syntax = "proto3"; package meshtastic; option csharp_namespace = "Meshtastic.Protobufs"; option go_package = ""; option java_outer_classname = "ModuleConfigProtos"; option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh"; option swift_prefix = ""; /* * Module Config */ message ModuleConfig { /* * MQTT Client Config */ message MQTTConfig { /* * If a meshtastic node is able to reach the internet it will normally attempt to gateway any channels that are marked as * is_uplink_enabled or is_downlink_enabled. */ bool enabled = 1; /* * The server to use for our MQTT global message gateway feature. * If not set, the default server will be used */ string address = 2; /* * MQTT username to use (most useful for a custom MQTT server). * If using a custom server, this will be honoured even if empty. * If using the default server, this will only be honoured if set, otherwise the device will use the default username */ string username = 3; /* * MQTT password to use (most useful for a custom MQTT server). * If using a custom server, this will be honoured even if empty. * If using the default server, this will only be honoured if set, otherwise the device will use the default password */ string password = 4; /* * Whether to send encrypted or decrypted packets to MQTT. * This parameter is only honoured if you also set server * (the default official server can handle encrypted packets) * Decrypted packets may be useful for external systems that want to consume meshtastic packets */ bool encryption_enabled = 5; /* * Whether to send / consume json packets on MQTT */ bool json_enabled = 6; /* * If true, we attempt to establish a secure connection using TLS */ bool tls_enabled = 7; /* * The root topic to use for MQTT messages. Default is "msh". * This is useful if you want to use a single MQTT server for multiple meshtastic networks and separate them via ACLs */ string root = 8; /* * If true, we can use the connected phone / client to proxy messages to MQTT instead of a direct connection */ bool proxy_to_client_enabled = 9; } /* * RemoteHardwareModule Config */ message RemoteHardwareConfig { /* * Whether the Module is enabled */ bool enabled = 1; /* * Whether the Module allows consumers to read / write to pins not defined in available_pins */ bool allow_undefined_pin_access = 2; /* * Exposes the available pins to the mesh for reading and writing */ repeated RemoteHardwarePin available_pins = 3; } /* * NeighborInfoModule Config */ message NeighborInfoConfig { /* * Whether the Module is enabled */ bool enabled = 1; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * Neighbor Info to the mesh */ uint32 update_interval = 2; } /* * Detection Sensor Module Config */ message DetectionSensorConfig { /* * Whether the Module is enabled */ bool enabled = 1; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we can send a message to the mesh when a state change is detected */ uint32 minimum_broadcast_secs = 2; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should send a message to the mesh with the current state regardless of changes * When set to 0, only state changes will be broadcasted * Works as a sort of status heartbeat for peace of mind */ uint32 state_broadcast_secs = 3; /* * Send ASCII bell with alert message * Useful for triggering ext. notification on bell */ bool send_bell = 4; /* * Friendly name used to format message sent to mesh * Example: A name "Motion" would result in a message "Motion detected" * Maximum length of 20 characters */ string name = 5; /* * GPIO pin to monitor for state changes */ uint32 monitor_pin = 6; /* * Whether or not the GPIO pin state detection is triggered on HIGH (1) * Otherwise LOW (0) */ bool detection_triggered_high = 7; /* * Whether or not use INPUT_PULLUP mode for GPIO pin * Only applicable if the board uses pull-up resistors on the pin */ bool use_pullup = 8; } /* * Audio Config for codec2 voice */ message AudioConfig { /* * Baudrate for codec2 voice */ enum Audio_Baud { CODEC2_DEFAULT = 0; CODEC2_3200 = 1; CODEC2_2400 = 2; CODEC2_1600 = 3; CODEC2_1400 = 4; CODEC2_1300 = 5; CODEC2_1200 = 6; CODEC2_700 = 7; CODEC2_700B = 8; } /* * Whether Audio is enabled */ bool codec2_enabled = 1; /* * PTT Pin */ uint32 ptt_pin = 2; /* * The audio sample rate to use for codec2 */ Audio_Baud bitrate = 3; /* * I2S Word Select */ uint32 i2s_ws = 4; /* * I2S Data IN */ uint32 i2s_sd = 5; /* * I2S Data OUT */ uint32 i2s_din = 6; /* * I2S Clock */ uint32 i2s_sck = 7; } /* * Config for the Paxcounter Module */ message PaxcounterConfig { /* * Enable the Paxcounter Module */ bool enabled = 1; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * metrics to the mesh */ uint32 paxcounter_update_interval = 2; } /* * Serial Config */ message SerialConfig { /* * TODO: REPLACE */ enum Serial_Baud { BAUD_DEFAULT = 0; BAUD_110 = 1; BAUD_300 = 2; BAUD_600 = 3; BAUD_1200 = 4; BAUD_2400 = 5; BAUD_4800 = 6; BAUD_9600 = 7; BAUD_19200 = 8; BAUD_38400 = 9; BAUD_57600 = 10; BAUD_115200 = 11; BAUD_230400 = 12; BAUD_460800 = 13; BAUD_576000 = 14; BAUD_921600 = 15; } /* * TODO: REPLACE */ enum Serial_Mode { DEFAULT = 0; SIMPLE = 1; PROTO = 2; TEXTMSG = 3; NMEA = 4; // NMEA messages specifically tailored for CalTopo CALTOPO = 5; } /* * Preferences for the SerialModule */ bool enabled = 1; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ bool echo = 2; /* * RX pin (should match Arduino gpio pin number) */ uint32 rxd = 3; /* * TX pin (should match Arduino gpio pin number) */ uint32 txd = 4; /* * Serial baud rate */ Serial_Baud baud = 5; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ uint32 timeout = 6; /* * Mode for serial module operation */ Serial_Mode mode = 7; /* * Overrides the platform's defacto Serial port instance to use with Serial module config settings * This is currently only usable in output modes like NMEA / CalTopo and may behave strangely or not work at all in other modes * Existing logging over the Serial Console will still be present */ bool override_console_serial_port = 8; } /* * External Notifications Config */ message ExternalNotificationConfig { /* * Enable the ExternalNotificationModule */ bool enabled = 1; /* * When using in On/Off mode, keep the output on for this many * milliseconds. Default 1000ms (1 second). */ uint32 output_ms = 2; /* * Define the output pin GPIO setting Defaults to * EXT_NOTIFY_OUT if set for the board. * In standalone devices this pin should drive the LED to match the UI. */ uint32 output = 3; /* * Optional: Define a secondary output pin for a vibra motor * This is used in standalone devices to match the UI. */ uint32 output_vibra = 8; /* * Optional: Define a tertiary output pin for an active buzzer * This is used in standalone devices to to match the UI. */ uint32 output_buzzer = 9; /* * IF this is true, the 'output' Pin will be pulled active high, false * means active low. */ bool active = 4; /* * True: Alert when a text message arrives (output) */ bool alert_message = 5; /* * True: Alert when a text message arrives (output_vibra) */ bool alert_message_vibra = 10; /* * True: Alert when a text message arrives (output_buzzer) */ bool alert_message_buzzer = 11; /* * True: Alert when the bell character is received (output) */ bool alert_bell = 6; /* * True: Alert when the bell character is received (output_vibra) */ bool alert_bell_vibra = 12; /* * True: Alert when the bell character is received (output_buzzer) */ bool alert_bell_buzzer = 13; /* * use a PWM output instead of a simple on/off output. This will ignore * the 'output', 'output_ms' and 'active' settings and use the * device.buzzer_gpio instead. */ bool use_pwm = 7; /* * The notification will toggle with 'output_ms' for this time of seconds. * Default is 0 which means don't repeat at all. 60 would mean blink * and/or beep for 60 seconds */ uint32 nag_timeout = 14; /* * When true, enables devices with native I2S audio output to use the RTTTL over speaker like a buzzer * T-Watch S3 and T-Deck for example have this capability */ bool use_i2s_as_buzzer = 15; } /* * Store and Forward Module Config */ message StoreForwardConfig { /* * Enable the Store and Forward Module */ bool enabled = 1; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ bool heartbeat = 2; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ uint32 records = 3; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ uint32 history_return_max = 4; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ uint32 history_return_window = 5; } /* * Preferences for the RangeTestModule */ message RangeTestConfig { /* * Enable the Range Test Module */ bool enabled = 1; /* * Send out range test messages from this node */ uint32 sender = 2; /* * Bool value indicating that this node should save a RangeTest.csv file. * ESP32 Only */ bool save = 3; } /* * Configuration for both device and environment metrics */ message TelemetryConfig { /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * device metrics to the mesh */ uint32 device_update_interval = 1; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * environment measurements to the mesh */ uint32 environment_update_interval = 2; /* * Preferences for the Telemetry Module (Environment) * Enable/Disable the telemetry measurement module measurement collection */ bool environment_measurement_enabled = 3; /* * Enable/Disable the telemetry measurement module on-device display */ bool environment_screen_enabled = 4; /* * We'll always read the sensor in Celsius, but sometimes we might want to * display the results in Fahrenheit as a "user preference". */ bool environment_display_fahrenheit = 5; /* * Enable/Disable the air quality metrics */ bool air_quality_enabled = 6; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * air quality metrics to the mesh */ uint32 air_quality_interval = 7; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * air quality metrics to the mesh */ bool power_measurement_enabled = 8; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * air quality metrics to the mesh */ uint32 power_update_interval = 9; /* * Interval in seconds of how often we should try to send our * air quality metrics to the mesh */ bool power_screen_enabled = 10; } /* * TODO: REPLACE */ message CannedMessageConfig { /* * TODO: REPLACE */ enum InputEventChar { /* * TODO: REPLACE */ NONE = 0; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ UP = 17; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ DOWN = 18; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ LEFT = 19; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ RIGHT = 20; /* * '\n' */ SELECT = 10; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ BACK = 27; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ CANCEL = 24; } /* * Enable the rotary encoder #1. This is a 'dumb' encoder sending pulses on both A and B pins while rotating. */ bool rotary1_enabled = 1; /* * GPIO pin for rotary encoder A port. */ uint32 inputbroker_pin_a = 2; /* * GPIO pin for rotary encoder B port. */ uint32 inputbroker_pin_b = 3; /* * GPIO pin for rotary encoder Press port. */ uint32 inputbroker_pin_press = 4; /* * Generate input event on CW of this kind. */ InputEventChar inputbroker_event_cw = 5; /* * Generate input event on CCW of this kind. */ InputEventChar inputbroker_event_ccw = 6; /* * Generate input event on Press of this kind. */ InputEventChar inputbroker_event_press = 7; /* * Enable the Up/Down/Select input device. Can be RAK rotary encoder or 3 buttons. Uses the a/b/press definitions from inputbroker. */ bool updown1_enabled = 8; /* * Enable/disable CannedMessageModule. */ bool enabled = 9; /* * Input event origin accepted by the canned message module. * Can be e.g. "rotEnc1", "upDownEnc1" or keyword "_any" */ string allow_input_source = 10; /* * CannedMessageModule also sends a bell character with the messages. * ExternalNotificationModule can benefit from this feature. */ bool send_bell = 11; } /* Ambient Lighting Module - Settings for control of onboard LEDs to allow users to adjust the brightness levels and respective color levels. Initially created for the RAK14001 RGB LED module. */ message AmbientLightingConfig { /* * Sets LED to on or off. */ bool led_state = 1; /* * Sets the current for the LED output. Default is 10. */ uint32 current = 2; /* * Sets the red LED level. Values are 0-255. */ uint32 red = 3; /* * Sets the green LED level. Values are 0-255. */ uint32 green = 4; /* * Sets the blue LED level. Values are 0-255. */ uint32 blue = 5; } /* * TODO: REPLACE */ oneof payload_variant { /* * TODO: REPLACE */ MQTTConfig mqtt = 1; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ SerialConfig serial = 2; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ ExternalNotificationConfig external_notification = 3; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ StoreForwardConfig store_forward = 4; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ RangeTestConfig range_test = 5; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ TelemetryConfig telemetry = 6; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ CannedMessageConfig canned_message = 7; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ AudioConfig audio = 8; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ RemoteHardwareConfig remote_hardware = 9; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ NeighborInfoConfig neighbor_info = 10; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ AmbientLightingConfig ambient_lighting = 11; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ DetectionSensorConfig detection_sensor = 12; /* * TODO: REPLACE */ PaxcounterConfig paxcounter = 13; } } /* * A GPIO pin definition for remote hardware module */ message RemoteHardwarePin { /* * GPIO Pin number (must match Arduino) */ uint32 gpio_pin = 1; /* * Name for the GPIO pin (i.e. Front gate, mailbox, etc) */ string name = 2; /* * Type of GPIO access available to consumers on the mesh */ RemoteHardwarePinType type = 3; } enum RemoteHardwarePinType { /* * Unset/unused */ UNKNOWN = 0; /* * GPIO pin can be read (if it is high / low) */ DIGITAL_READ = 1; /* * GPIO pin can be written to (high / low) */ DIGITAL_WRITE = 2; }