
41 wiersze
1.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "mesh.proto";
import "channel.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "AppOnlyProtos";
* This message wraps a MeshPacket with extra metadata about the sender and how it arrived.
message ServiceEnvelope {
* The (probably encrypted) packet
MeshPacket packet = 1;
* The global channel ID it was sent on
string channel_id = 2;
* The sending gateway. Can we use this to authenticate/prevent fake
* nodeid impersonation for senders? - i.e. use gateway/mesh id (which is authenticated) + local node id as
* the globally trusted nodenum
string gateway_id = 3;
/* This is the most compact possible representation for a set of channels. It includes only one PRIMARY channel (which must be first) and
any SECONDARY channels. No DISABLED channels are included.
This abstraction is used only on the the 'app side' of the world (ie python, javascript and android etc) to show a group of Channels
as a (long) URL
message ChannelSet {
repeated ChannelSettings settings = 1;