
63 wiersze
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option java_outer_classname = "DeviceMetadataProtos";
option go_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option swift_prefix = "";
import "meshtastic/config.proto";
import "meshtastic/mesh.proto";
* Device metadata response
message DeviceMetadata {
* Device firmware version string
string firmware_version = 1;
* Device state version
uint32 device_state_version = 2;
* Indicates whether the device can shutdown CPU natively or via power management chip
bool canShutdown = 3;
* Indicates that the device has native wifi capability
bool hasWifi = 4;
* Indicates that the device has native bluetooth capability
bool hasBluetooth = 5;
* Indicates that the device has an ethernet peripheral
bool hasEthernet = 6;
* Indicates that the device's role in the mesh
Config.DeviceConfig.Role role = 7;
* Indicates the device's current enabled position flags
uint32 position_flags = 8;
* Device hardware model
HardwareModel hw_model = 9;