move channel_num to LoRaConfig

andrekir 2022-09-30 16:39:21 -03:00 zatwierdzone przez Sacha Weatherstone
rodzic dabfdfb90c
commit 8fa20d8d0d
2 zmienionych plików z 21 dodań i 19 usunięć

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@ -31,26 +31,9 @@ option java_outer_classname = "ChannelProtos";
message ChannelSettings {
* NOTE: this field is _independent_ and unrelated to the concepts in channel.proto.
* this is controlling the actual hardware frequency the radio is transmitting on.
* In a perfect world we would have called it something else (band?) but I forgot to make this change during the big 1.2 renaming.
* Most users should never need to be exposed to this field/concept.
* A channel number between 1 and 13 (or whatever the max is in the current
* region). If ZERO then the rule is "use the old channel name hash based
* algorithm to derive the channel number")
* If using the hash algorithm the channel number will be: hash(channel_name) %
* NUM_CHANNELS (Where num channels depends on the regulatory region).
* NUM_CHANNELS_US is 13, for other values see MeshRadio.h in the device code.
* hash a string into an integer - djb2 by Dan Bernstein. -
* unsigned long hash(char *str) {
* unsigned long hash = 5381; int c;
* while ((c = *str++) != 0)
* hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (unsigned char) c;
* return hash;
* }
* Deprecated in favor of LoraConfig.channel_num
uint32 channel_num = 1;
uint32 channel_num = 1 [deprecated = true];
* A simple pre-shared key for now for crypto.

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@ -572,6 +572,25 @@ message Config {
int32 tx_power = 10;
* This is controlling the actual hardware frequency the radio is transmitting on.
* Most users should never need to be exposed to this field/concept.
* A channel number between 1 and N (whatever the max is in the current region).
* If ZERO then the rule is "use the old channel name hash based
* algorithm to derive the channel number")
* If using the hash algorithm the channel number will be: hash(channel_name) %
* NUM_CHANNELS (Where num channels depends on the regulatory region).
* hash a string into an integer - djb2 by Dan Bernstein. -
* unsigned long hash(char *str) {
* unsigned long hash = 5381; int c;
* while ((c = *str++) != 0)
* hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (unsigned char) c;
* return hash;
* }
uint32 channel_num = 11;
* For testing it is useful sometimes to force a node to never listen to
* particular other nodes (simulating radio out of range). All nodenums listed