
404 wiersze
7.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "TelemetryProtos";
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option swift_prefix = "";
* Key native device metrics such as battery level
message DeviceMetrics {
* 0-100 (>100 means powered)
uint32 battery_level = 1;
* Voltage measured
float voltage = 2;
* Utilization for the current channel, including well formed TX, RX and malformed RX (aka noise).
float channel_utilization = 3;
* Percent of airtime for transmission used within the last hour.
float air_util_tx = 4;
* How long the device has been running since the last reboot (in seconds)
uint32 uptime_seconds = 5;
* Weather station or other environmental metrics
message EnvironmentMetrics {
* Temperature measured
float temperature = 1;
* Relative humidity percent measured
float relative_humidity = 2;
* Barometric pressure in hPA measured
float barometric_pressure = 3;
* Gas resistance in MOhm measured
float gas_resistance = 4;
* Voltage measured (To be depreciated in favor of PowerMetrics in Meshtastic 3.x)
float voltage = 5;
* Current measured (To be depreciated in favor of PowerMetrics in Meshtastic 3.x)
float current = 6;
* relative scale IAQ value as measured by Bosch BME680 . value 0-500.
* Belongs to Air Quality but is not particle but VOC measurement. Other VOC values can also be put in here.
uint32 iaq = 7;
* RCWL9620 Doppler Radar Distance Sensor, used for water level detection. Float value in mm.
float distance = 8;
* VEML7700 high accuracy ambient light(Lux) digital 16-bit resolution sensor.
float lux = 9;
* VEML7700 high accuracy white light(irradiance) not calibrated digital 16-bit resolution sensor.
float white_lux = 10;
* Infrared lux
float ir_lux = 11;
* Ultraviolet lux
float uv_lux = 12;
* Wind direction in degrees
* 0 degrees = North, 90 = East, etc...
uint32 wind_direction = 13;
* Wind speed in m/s
float wind_speed = 14;
* Weight in KG
float weight = 15;
* Power Metrics (voltage / current / etc)
message PowerMetrics {
* Voltage (Ch1)
float ch1_voltage = 1;
* Current (Ch1)
float ch1_current = 2;
* Voltage (Ch2)
float ch2_voltage = 3;
* Current (Ch2)
float ch2_current = 4;
* Voltage (Ch3)
float ch3_voltage = 5;
* Current (Ch3)
float ch3_current = 6;
* Air quality metrics
message AirQualityMetrics {
* Concentration Units Standard PM1.0
uint32 pm10_standard = 1;
* Concentration Units Standard PM2.5
uint32 pm25_standard = 2;
* Concentration Units Standard PM10.0
uint32 pm100_standard = 3;
* Concentration Units Environmental PM1.0
uint32 pm10_environmental = 4;
* Concentration Units Environmental PM2.5
uint32 pm25_environmental = 5;
* Concentration Units Environmental PM10.0
uint32 pm100_environmental = 6;
* 0.3um Particle Count
uint32 particles_03um = 7;
* 0.5um Particle Count
uint32 particles_05um = 8;
* 1.0um Particle Count
uint32 particles_10um = 9;
* 2.5um Particle Count
uint32 particles_25um = 10;
* 5.0um Particle Count
uint32 particles_50um = 11;
* 10.0um Particle Count
uint32 particles_100um = 12;
* Types of Measurements the telemetry module is equipped to handle
message Telemetry {
* Seconds since 1970 - or 0 for unknown/unset
fixed32 time = 1;
oneof variant {
* Key native device metrics such as battery level
DeviceMetrics device_metrics = 2;
* Weather station or other environmental metrics
EnvironmentMetrics environment_metrics = 3;
* Air quality metrics
AirQualityMetrics air_quality_metrics = 4;
* Power Metrics
PowerMetrics power_metrics = 5;
* Supported I2C Sensors for telemetry in Meshtastic
enum TelemetrySensorType {
* No external telemetry sensor explicitly set
* High accuracy temperature, pressure, humidity
BME280 = 1;
* High accuracy temperature, pressure, humidity, and air resistance
BME680 = 2;
* Very high accuracy temperature
MCP9808 = 3;
* Moderate accuracy current and voltage
INA260 = 4;
* Moderate accuracy current and voltage
INA219 = 5;
* High accuracy temperature and pressure
BMP280 = 6;
* High accuracy temperature and humidity
SHTC3 = 7;
* High accuracy pressure
LPS22 = 8;
* 3-Axis magnetic sensor
QMC6310 = 9;
* 6-Axis inertial measurement sensor
QMI8658 = 10;
* 3-Axis magnetic sensor
QMC5883L = 11;
* High accuracy temperature and humidity
SHT31 = 12;
* PM2.5 air quality sensor
PMSA003I = 13;
* INA3221 3 Channel Voltage / Current Sensor
INA3221 = 14;
* BMP085/BMP180 High accuracy temperature and pressure (older Version of BMP280)
BMP085 = 15;
* RCWL-9620 Doppler Radar Distance Sensor, used for water level detection
RCWL9620 = 16;
* Sensirion High accuracy temperature and humidity
SHT4X = 17;
* VEML7700 high accuracy ambient light(Lux) digital 16-bit resolution sensor.
VEML7700 = 18;
* MLX90632 non-contact IR temperature sensor.
MLX90632 = 19;
* TI OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor
OPT3001 = 20;
* Lite On LTR-390UV-01 UV Light Sensor
LTR390UV = 21;
* AMS TSL25911FN RGB Light Sensor
TSL25911FN = 22;
* AHT10 Integrated temperature and humidity sensor
AHT10 = 23;
* DFRobot Lark Weather station (temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction)
* NAU7802 Scale Chip or compatible
NAU7802 = 25;
* NAU7802 Telemetry configuration, for saving to flash
message Nau7802Config {
* The offset setting for the NAU7802
int32 zeroOffset = 1;
* The calibration factor for the NAU7802
float calibrationFactor = 2;