syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh"; option java_outer_classname = "StoreAndForward"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; option go_package = ""; message StoreAndForward { /* * 1 - 99 = From Router * 101 - 199 = From Client */ enum RequestResponse { /* * Unset/unused */ UNSET = 0; ROUTER_ERROR = 1; ROUTER_HEARTBEAT = 2; /* * Router has requested the client respond. This can work as a * "are you there" message. */ ROUTER_PING = 3; /* * The response to a "Ping" */ ROUTER_PONG = 4; /* * Router is currently busy. Please try again later. */ ROUTER_BUSY = 5; CLIENT_ERROR = 101; /* * Client has requested a replay from the router. */ CLIENT_HISTORY = 102; /* * Client has requested stats from the router. */ CLIENT_STATS = 103; /* * Client has requested the router respond. This can work as a * "are you there" message. */ CLIENT_PING = 104; /* * The response to a "Ping" */ CLIENT_PONG = 105; } message Statistics { /* * Number of messages we have ever seen */ uint32 MessagesTotal = 1; /* * Number of messages we have currently saved our history. */ uint32 MessagesSaved = 2; /* * Maximum number of messages we will save */ uint32 MessagesMax = 3; /* * Router uptime in seconds */ uint32 UpTime = 4; /* * Number of times any client sent a request to the S&F. */ uint32 Requests = 5; /* * Number of times the history was requested. */ uint32 RequestsHistory = 6; /* * Is the heartbeat enabled on the server? */ bool Heartbeat = 7; /* * Is the heartbeat enabled on the server? */ uint32 ReturnMax = 8; /* * Is the heartbeat enabled on the server? */ uint32 ReturnWindow = 9; } message History { /* * Number of that will be sent to the client */ uint32 HistoryMessages = 1; /* * The window of messages that was used to filter the history client requested */ uint32 Window = 2; } RequestResponse rr = 1; Statistics stats = 2; History history = 3; }