syntax = "proto3"; // per // We are not placing any of these defs inside a package, because if you do the // resulting nanopb version is super verbose package mesh; option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh"; option java_outer_classname = "MeshProtos"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; import "portnums.proto"; /** MESH RADIO PROTOCOL Old TODO notes on the mesh radio protocol, merge into real docs below... for each named group we have a pre-shared key known by all group members and wrapped around the device. you can only be in one group at a time (FIXME?!) To join the group we read a qr code with the preshared key and ParamsCodeEnum. that gets sent via bluetooth to the device. ParamsCodeEnum maps to a set of various radio params (regulatory region, center freq, SF, bandwidth, bitrate, power etc...) so all members of the mesh can have their radios set the same way. once in that group, we can talk between 254 node numbers. to get our node number (and announce our presence in the channel) we pick a random node number and broadcast as that node with WANT-NODENUM(my globally unique name). If anyone on the channel has seen someone _else_ using that name within the last 24 hrs(?) they reply with DENY-NODENUM. Note: we might receive multiple denies. Note: this allows others to speak up for some other node that might be saving battery right now. Any time we hear from another node (for any message type), we add that node number to the unpickable list. To dramatically decrease the odds a node number we request is already used by someone. If no one denies within TBD seconds, we assume that we have that node number. As long as we keep talking to folks at least once every 24 hrs, others should remember we have it. Once we have a node number we can broadcast POSITION-UPDATE(my globally unique name, lat, lon, alt, amt battery remaining). All receivers will use this to a) update the mapping of who is at what node nums, b) the time of last rx, c) position. If we haven't heard from that node in a while we reply to that node (only) with our current POSITION_UPDATE state - so that node (presumably just rejoined the network) can build a map of all participants. We will periodically broadcast POSITION-UPDATE as needed based on distance moved or a periodic minimum heartbeat. If user wants to send a text they can SEND_TEXT(dest user, short text message). Dest user is a node number, or 0xff for broadcast. */ /* Protobuf build instructions: protoc -I=. --java_out /tmp mesh.proto To generate Nanopb c code /home/kevinh/packages/nanopb-0.4.0-linux-x86/generator-bin/protoc --nanopb_out=/tmp -I=app/src/main/proto mesh.proto Nanopb binaries available here: use nanopb 0.4.0 */ // a gps position message Position { /** The new preferred location encoding, divide by 1e-7 to get degrees in * floating point */ sint32 latitude_i = 7; sint32 longitude_i = 8; /** In meters above MSL */ int32 altitude = 3; /** 1-100 (0 means not provided) */ int32 battery_level = 4; /// This is usually not sent over the mesh (to save space), but it is sent /// from the phone so that the local device can set its RTC If it is sent over /// the mesh (because there are devices on the mesh without GPS), it will only /// be sent by devices which has a hardware GPS clock. fixed32 time = 9; // seconds since 1970 } // a data message to forward to an external app (or possibly also be consumed // internally in the case of CLEAR_TEXT and CLEAR_READACK) message Data { // formerly named typ and of type Type PortNum portnum = 1; bytes payload = 2; // required } /* Broadcast when a newly powered mesh node wants to find a node num it can use // Sent from the phone over bluetooth to set the user id for the owner of this node. // Also sent from nodes to each other when a new node signs on (so all clients can have this info) The algorithm is as follows: * when a node starts up, it broadcasts their user and the normal flow is for all other nodes to reply with their User as well (so the new node can build its node db) * If a node ever receives a User (not just the first broadcast) message where the sender node number equals our node number, that indicates a collision has occurred and the following steps should happen: If the receiving node (that was already in the mesh)'s macaddr is LOWER than the new User who just tried to sign in: it gets to keep its nodenum. We send a broadcast message of OUR User (we use a broadcast so that the other node can receive our message, considering we have the same id - it also serves to let observers correct their nodedb) - this case is rare so it should be okay. If any node receives a User where the macaddr is GTE than their local macaddr, they have been vetoed and should pick a new random nodenum (filtering against whatever it knows about the nodedb) and rebroadcast their User. A few nodenums are reserved and will never be requested: 0xff - broadcast 0 through 3 - for future use */ message User { string id = 1; // a globally unique ID string for this user. In the case of // Signal that would mean +16504442323, for the default macaddr // derived id it would be !<6 hexidecimal bytes> string long_name = 2; // A full name for this user, i.e. "Kevin Hester" string short_name = 3; // A VERY short name, ideally two characters. Suitable // for a tiny OLED screen bytes macaddr = 4; // This is the addr of the radio. Not populated by the // phone, but added by the esp32 when broadcasting } /// A message used in our Dynamic Source Routing protocol (RFC 4728 based) message RouteDiscovery { /** The list of nodes this packet has visited so far */ repeated int32 route = 2; } enum RouteError { NONE = 0; // Our node doesn't have a route to the requested destination anymore. NO_ROUTE = 1; // We received a nak while trying to forward on your behalf GOT_NAK = 2; TIMEOUT = 3; } // The payload portion fo a packet, this is the actual bytes that are sent // inside a radio packet (because from/to are broken out by the comms library) message SubPacket { // Only one of the following fields can be populated at a time oneof payload { /// Prior to 1.20 positions were communicated as a special payload type, now they are GPS_POSITION_APP Data Position position = 1 [deprecated = true]; Data data = 3; /// Prior to 1.20 positions were communicated as a special payload type, now they are MESH_USERINFO_APP User user = 4 [deprecated = true]; /** A route request going from the requester */ RouteDiscovery route_request = 6; /** A route reply */ RouteDiscovery route_reply = 7; /** A failure in a routed message */ RouteError route_error = 13; } /// Not normally used, but for testing a sender can request that recipient /// responds in kind (i.e. if it received a position, it should unicast back /// its position). // Note: that if you set this on a broadcast you will receive many replies. // FIXME - unify (i.e. remove) this with the new reliable messaging at the // MeshPacket level bool want_response = 5; oneof ack { /** This packet is a requested acknoledgement indicating that we have received the specified message ID. This packet type can be used both for immediate (0 hops) messages or can be routed through multiple hops if dest is set. Note: As an optimization, recipients can _also_ populate a field in payload if they think the recipient would appreciate that extra state. */ uint32 success_id = 10; /** This is a nak, we failed to deliver this message. */ uint32 fail_id = 11; } /** The address of the destination node. This field is is filled in by the mesh radio device software, applicaiton layer software should never need it. RouteDiscovery messages _must_ populate this. Other message types might need to if they are doing multihop routing. */ uint32 dest = 9; /** The address of the original sender for this message. This field should _only_ be populated for reliable multihop packets (to keep packets small). */ uint32 source = 12; /** Only used in route_error messages. Indicates the original message ID that this message is reporting failure on. */ uint32 original_id = 2; } // A full packet sent/received over the mesh // Note: For simplicity reasons (and that we want to keep over the radio packets // very small, we now assume that there is only _one_ SubPacket in each // MeshPacket). message MeshPacket { /** The sending node number. Note: Our crypto implementation uses this field as well. See docs/software/ for details. */ uint32 from = 1; // FIXME - really should be fixed32 instead, this encoding // only hurts the ble link though. /** The (immediate) destination for this packet. If we are using routing, the final destination will be in payload.dest */ uint32 to = 2; // FIXME - really should be fixed32 instead, this encoding only // hurts the ble link though. /** Internally to the mesh radios we will route SubPackets encrypted per docs/software/ However, when a particular node has the correct key to decode a particular packet, it will decode the payload into a SubPacket protobuf structure. Software outside of the device nodes will never encounter a packet where "decoded" is not populated (i.e. any encryption/decryption happens before reaching the applications) The numeric IDs for these fields were selected to keep backwards compatibility with old applications. */ oneof payload { SubPacket decoded = 3; bytes encrypted = 8; } /** A unique ID for this packet. Always 0 for no-ack packets or non broadcast packets (and therefore take zero bytes of space). Otherwise a unique ID for this packet. Useful for flooding algorithms. ID only needs to be unique on a _per sender_ basis. And it only needs to be unique for a few minutes (long enough to last for the length of any ACK or the completion of a mesh broadcast flood). Note: Our crypto implementation uses this id as well. See docs/software/ for details. */ uint32 id = 6; // FIXME - really should be fixed32 instead, this encoding only // hurts the ble link though. /// The time this message was received by the esp32 (secs since 1970). Note: /// this field is _never_ sent on the radio link itself (to save space) Times /// are typically not sent over the mesh, but they will be added to any Packet /// (chain of SubPacket) sent to the phone (so the phone can know exact time /// of reception) fixed32 rx_time = 9; /// *Never* sent over the radio links. Set during reception to indicate the /// SNR /// of this packet. Used to collect statistics on current link waulity. float rx_snr = 7; /** If unset treated as zero (no fowarding, send to adjacent nodes only) if 1, allow hopping through one node, etc... For our usecase real world topologies probably have a max of about 3. This field is normally placed into a few of bits in the header. */ uint32 hop_limit = 10; /** This packet is being sent as a reliable message, we would prefer it to arrive at the destination. We would like to receive a ack packet in response. Broadcasts messages treat this flag specially: Since acks for broadcasts would rapidly flood the channel, the normal ack behavior is suppressed. Instead, the original sender listens to see if at least one node is rebroadcasting this packet (because naive flooding algoritm). If it hears that the odds (given typical LoRa topologies) the odds are very high that every node should eventually receive the message. So FloodingRouter.cpp generates an implicit ack which is delivered to the original sender. If after some time we don't hear anyone rebroadcast our packet, we will timeout and retransmit, using the regular resend logic. Note: This flag is normally sent in a flag bit in the header when sent over the wire */ bool want_ack = 11; } /// Shared constants between device and phone enum Constants { Unused = 0; // First enum must be zero, and we are just using this enum to // pass int constants between two very different environments /** From mesh.options note: this payload length is ONLY the bytes that are sent inside of the radiohead packet Data.payload max_size:240 */ DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN = 240; } /** Full settings (center freq, spread factor, pre-shared secret key etc...) needed to configure a radio for speaking on a particlar channel This information can be encoded as a QRcode/url so that other users can configure their radio to join the same channel. A note aboute how channel names are shown to users: #channelname-Xy # is a prefix used to indicate this is a channel name (idea from @professr). Where X is a letter from A-Z (base 26) representing a hash of the PSK for this channel - so that if the user changes anything about the channel (which does force a new PSK) this letter will also change. Thus preventing user confusion if two friends try to type in a channel name of "BobsChan" and then can't talk because their PSKs will be different. The PSK is hashed into this letter by "0x41 + [xor all bytes of the psk ] modulo 26" This also allows the option of someday if people have the PSK off (zero), the users COULD type in a channel name and be able to talk. Y is a lower case letter from a-z that represents the channel 'speed' settings (for some future definition of speed) */ message ChannelSettings { /** If zero then, use default max legal continuous power (ie. something that won't burn out the radio hardware) In most cases you should use zero here. */ int32 tx_power = 1; enum ModemConfig { // Note: these mappings must match ModemConfigChoice in the device code. Bw125Cr45Sf128 = 0; ///< Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC ///< on. Default medium range Bw500Cr45Sf128 = 1; ///< Bw = 500 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC ///< on. Fast+short range Bw31_25Cr48Sf512 = 2; ///< Bw = 31.25 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 512chips/symbol, ///< CRC on. Slow+long range Bw125Cr48Sf4096 = 3; ///< Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 4096chips/symbol, CRC ///< on. Slow+long range } /// Note: This is the 'old' mechanism for specifying channel parameters. /// Either modem_config or bandwidth/spreading/coding will be specified - NOT /// BOTH. As a heuristic: If bandwidth is specified, do not use modem_config. /// Because protobufs take ZERO space when the value is zero this works out /// nicely. /// /// This value is replaced by bandwidth/spread_factor/coding_rate. If you'd /// like to experiment with other options add them to MeshRadio.cpp in the /// device code. ModemConfig modem_config = 3; /// See note above with modem_config /** Bandwidth in MHz Certain bandwidth numbers are 'special' and will be converted to the appropriate floating point value: 31 -> 31.25MHz */ uint32 bandwidth = 6; /** A number from 7 to 12. Indicates number of chirps per symbol as 1<