
423 wiersze
13 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
* Meshtastic protobufs
* For more information on protobufs (and tools to use them with the language of your choice) see
* We are not placing any of these defs inside a package, because if you do the
* resulting nanopb version is super verbose package mesh.
* Protobuf build instructions:
* To build java classes for reading writing:
* protoc -I=. --java_out /tmp mesh.proto
* To generate Nanopb c code:
* /home/kevinh/packages/nanopb-0.4.0-linux-x86/generator-bin/protoc --nanopb_out=/tmp -I=app/src/main/proto mesh.proto
* Nanopb binaries available here: use nanopb 0.4.0
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option java_outer_classname = "RadioConfigProtos";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
* The frequency/regulatory region the user has selected.
* Note: In 1.0 builds (which must still be supported by the android app for a
* long time) this field will be unpopulated.
* If firmware is ever upgraded from an old 1.0ish build, the old
* MyNodeInfo.region string will be used to set UserPreferences.region and the
* old value will be no longer set.
enum RegionCode {
Unset = 0;
US = 1;
EU433 = 2;
EU865 = 3;
CN = 4;
JP = 5;
ANZ = 6;
KR = 7;
TW = 8;
RU = 9;
* Add new regions here
* Sets the charge control current of devices with a battery charger that can be
* configured. This is passed into the axp power management chip like on the tbeam.
enum ChargeCurrent {
MAUnset = 0;
MA100 = 1;
MA190 = 2;
MA280 = 3;
MA360 = 4;
MA450 = 5;
MA550 = 6;
MA630 = 7;
MA700 = 8;
MA780 = 9;
MA880 = 10;
MA960 = 11;
MA1000 = 12;
MA1080 = 13;
MA1160 = 14;
MA1240 = 15;
MA1320 = 16;
* How the GPS hardware in this unit is operated.
* Note: This is independent of how our location is shared with other devices. For that see LocationSharing
enum GpsOperation {
* This is treated as GpsOpMobile - it is the default setting
GpsOpUnset = 0;
* Note: This mode was removed, because it is identical go GpsOpMobile with a gps_update_rate of once per day
* This node is mostly stationary, we should try to get location only once per day,
* Once we have that position we should turn the GPS to sleep mode
* This is the recommended configuration for stationary 'router' nodes
GpsOpStationary = 1;
* This node is mobile and we should get GPS position at a rate governed by gps_update_rate
GpsOpMobile = 2;
* We should only use the GPS to get time (no location data should be acquired/stored)
* Once we have the time we treat gps_update_interval as MAXINT (i.e. sleep forever)
GpsOpTimeOnly = 3;
* GPS is always turned off - this mode is not recommended - use GpsOpTimeOnly instead
GpsOpDisabled = 4;
* How our location is shared with other nodes (or the local phone)
enum LocationSharing {
* This is the default and treated as LocEnabled.
LocUnset = 0;
* We are sharing our location
LocEnabled = 1;
* We are not sharing our location (if the unit has a GPS it will default to only get time - i.e. GpsOpTimeOnly)
LocDisabled = 2;
* The entire set of user settable/readable settings for our radio device.
* Includes both the current channel settings and any preferences the user has
* set for behavior of their node
message RadioConfig {
* see for more information on these preferences
message UserPreferences {
* We should send our position this often (but only if it has changed significantly)
* Defaults to 15 minutes
uint32 position_broadcast_secs = 1;
* Send our owner info at least this often (also we always send once at boot - to rejoin the mesh)
uint32 send_owner_interval = 2;
* If we miss this many owner messages from a node, we declare the node
* offline (defaults to 3 - to allow for some lost packets) (FIXME not yet used)
* uint32 num_missed_to_fail = 3;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of 1 minute
uint32 wait_bluetooth_secs = 4;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of one minute
uint32 screen_on_secs = 5;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of 15 minutes
uint32 phone_timeout_secs = 6;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of two hours, MAXUINT for disabled
uint32 phone_sds_timeout_sec = 7;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of two hours, MAXUINT for disabled
uint32 mesh_sds_timeout_secs = 8;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of one year
uint32 sds_secs = 9;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of 3600
uint32 ls_secs = 10;
* Power management state machine option.
* See for details.
* 0 for default of 10 seconds
uint32 min_wake_secs = 11;
* If set, this node will try to join the specified wifi network and
* acquire an address via DHCP
string wifi_ssid = 12;
* If set, will be use to authenticate to the named wifi
string wifi_password = 13;
* If set, the node will operate as an AP (and DHCP server), otherwise it
* will be a station
bool wifi_ap_mode = 14;
* The region code for my radio (US, CN, EU433, etc...)
RegionCode region = 15;
* Sets the current of the battery charger
ChargeCurrent charge_current = 16;
* Are we operating as a router. Changes behavior in the following ways:
* The device will only sleep for critically low battery level (i.e. always tries to stay alive for the mesh)
* In the future routing decisions will preferentially route packets through nodes with this attribute (because assumed
* good line of sight)
bool is_router = 37;
* If set, we are powered from a low-current source (i.e. solar), so even if it looks like we have power flowing in
* we should try to minimize power consumption as much as possible. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SET THIS IF YOU'VE
* set is_router (it is implied in that case).
bool is_low_power = 38;
* If set, this node is at a fixed position. We will generate GPS position updates
* at the regular interval, but use whatever the last lat/lon/alt we have for the node.
* The lat/lon/alt can be set by an internal GPS or with the help of the app.
bool fixed_position = 39;
* If set, this will disable the SerialConsole by not initilizing the StreamAPI
bool serial_disabled = 40;
* How our location is shared with other nodes (or the local phone)
LocationSharing location_share = 32;
* How the GPS hardware in this unit is operated.
* Note: This is independent of how our location is shared with other devices. For that see LocationSharing
GpsOperation gps_operation = 33;
* How often should we try to get GPS position (in seconds) when we are in GpsOpMobile mode?
* or zero for the default of once every 30 seconds
* or a very large value (maxint) to update only once at boot.
uint32 gps_update_interval = 34;
* How long should we try to get our position during each gps_update_interval attempt? (in seconds)
* Or if zero, use the default of 30 seconds.
* If we don't get a new gps fix in that time, the gps will be put into sleep until the next gps_update_rate
* window.
uint32 gps_attempt_time = 36;
* This parameter is for advanced users with advanced test equipment, we do not recommend most users use it.
* A frequency offset that is added to to the calculated band center frequency. Used to correct for crystal calibration errors.
float frequency_offset = 41;
* This setting is never saved to disk, but if set, all device settings will be
* returned to factory defaults. (Region, serial number etc... will be preserved)
bool factory_reset = 100;
* By default we turn off logging as soon as an API client connects (to keep
* shared serial link quiet). Set this to true to leave the debug log outputting even when API is active.
bool debug_log_enabled = 101;
* If true, radio should not try to be smart about what packets to queue to
* the phone
* bool keep_all_packets = 101;
* If true, we will try to capture all the packets sent on the mesh, not just the ones destined to our node.
* bool promiscuous_mode = 102;
* For testing it is useful sometimes to force a node to never listen to
* particular other nodes (simulating radio out of range). All nodenums listed
* in ignore_incoming will have packets they send droped on receive (by router.cpp)
repeated uint32 ignore_incoming = 103;
* Preferences for the SerialPlugin
* FIXME - Move this out of UserPreferences and into a section for plugin configuration.
bool serialplugin_enabled = 120;
bool serialplugin_echo = 121;
uint32 serialplugin_rxd = 122;
uint32 serialplugin_txd = 123;
uint32 serialplugin_timeout = 124;
uint32 serialplugin_mode = 125;
* Preferences for the ExternalNotificationPlugin
* FIXME - Move this out of UserPreferences and into a section for plugin configuration.
bool ext_notification_plugin_enabled = 126;
uint32 ext_notification_plugin_output_ms = 127;
uint32 ext_notification_plugin_output = 128;
bool ext_notification_plugin_active = 129;
bool ext_notification_plugin_alert_message = 130;
bool ext_notification_plugin_alert_bell = 131;
*Preferences for the RangeTestPlugin
* FIXME - Move this out of UserPreferences and into a section for plugin configuration.
bool range_test_plugin_enabled = 132;
uint32 range_test_plugin_sender = 133;
bool range_test_plugin_save = 134;
* Preferences for the StoreForwardPlugin
*FIXME - Move this out of UserPreferences and into a section for plugin configuration. (was 136)
bool store_forward_plugin_enabled = 148;
uint32 store_forward_plugin_records = 137;
reserved 136;
* Preferences for the EnvironmentalMeasurement Plugin
* FIXME - Move this out of UserPreferences and into a section for plugin configuration.
* Enable/Disable the environmental measurement plugin measurement collection
bool environmental_measurement_plugin_measurement_enabled = 140;
* Enable/Disable the environmental measurement plugin on-device display
bool environmental_measurement_plugin_screen_enabled = 141;
* Sometimes sensor reads can fail. If this happens, we
* will retry a configurable number of attempts
* Each attempt will be delayed by the minimum
* required refresh rate for that sensor
uint32 environmental_measurement_plugin_read_error_count_threshold = 142;
* Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our
* measurements to the mesh
uint32 environmental_measurement_plugin_update_interval = 143;
* Sometimes we can end up with more than read_error_count_threshold failures.
* In this case, we will stop trying to read from the sensor for a while.
* Wait this long until trying to read from the sensor again
uint32 environmental_measurement_plugin_recovery_interval = 144;
* We'll always read the sensor in Celsius, but sometimes we might want to
* display the results in Farenheit as a "user preference".
bool environmental_measurement_plugin_display_farenheit = 145;
enum EnvironmentalMeasurementSensorType {
DHT11 = 0;
* Specify the sensor type
EnvironmentalMeasurementSensorType environmental_measurement_plugin_sensor_type = 146;
* Specify the peferred GPIO Pin for sensor readings
uint32 environmental_measurement_plugin_sensor_pin = 147;
UserPreferences preferences = 1;