syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "com.geeksville.mesh"; option java_outer_classname = "RemoteHardware"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; /* A example app to show off the plugin system. This message is used for REMOTE_HARDWARE_APP PortNums. * * Also provides easy remote access to any GPIO. * * In the future other remote hardware operations can be added based on user interest (i.e. serial output, spi/i2c input/output). * * FIXME - currently this feature is turned on by default which is dangerous because no security yet (beyond the channel mechanism). * It should be off by default and then protected based on some TBD mechanism (a special channel once multichannel support is included?) */ message HardwareMessage { enum Type { /* * Unset/unused */ UNSET = 0; /* * Set gpio gpios based on gpio_mask/gpio_value */ WRITE_GPIOS = 1; /* * We are now interested in watching the gpio_mask gpios. * If the selected gpios change, please broadcast GPIOS_CHANGED. * * Will implicitly change the gpios requested to be INPUT gpios. */ WATCH_GPIOS = 2; /* * The gpios listed in gpio_mask have changed, the new values are listed in gpio_value */ GPIOS_CHANGED = 3; /* * Read the gpios specified in gpio_mask, send back a READ_GPIOS_REPLY reply with gpio_value populated */ READ_GPIOS = 4; /* * A reply to READ_GPIOS. gpio_mask and gpio_value will be populated */ READ_GPIOS_REPLY = 5; } /* * What type of HardwareMessage is this? */ Type typ = 1; /* * What gpios are we changing. Not used for all MessageTypes, see MessageType for details */ uint64 gpio_mask = 2; /* * For gpios that were listed in gpio_mask as valid, what are the signal levels for those gpios. * Not used for all MessageTypes, see MessageType for details */ uint64 gpio_value = 3; }