
258 wiersze
5.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package meshtastic;
import "meshtastic/channel.proto";
import "meshtastic/localonly.proto";
import "meshtastic/mesh.proto";
import "meshtastic/telemetry.proto";
import "meshtastic/module_config.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs";
option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "DeviceOnly";
option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh";
option swift_prefix = "";
* This message is never sent over the wire, but it is used for serializing DB
* state to flash in the device code
* FIXME, since we write this each time we enter deep sleep (and have infinite
* flash) it would be better to use some sort of append only data structure for
* the receive queue and use the preferences store for the other stuff
message DeviceState {
* Read only settings/info about this node
MyNodeInfo my_node = 2;
* My owner info
User owner = 3;
* Deprecated in 2.1.x
* Old node_db. See NodeInfoLite node_db_lite
repeated NodeInfo node_db = 4 [deprecated = true];
* Received packets saved for delivery to the phone
repeated MeshPacket receive_queue = 5;
* A version integer used to invalidate old save files when we make
* incompatible changes This integer is set at build time and is private to
* NodeDB.cpp in the device code.
uint32 version = 8;
* We keep the last received text message (only) stored in the device flash,
* so we can show it on the screen.
* Might be null
MeshPacket rx_text_message = 7;
* Used only during development.
* Indicates developer is testing and changes should never be saved to flash.
bool no_save = 9;
* Some GPS receivers seem to have bogus settings from the factory, so we always do one factory reset.
bool did_gps_reset = 11;
* We keep the last received waypoint stored in the device flash,
* so we can show it on the screen.
* Might be null
MeshPacket rx_waypoint = 12;
* The mesh's nodes with their available gpio pins for RemoteHardware module
repeated NodeRemoteHardwarePin node_remote_hardware_pins = 13;
* New lite version of NodeDB to decrease memory footprint
repeated NodeInfoLite node_db_lite = 14;
message NodeInfoLite {
* The node number
uint32 num = 1;
* The user info for this node
User user = 2;
* This position data. Note: before 1.2.14 we would also store the last time we've heard from this node in position.time, that is no longer true.
* Position.time now indicates the last time we received a POSITION from that node.
PositionLite position = 3;
* Returns the Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the last received message,
* as measured by the receiver. Return SNR of the last received message in dB
float snr = 4;
* Set to indicate the last time we received a packet from this node
fixed32 last_heard = 5;
* The latest device metrics for the node.
DeviceMetrics device_metrics = 6;
* local channel index we heard that node on. Only populated if its not the default channel.
uint32 channel = 7;
* Position with static location information only for NodeDBLite
message PositionLite {
* The new preferred location encoding, multiply by 1e-7 to get degrees
* in floating point
sfixed32 latitude_i = 1;
sfixed32 longitude_i = 2;
* In meters above MSL (but see issue #359)
int32 altitude = 3;
* This is usually not sent over the mesh (to save space), but it is sent
* from the phone so that the local device can set its RTC If it is sent over
* the mesh (because there are devices on the mesh without GPS), it will only
* be sent by devices which has a hardware GPS clock.
* seconds since 1970
fixed32 time = 4;
Position.LocSource location_source = 5;
* The on-disk saved channels
message ChannelFile {
* The channels our node knows about
repeated Channel channels = 1;
* A version integer used to invalidate old save files when we make
* incompatible changes This integer is set at build time and is private to
* NodeDB.cpp in the device code.
uint32 version = 2;
enum ScreenFonts {
* This can be used for customizing the firmware distribution. If populated,
* show a secondary bootup screen with custom logo and text for 2.5 seconds.
message OEMStore {
* The Logo width in Px
uint32 oem_icon_width = 1;
* The Logo height in Px
uint32 oem_icon_height = 2;
* The Logo in XBM bytechar format
bytes oem_icon_bits = 3;
* Use this font for the OEM text.
ScreenFonts oem_font = 4;
* Use this font for the OEM text.
string oem_text = 5;
* The default device encryption key, 16 or 32 byte
bytes oem_aes_key = 6;
* A Preset LocalConfig to apply during factory reset
LocalConfig oem_local_config = 7;
* A Preset LocalModuleConfig to apply during factory reset
LocalModuleConfig oem_local_module_config = 8;
* RemoteHardwarePins associated with a node
message NodeRemoteHardwarePin {
* The node_num exposing the available gpio pin
uint32 node_num = 1;
* The the available gpio pin for usage with RemoteHardware module
RemoteHardwarePin pin = 2;