import network import socket import ure import time wlan_ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) wlan_sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) server_socket = None def do_connect(ntwrk_ssid, netwrk_pass): sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not sta_if.isconnected(): print('try to connect : '+ntwrk_ssid+' network...') sta_if.connect(ntwrk_ssid, netwrk_pass) a=0 while not sta_if.isconnected() | (a > 99) : time.sleep(0.1) a+=1 print('.', end='') if sta_if.isconnected(): print('\nConnected. Network config:', sta_if.ifconfig()) return (True) else : print('\nProblem. Not Connected to :'+ntwrk_ssid) return (False) def send_response(client, payload, status_code=200): client.sendall("HTTP/1.0 {} OK\r\n".format(status_code)) client.sendall("Content-Type: text/html\r\n") client.sendall("Content-Length: {}\r\n".format(len(payload))) client.sendall("\r\n") if len(payload) > 0: client.sendall(payload) def handle_root(client): global wlan_sta response_header = """

Wi-Fi Client Setup

Wifi Name


!!! your ssid and password information will save "passwd.dat" file inside of your esp module to use next time... be careful for security !!!

Some useful infos:

""" send_response(client, response_header + response_variable + response_footer) def handle_configure(client, request): match ="ssid=([^&]*)&password=(.*)", request) if match is None: send_response(client, "Parameters not found", status_code=400) return (False) # version 1.9 compatibility try: ssid ="utf-8").replace("%3F","?").replace("%21","!") password ="utf-8").replace("%3F","?").replace("%21","!") except: ssid ="%3F","?").replace("%21","!") password ="%3F","?").replace("%21","!") if len(ssid) == 0: send_response(client, "SSID must be provided", status_code=400) return (False) if do_connect(ssid, password): response_footer = """

:) YES, Wi-Fi Configured to """+ssid+"""

""" send_response(client, response_footer) try: fo = open("passwd.dat","r") ex_data = fo.close() fo = open("passwd.dat","w") ex_data = ssid+";"+password+"\n"+ex_data fo.write(ex_data) fo.close() except: fo = open("passwd.dat","w") fo.write(ssid+";"+password+"\n") fo.close() return (True) else: response_footer = """

Wi-Fi Not Configured to """+ssid+"""

""" send_response(client, response_footer ) return (False) def handle_not_found(client, url): send_response(client, "Path not found: {}".format(url), status_code=404) def stop(): global server_socket if server_socket: server_socket.close() def start(port=80): addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', port)[0][-1] global server_socket global wlan_sta stop() server_socket = socket.socket() server_socket.bind(addr) server_socket.listen(1) print('Connect to Wifi ssid like Micropython-XXXX , Default pass: micropythoN ') print('And connect to esp via your favorite web browser (like') print('listening on', addr) while True: if wlan_sta.isconnected(): client.close return (True) client, addr = server_socket.accept() client.settimeout(5.0) print('client connected from', addr) request = b"" try: while not "\r\n\r\n" in request: request += client.recv(512) except OSError: pass print("Request is: {}".format(request)) if "HTTP" not in request: # skip invalid requests client.close() continue # version 1.9 compatibility try: url ="(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).decode("utf-8").rstrip("/") except: url ="(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).rstrip("/") print("URL is {}".format(url)) if url == "": handle_root(client) elif url == "configure": handle_configure(client, request) else: handle_not_found(client, url) client.close()