3_close(self.h)
check_error(self.h, s)
self.h = None
if self.db:
if self.autocommit == False and not sqlite3_get_autocommit(self.db):
__exec_stmt(self.db, "ROLLBACK")
res = sqlite3_close(self.db)
check_error(self.db, res)
self.db = None
class Cursor:
def __init__(self, h):
self.h = h
self.stmnt = None
def __init__(self, db, isolation_level, autocommit):
self.db = db
self.isolation_level = isolation_level
self.autocommit = autocommit
self.stmt = None
def __quote(val):
if isinstance(val, str):
return "'%s'" % val
return str(val)
def execute(self, sql, params=None):
if self.stmnt:
if self.stmt:
# If there is an existing statement, finalize that to free it
res = sqlite3_finalize(self.stmnt)
check_error(self.h, res)
res = sqlite3_finalize(self.stmt)
check_error(self.db, res)
if params:
params = [quote(v) for v in params]
params = [self.__quote(v) for v in params]
sql = sql % tuple(params)
stmnt_ptr = bytes(get_ptr_size())
res = sqlite3_prepare(self.h, sql, -1, stmnt_ptr, None)
check_error(self.h, res)
self.stmnt = int.from_bytes(stmnt_ptr, sys.byteorder)
self.num_cols = sqlite3_column_count(self.stmnt)
if __is_dml(sql) and self.autocommit == LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL and sqlite3_get_autocommit(self.db):
# For compatibility with CPython, add functionality for their default transaction
# behavior. Changing autocommit from LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL will remove this
__exec_stmt(self.db, "BEGIN " + self.isolation_level)
self.stmt = __prepare_stmt(self.db, sql)
self.num_cols = sqlite3_column_count(self.stmt)
if not self.num_cols:
v = self.fetchone()
# If it's not select, actually execute it here
# num_cols == 0 for statements which don't return data (=> modify it)
assert v is None
self.lastrowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(self.h)
self.lastrowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(self.db)
def close(self):
if self.stmnt:
s = sqlite3_finalize(self.stmnt)
check_error(self.h, s)
self.stmnt = None
if self.stmt:
res = sqlite3_finalize(self.stmt)
check_error(self.db, res)
self.stmt = None
def make_row(self):
def __make_row(self):
res = []
for i in range(self.num_cols):
t = sqlite3_column_type(self.stmnt, i)
t = sqlite3_column_type(self.stmt, i)
res.append(sqlite3_column_int(self.stmnt, i))
res.append(sqlite3_column_int(self.stmt, i))
elif t == SQLITE_FLOAT:
res.append(sqlite3_column_double(self.stmnt, i))
res.append(sqlite3_column_double(self.stmt, i))
elif t == SQLITE_TEXT:
res.append(sqlite3_column_text(self.stmnt, i))
res.append(sqlite3_column_text(self.stmt, i))
raise NotImplementedError
return tuple(res)
def fetchone(self):
res = sqlite3_step(self.stmnt)
res = sqlite3_step(self.stmt)
if res == SQLITE_DONE:
return None
if res == SQLITE_ROW:
return self.make_row()
check_error(self.h, res)
return self.__make_row()
check_error(self.db, res)
def connect(fname, uri=False):
def connect(fname, uri=False, isolation_level="", autocommit=LEGACY_TRANSACTION_CONTROL):
if isolation_level not in [None, "", "DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE", "EXCLUSIVE"]:
raise Error("Invalid option for isolation level")
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_URI, int(uri))
sqlite_ptr = bytes(get_ptr_size())
sqlite3_open(fname, sqlite_ptr)
return Connections(int.from_bytes(sqlite_ptr, sys.byteorder))
db = int.from_bytes(sqlite_ptr, sys.byteorder)
if autocommit == False:
__exec_stmt(db, "BEGIN")
def quote(val):
if isinstance(val, str):
return "'%s'" % val
return str(val)
return Connections(db, isolation_level, autocommit)
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import sqlite3
def test_autocommit():
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", autocommit=True)
# First cursor creates table and inserts value (DML)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE foo(a int)")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (42)")
# Second cursor fetches 42 due to the autocommit
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM foo")
assert cur.fetchone() == (42,)
assert cur.fetchone() is None
def test_manual():
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", autocommit=False)
# First cursor creates table, insert rolls back
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE foo(a int)")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (42)")
# Second connection fetches nothing due to the rollback
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM foo")
assert cur.fetchone() is None
Reference in New Issue