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Calvin McCoy 2018-10-30 21:18:56 -07:00
rodzic 45c2b54087
commit 80f89f2155
4 zmienionych plików z 340 dodań i 191 usunięć

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# MicropyGPS - a GPS NMEA sentence parser for Micropython/Python 3.X
# Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Calvin McCoy (calvin.mccoy@gmail.com)
# Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Calvin McCoy (calvin.mccoy@protonmail.com)
# The MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file

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@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description='GPS NMEA sentence parser',
author='Calvin McCoy',
py_modules = ['micropyGPS'],
description='GPS NMEA sentence parser',
author='Calvin McCoy',

test_micropyGPS.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for micropyGPS module
# Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Calvin McCoy (calvin.mccoy@protonmail.com)
# MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file
import hashlib
from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS
test_RMC = ['$GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62\n',
rmc_parsed_strings = [['GPRMC', '081836', 'A', '3751.65', 'S', '14507.36', 'E', '000.0', '360.0', '130998', '011.3', 'E', '62'],
['GPRMC', '123519', 'A', '4807.038', 'N', '01131.000', 'E', '022.4', '084.4', '230394', '003.1', 'W', '6A'],
['GPRMC', '225446', 'A', '4916.45', 'N', '12311.12', 'W', '000.5', '054.7', '191194', '020.3', 'E', '68'],
['GPRMC', '180041.896', 'A', '3749.1851', 'N', '08338.7891', 'W', '001.9', '154.9', '240911', '', '', 'A', '7A'],
['GPRMC', '180049.896', 'A', '3749.1808', 'N', '08338.7869', 'W', '001.8', '156.3', '240911', '', '', 'A', '70'],
['GPRMC', '092751.000', 'A', '5321.6802', 'N', '00630.3371', 'W', '0.06', '31.66', '280511', '', '', 'A', '45']]
rmc_crc_values = [0x62, 0x6a, 0x68, 0x7a, 0x70, 0x45]
rmc_longitude = [[145, 7.36, 'E'],
[11, 31.0, 'E'],
[123, 11.12, 'W'],
[83, 38.7891, 'W'],
[83, 38.7869, 'W'],
[6, 30.3371, 'W']]
rmc_latitude = [[37, 51.65, 'S'],
[48, 7.038, 'N'],
[49, 16.45, 'N'],
[37, 49.1851, 'N'],
[37, 49.1808, 'N'],
[53, 21.6802, 'N']]
rmc_utc = [(8, 18, 36.0),
(12, 35, 19.0),
(22, 54, 46.0),
(18, 0, 41.896),
(18, 0, 49.896),
(9, 27, 51.0)]
rmc_speed = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[22.4, 25.7824, 41.4848],
[0.5, 0.5755, 0.926],
[1.9, 2.1869, 3.5188],
[1.8, 2.0718, 3.3336],
[0.06, 0.06906, 0.11112]]
rmc_date = [(13, 9, 98),
(23, 3, 94),
(19, 11, 94),
(24, 9, 11),
(24, 9, 11),
(28, 5, 11)]
rmc_course = [360.0, 84.4, 54.7, 154.9, 156.3, 31.66]
rmc_compass = ['N', 'E', 'NE', 'SSE', 'SSE', 'NNE']
test_VTG = ['$GPVTG,232.9,T,,M,002.3,N,004.3,K,A*01\n']
test_GGA = ['$GPGGA,180050.896,3749.1802,N,08338.7865,W,1,07,1.1,397.4,M,-32.5,M,,0000*6C\n']
test_GSA = ['$GPGSA,A,3,07,11,28,24,26,08,17,,,,,,2.0,1.1,1.7*37\n',
gsa_parsed_strings = [['GPGSA', 'A', '3', '07', '11', '28', '24', '26', '08', '17', '', '', '', '', '', '2.0', '1.1', '1.7', '37'],
['GPGSA', 'A', '3', '07', '02', '26', '27', '09', '04', '15', '', '', '', '', '', '1.8', '1.0', '1.5', '33']]
gsa_crc_values = [0x37, 0x33]
gsa_sats_used = [[7, 11, 28, 24, 26, 8, 17],
[7, 2, 26, 27, 9, 4, 15]]
gsa_hdop = [1.1, 1.0]
gsa_vdop = [1.7, 1.5]
gsa_pdop = [2.0, 1.8]
test_GSV = ['$GPGSV,3,1,12,28,72,355,39,01,52,063,33,17,51,272,44,08,46,184,38*74\n',
gsv_parsed_string = [['GPGSV', '3', '1', '12', '28', '72', '355', '39', '01', '52', '063', '33', '17', '51', '272', '44', '08', '46', '184', '38', '74'],
['GPGSV', '3', '2', '12', '24', '42', '058', '33', '11', '34', '053', '33', '07', '20', '171', '40', '20', '15', '116', '', '71'],
['GPGSV', '3', '3', '12', '04', '12', '204', '34', '27', '11', '324', '35', '32', '11', '089', '', '26', '10', '264', '40', '7B'],
['GPGSV', '3', '1', '11', '03', '03', '111', '00', '04', '15', '270', '00', '06', '01', '010', '00', '13', '06', '292', '00', '74'],
['GPGSV', '3', '2', '11', '14', '25', '170', '00', '16', '57', '208', '39', '18', '67', '296', '40', '19', '40', '246', '00', '74'],
['GPGSV', '3', '3', '11', '22', '42', '067', '42', '24', '14', '311', '43', '27', '05', '244', '00', '', '', '', '', '4D'],
['GPGSV', '4', '1', '14', '22', '81', '349', '25', '14', '64', '296', '22', '18', '54', '114', '21', '51', '40', '212', '', '7D'],
['GPGSV', '4', '2', '14', '24', '30', '047', '22', '04', '22', '312', '26', '31', '22', '204', '', '12', '19', '088', '23', '72'],
['GPGSV', '4', '3', '14', '25', '17', '127', '18', '21', '16', '175', '', '11', '09', '315', '16', '19', '05', '273', '', '72'],
['GPGSV', '4', '4', '14', '32', '05', '303', '', '15', '02', '073', '', '7A'],
['GPGSV', '3', '1', '12', '13', '65', '002', '50', '02', '61', '098', '47', '39', '60', '352', '', '05', '56', '183', '49', '70'],
['GPGSV', '3', '2', '12', '15', '35', '325', '50', '29', '32', '229', '49', '06', '25', '070', '44', '30', '16', '096', '38', '70'],
['GPGSV', '3', '3', '12', '19', '08', '022', '35', '07', '07', '122', '', '12', '06', '316', '49', '25', '03', '278', '36', '7D']]
gsv_crc_values = [0x74, 0x71, 0x7b, 0x74, 0x74, 0x4d, 0x7d, 0x72, 0x72, 0x7a, 0x70, 0x70, 0x7d]
gsv_sv_setence = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]
gsv_total_sentence = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3]
gsv_num_sats_in_view = [12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12]
gsv_data_valid = [False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, False, True]
gsv_sat_data = [{28: (72, 355, 39), 1: (52, 63, 33), 17: (51, 272, 44), 8: (46, 184, 38)},
{28: (72, 355, 39), 1: (52, 63, 33), 17: (51, 272, 44), 8: (46, 184, 38), 24: (42, 58, 33), 11: (34, 53, 33), 7: (20, 171, 40), 20: (15, 116, None)},
{28: (72, 355, 39), 1: (52, 63, 33), 17: (51, 272, 44), 8: (46, 184, 38), 24: (42, 58, 33), 11: (34, 53, 33), 7: (20, 171, 40), 20: (15, 116, None), 4: (12, 204, 34), 27: (11, 324, 35), 32: (11, 89, None), 26: (10, 264, 40)},
{3: (3, 111, 0), 4: (15, 270, 0), 6: (1, 10, 0), 13: (6, 292, 0)},
{3: (3, 111, 0), 4: (15, 270, 0), 6: (1, 10, 0), 13: (6, 292, 0), 14: (25, 170, 0), 16: (57, 208, 39), 18: (67, 296, 40), 19: (40, 246, 0)},
{3: (3, 111, 0), 4: (15, 270, 0), 6: (1, 10, 0), 13: (6, 292, 0), 14: (25, 170, 0), 16: (57, 208, 39), 18: (67, 296, 40), 19: (40, 246, 0), 22: (42, 67, 42), 24: (14, 311, 43), 27: (5, 244, 0)},
{22: (81, 349, 25), 14: (64, 296, 22), 18: (54, 114, 21), 51: (40, 212, None)},
{22: (81, 349, 25), 14: (64, 296, 22), 18: (54, 114, 21), 51: (40, 212, None), 24: (30, 47, 22), 4: (22, 312, 26), 31: (22, 204, None), 12: (19, 88, 23)},
{22: (81, 349, 25), 14: (64, 296, 22), 18: (54, 114, 21), 51: (40, 212, None), 24: (30, 47, 22), 4: (22, 312, 26), 31: (22, 204, None), 12: (19, 88, 23), 25: (17, 127, 18), 21: (16, 175, None), 11: (9, 315, 16), 19: (5, 273, None)},
{22: (81, 349, 25), 14: (64, 296, 22), 18: (54, 114, 21), 51: (40, 212, None), 24: (30, 47, 22), 4: (22, 312, 26), 31: (22, 204, None), 12: (19, 88, 23), 25: (17, 127, 18), 21: (16, 175, None), 11: (9, 315, 16), 19: (5, 273, None), 32: (5, 303, None), 15: (2, 73, None)},
{13: (65, 2, 50), 2: (61, 98, 47), 39: (60, 352, None), 5: (56, 183, 49)},
{13: (65, 2, 50), 2: (61, 98, 47), 39: (60, 352, None), 5: (56, 183, 49), 15: (35, 325, 50), 29: (32, 229, 49), 6: (25, 70, 44), 30: (16, 96, 38)},
{13: (65, 2, 50), 2: (61, 98, 47), 39: (60, 352, None), 5: (56, 183, 49), 15: (35, 325, 50), 29: (32, 229, 49), 6: (25, 70, 44), 30: (16, 96, 38), 19: (8, 22, 35), 7: (7, 122, None), 12: (6, 316, 49), 25: (3, 278, 36)}]
gsv_sats_in_view = [[28, 1, 17, 8],
[28, 1, 17, 8, 24, 11, 7, 20],
[28, 1, 17, 8, 24, 11, 7, 20, 4, 27, 32, 26],
[3, 4, 6, 13],
[3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19],
[3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27],
[22, 14, 18, 51],
[22, 14, 18, 51, 24, 4, 31, 12],
[22, 14, 18, 51, 24, 4, 31, 12, 25, 21, 11, 19],
[22, 14, 18, 51, 24, 4, 31, 12, 25, 21, 11, 19, 32, 15],
[13, 2, 39, 5],
[13, 2, 39, 5, 15, 29, 6, 30],
[13, 2, 39, 5, 15, 29, 6, 30, 19, 7, 12, 25]]
test_GLL = ['$GPGLL,3711.0942,N,08671.4472,W,000812.000,A,A*46\n',
gll_parsed_string = [['GPGLL', '3711.0942', 'N', '08671.4472', 'W', '000812.000', 'A', 'A', '46'],
['GPGLL', '4916.45', 'N', '12311.12', 'W', '225444', 'A', '', '1D'],
['GPGLL', '4250.5589', 'S', '14718.5084', 'E', '092204.999', 'A', '2D'],
['GPGLL', '0000.0000', 'N', '00000.0000', 'E', '235947.000', 'V', '2D']]
gll_crc_values = [0x46, 0x1d, 0x2d, 0x2d]
gll_longitude = [[86, 71.4472, 'W'],
[123, 11.12, 'W'],
[147, 18.5084, 'E'],
[0, 0.0, 'W']]
gll_latitude = [[37, 11.0942, 'N'],
[49, 16.45, 'N'],
[42, 50.5589, 'S'],
[0, 0.0, 'N']]
gll_timestamp = [(0, 8, 12.0),
(22, 54, 44.0),
(9, 22, 4.999),
(23, 59, 47.0)]
gll_valid = [True, True, True, False]
def test_rmc_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for RMC_sentence in test_RMC:
for y in RMC_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPRMC"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == rmc_parsed_strings[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.crc_xor == rmc_crc_values[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.longitude == rmc_longitude[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.latitude == rmc_latitude[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.timestamp == rmc_utc[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.speed == rmc_speed[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.date == rmc_date[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.course == rmc_course[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.valid
assert my_gps.compass_direction() == rmc_compass[sentence_count]
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_RMC)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_RMC)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_vtg_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for VTG_sentence in test_VTG:
for y in VTG_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPVTG"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == ['GPVTG', '232.9', 'T', '', 'M', '002.3', 'N', '004.3', 'K', 'A', '01']
assert my_gps.crc_xor == 0x1
assert my_gps.speed == (2.3, 2.6473, 4.2596)
assert my_gps.course == 232.9
assert my_gps.compass_direction() == 'SW'
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_VTG)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_VTG)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_gga_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for GGA_sentence in test_GGA:
for y in GGA_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPGGA"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == ['GPGGA', '180050.896', '3749.1802', 'N', '08338.7865', 'W', '1', '07', '1.1', '397.4', 'M', '-32.5', 'M', '', '0000', '6C']
assert my_gps.crc_xor == 0x6c
assert my_gps.longitude == [83, 38.7865, 'W']
assert my_gps.latitude == [37, 49.1802, 'N']
assert my_gps.timestamp == [18, 0, 50.896]
assert my_gps.fix_stat == 1
assert my_gps.altitude == 397.4
assert my_gps.geoid_height == -32.5
assert my_gps.hdop == 1.1
assert my_gps.satellites_in_use == 7
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_GGA)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_GGA)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_gsa_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for GSA_sentence in test_GSA:
for y in GSA_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPGSA"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == gsa_parsed_strings[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.crc_xor == gsa_crc_values[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.satellites_used == gsa_sats_used[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.fix_type == 3
assert my_gps.hdop == gsa_hdop[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.vdop == gsa_vdop[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.pdop == gsa_pdop[sentence_count]
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_GSA)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_GSA)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_gsv_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for GSV_sentence in test_GSV:
for y in GSV_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPGSV"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == gsv_parsed_string[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.crc_xor == gsv_crc_values[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.last_sv_sentence == gsv_sv_setence[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.total_sv_sentences == gsv_total_sentence[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.satellites_in_view == gsv_num_sats_in_view[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.satellite_data_updated() == gsv_data_valid[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.satellite_data == gsv_sat_data[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.satellites_visible() == gsv_sats_in_view[sentence_count]
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_GSV)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_GSV)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_gll_sentences():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
sentence = ''
sentence_count = 0
for GLL_sentence in test_GLL:
for y in GLL_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
assert sentence == "GPGLL"
assert my_gps.gps_segments == gll_parsed_string[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.crc_xor == gll_crc_values[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.longitude == gll_longitude[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.latitude == gll_latitude[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.timestamp == gll_timestamp[sentence_count]
assert my_gps.valid == gll_valid[sentence_count]
sentence_count += 1
assert my_gps.clean_sentences == len(test_GLL)
assert my_gps.parsed_sentences == len(test_GLL)
assert my_gps.crc_fails == 0
def test_logging():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
assert my_gps.start_logging('test.txt', mode="new")
assert my_gps.write_log('micropyGPS test log\n')
for RMC_sentence in test_RMC:
for y in RMC_sentence:
assert my_gps.stop_logging()
with open('test.txt', 'rb') as log_file:
log_hash = hashlib.md5()
assert log_hash.digest() == b'\x8e\xe4\x29\x5a\xad\xf6\xed\x7d\xd1\x81\x5a\xbf\x62\xa7\x60\xe4'
assert my_gps.start_logging('test.txt', mode="append")
for GSV_sentence in test_GSV:
for y in GSV_sentence:
assert my_gps.stop_logging()
with open('test.txt', 'rb') as log_file:
log_hash = hashlib.md5()
assert log_hash.digest() == b'\xc5\xf7\x2f\x7d\x4a\xee\xe3\x7d\x1c\x0c\x57\xc0\xe6\x68\x4a\x63'
def test_pretty_print():
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
for RMC_sentence in test_RMC[5]:
for y in RMC_sentence:
for GGA_sentence in test_GGA:
for y in GGA_sentence:
for VTG_sentence in test_VTG:
for y in VTG_sentence:
assert my_gps.latitude_string() == "37° 49.1802' N"
assert my_gps.longitude_string() == "83° 38.7865' W"
assert my_gps.speed_string('kph') == '4.2596 km/h'
assert my_gps.speed_string('mph') == '2.6473 mph'
assert my_gps.speed_string('knot') == '2.3 knots'
assert my_gps.date_string('long') == 'May 28th, 2011'
assert my_gps.date_string('s_dmy') == '28/05/11'
assert my_gps.date_string('s_mdy') == '05/28/11'

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for micropyGPS module
# Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Calvin McCoy (calvin.mccoy@gmail.com)
# MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file
from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS
def run_tests():
sentence_count = 0
test_RMC = ['$GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62\n',
test_VTG = ['$GPVTG,232.9,T,,M,002.3,N,004.3,K,A*01\n']
test_GGA = ['$GPGGA,180050.896,3749.1802,N,08338.7865,W,1,07,1.1,397.4,M,-32.5,M,,0000*6C\n']
test_GSA = ['$GPGSA,A,3,07,11,28,24,26,08,17,,,,,,2.0,1.1,1.7*37\n',
test_GSV = ['$GPGSV,3,1,12,28,72,355,39,01,52,063,33,17,51,272,44,08,46,184,38*74\n',
test_GLL = ['$GPGLL,3711.0942,N,08671.4472,W,000812.000,A,A*46\n',
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
my_gps.start_logging('test.txt', mode="new")
my_gps.write_log('micropyGPS test log\n')
sentence = ''
for RMC_sentence in test_RMC:
sentence_count += 1
for y in RMC_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings:', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude)
print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude)
print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp)
print('Speed:', my_gps.speed)
print('Date Stamp:', my_gps.date)
print('Course', my_gps.course)
print('Data is Valid:', my_gps.valid)
print('Compass Direction:', my_gps.compass_direction())
for GLL_sentence in test_GLL:
sentence_count += 1
for y in GLL_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude)
print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude)
print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp)
print('Data is Valid:', my_gps.valid)
for VTG_sentence in test_VTG:
sentence_count += 1
for y in VTG_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('Speed:', my_gps.speed)
print('Course', my_gps.course)
print('Compass Direction:', my_gps.compass_direction())
for GGA_sentence in test_GGA:
sentence_count += 1
for y in GGA_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('Longitude', my_gps.longitude)
print('Latitude', my_gps.latitude)
print('UTC Timestamp:', my_gps.timestamp)
print('Fix Status:', my_gps.fix_stat)
print('Altitude:', my_gps.altitude)
print('Height Above Geoid:', my_gps.geoid_height)
print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop)
print('Satellites in Use by Receiver:', my_gps.satellites_in_use)
for GSA_sentence in test_GSA:
sentence_count += 1
for y in GSA_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('Satellites Used', my_gps.satellites_used)
print('Fix Type Code:', my_gps.fix_type)
print('Horizontal Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.hdop)
print('Vertical Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.vdop)
print('Position Dilution of Precision:', my_gps.pdop)
for GSV_sentence in test_GSV:
sentence_count += 1
for y in GSV_sentence:
sentence = my_gps.update(y)
if sentence:
print('Parsed a', sentence, 'Sentence')
print('Parsed Strings', my_gps.gps_segments)
print('Sentence CRC Value:', hex(my_gps.crc_xor))
print('SV Sentences Parsed', my_gps.last_sv_sentence)
print('SV Sentences in Total', my_gps.total_sv_sentences)
print('# of Satellites in View:', my_gps.satellites_in_view)
data_valid = my_gps.satellite_data_updated()
print('Is Satellite Data Valid?:', data_valid)
if data_valid:
print('Complete Satellite Data:', my_gps.satellite_data)
print('Complete Satellites Visible:', my_gps.satellites_visible())
print('Current Satellite Data:', my_gps.satellite_data)
print('Current Satellites Visible:', my_gps.satellites_visible())
print("Pretty Print Examples:")
print('Latitude:', my_gps.latitude_string())
print('Longitude:', my_gps.longitude_string())
print('Speed:', my_gps.speed_string('kph'), 'or', my_gps.speed_string('mph'), 'or', my_gps.speed_string('knot'))
print('Date (Long Format):', my_gps.date_string('long'))
print('Date (Short D/M/Y Format):', my_gps.date_string('s_dmy'))
print('Date (Short M/D/Y Format):', my_gps.date_string('s_mdy'))
print('### Final Results ###')
print('Sentences Attempted:', sentence_count)
print('Sentences Found:', my_gps.clean_sentences)
print('Sentences Parsed:', my_gps.parsed_sentences)
print('CRC_Fails:', my_gps.crc_fails)
import unittest
class TestMicroPyGPS(unittest.TestCase):
def test_smoke(self):
self.fail("smoke test raised exception")
if __name__ == "__main__":