
363 wiersze
7.6 KiB

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "LittleFS.h"
#include <lfs.h>
using namespace LittleFS_Namespace;
File::File(LittleFS &fs)
_fs = &fs;
_is_dir = false;
_name[0] = 0;
_dir_path = NULL;
_dir = NULL;
_file = NULL;
File::File(char const *filename, uint8_t mode, LittleFS &fs) : File(fs)
// public constructor calls public API open(), which will obtain the mutex
this->open(filename, mode);
bool File::_open_file(char const *filepath, uint8_t mode)
int flags = (mode == FILE_O_READ) ? LFS_O_RDONLY : (mode == FILE_O_WRITE) ? (LFS_O_RDWR | LFS_O_CREAT) : 0;
if (flags) {
_file = (lfs_file_t *)malloc(sizeof(lfs_file_t));
if (!_file)
return false;
int rc = lfs_file_open(_fs->_getFS(), _file, filepath, flags);
if (rc) {
// failed to open
return false;
// move to end of file
if (mode == FILE_O_WRITE)
lfs_file_seek(_fs->_getFS(), _file, 0, LFS_SEEK_END);
_is_dir = false;
return true;
bool File::_open_dir(char const *filepath)
_dir = (lfs_dir_t *)malloc(sizeof(lfs_dir_t));
if (!_dir)
return false;
int rc = lfs_dir_open(_fs->_getFS(), _dir, filepath);
if (rc) {
// failed to open
return false;
_is_dir = true;
_dir_path = (char *)malloc(strlen(filepath) + 1);
strcpy(_dir_path, filepath);
return true;
bool File::open(char const *filepath, uint8_t mode)
bool ret = false;
ret = this->_open(filepath, mode);
return ret;
bool File::_open(char const *filepath, uint8_t mode)
bool ret = false;
// close if currently opened
if (this->isOpen())
struct lfs_info info;
int rc = lfs_stat(_fs->_getFS(), filepath, &info);
if (LFS_ERR_OK == rc) {
// file existed, open file or directory accordingly
ret = (info.type == LFS_TYPE_REG) ? _open_file(filepath, mode) : _open_dir(filepath);
} else if (LFS_ERR_NOENT == rc) {
// file not existed, only proceed with FILE_O_WRITE mode
if (mode == FILE_O_WRITE)
ret = _open_file(filepath, mode);
} else {
// save bare file name
if (ret) {
char const *splash = strrchr(filepath, '/');
strncpy(_name, splash ? (splash + 1) : filepath, LFS_NAME_MAX);
return ret;
size_t File::write(uint8_t ch)
return write(&ch, 1);
size_t File::write(uint8_t const *buf, size_t size)
lfs_ssize_t wrcount = 0;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
wrcount = lfs_file_write(_fs->_getFS(), _file, buf, size);
if (wrcount < 0) {
wrcount = 0;
return wrcount;
int File::read(void)
// this thin wrapper relies on called function to synchronize
int ret = -1;
uint8_t ch;
if (read(&ch, 1) > 0) {
ret = static_cast<int>(ch);
return ret;
int File::read(void *buf, uint16_t nbyte)
int ret = 0;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
ret = lfs_file_read(_fs->_getFS(), _file, buf, nbyte);
return ret;
int File::peek(void)
int ret = -1;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
uint32_t pos = lfs_file_tell(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
uint8_t ch = 0;
if (lfs_file_read(_fs->_getFS(), _file, &ch, 1) > 0) {
ret = static_cast<int>(ch);
(void)lfs_file_seek(_fs->_getFS(), _file, pos, LFS_SEEK_SET);
return ret;
int File::available(void)
int ret = 0;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
uint32_t fsize = lfs_file_size(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
uint32_t pos = lfs_file_tell(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
ret = fsize - pos;
return ret;
bool File::seek(uint32_t pos)
bool ret = false;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
ret = lfs_file_seek(_fs->_getFS(), _file, pos, LFS_SEEK_SET) >= 0;
return ret;
uint32_t File::position(void)
uint32_t ret = 0;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
ret = lfs_file_tell(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
return ret;
uint32_t File::size(void)
uint32_t ret = 0;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
ret = lfs_file_size(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
return ret;
bool File::truncate(uint32_t pos)
int32_t ret = LFS_ERR_ISDIR;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
ret = lfs_file_truncate(_fs->_getFS(), _file, pos);
return (ret == 0);
bool File::truncate(void)
int32_t ret = LFS_ERR_ISDIR;
if (!this->_is_dir) {
uint32_t pos = lfs_file_tell(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
ret = lfs_file_truncate(_fs->_getFS(), _file, pos);
return (ret == 0);
void File::flush(void)
if (!this->_is_dir) {
lfs_file_sync(_fs->_getFS(), _file);
void File::close(void)
void File::_close(void)
if (this->isOpen()) {
if (this->_is_dir) {
lfs_dir_close(_fs->_getFS(), _dir);
_dir = NULL;
if (this->_dir_path)
_dir_path = NULL;
} else {
lfs_file_close(this->_fs->_getFS(), _file);
_file = NULL;
File::operator bool(void)
return isOpen();
bool File::isOpen(void)
return (_file != NULL) || (_dir != NULL);
// WARNING -- although marked as `const`, the values pointed
// to may change. For example, if the same File
// object has `open()` called with a different
// file or directory name, this same pointer will
// suddenly (unexpectedly?) have different values.
char const *File::name(void)
return this->_name;
bool File::isDirectory(void)
return this->_is_dir;
File File::openNextFile(uint8_t mode)
File ret(*_fs);
if (this->_is_dir) {
struct lfs_info info;
int rc;
// lfs_dir_read returns 0 when reaching end of directory, 1 if found an entry
// Skip the "." and ".." entries ...
do {
rc = lfs_dir_read(_fs->_getFS(), _dir, &info);
} while (rc == 1 && (!strcmp(".", || !strcmp("..",;
if (rc == 1) {
// string cat name with current folder
char filepath[strlen(_dir_path) + 1 + strlen( + 1]; // potential for significant stack usage
strcpy(filepath, _dir_path);
if (!(_dir_path[0] == '/' && _dir_path[1] == 0))
strcat(filepath, "/"); // only add '/' if cwd is not root
(void)ret._open(filepath, mode); // return value is ignored ... caller is expected to check isOpened()
} else if (rc < 0) {
return ret;
void File::rewindDirectory(void)
if (this->_is_dir) {
lfs_dir_rewind(_fs->_getFS(), _dir);