
229 wiersze
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#include "PowerFSM.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "esp_task_wdt.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "BleOta.h"
#include "nimble/NimbleBluetooth.h"
#include "mesh/wifi/WiFiAPClient.h"
#include "meshUtils.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "soc/rtc.h"
#include "target_specific.h"
#include <Preferences.h>
#include <driver/rtc_io.h>
#include <nvs.h>
#include <nvs_flash.h>
void setBluetoothEnable(bool enable)
if (!isWifiAvailable() && config.bluetooth.enabled == true) {
if (!nimbleBluetooth) {
nimbleBluetooth = new NimbleBluetooth();
if (enable && !nimbleBluetooth->isActive()) {
} else if (!enable) {
void setBluetoothEnable(bool enable) {}
void updateBatteryLevel(uint8_t level) {}
void getMacAddr(uint8_t *dmac)
assert(esp_efuse_mac_get_default(dmac) == ESP_OK);
#ifdef HAS_32768HZ
#define CALIBRATE_ONE(cali_clk) calibrate_one(cali_clk, #cali_clk)
static uint32_t calibrate_one(rtc_cal_sel_t cal_clk, const char *name)
const uint32_t cal_count = 1000;
// const float factor = (1 << 19) * 1000.0f; unused var?
uint32_t cali_val;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
cali_val = rtc_clk_cal(cal_clk, cal_count);
return cali_val;
void enableSlowCLK()
uint32_t cal_32k = CALIBRATE_ONE(RTC_CAL_32K_XTAL);
if (cal_32k == 0) {
LOG_DEBUG("32K XTAL OSC has not started up\n");
} else {
LOG_DEBUG("Switching RTC Source to 32.768Khz succeeded, using 32K XTAL\n");
if (rtc_clk_slow_freq_get() != RTC_SLOW_FREQ_32K_XTAL) {
LOG_WARN("Failed to switch 32K XTAL RTC source to 32.768Khz !!! \n");
void esp32Setup()
uint32_t seed = esp_random();
LOG_DEBUG("Setting random seed %u\n", seed);
LOG_DEBUG("Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize());
LOG_DEBUG("Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
LOG_DEBUG("Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize());
LOG_DEBUG("Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
nvs_stats_t nvs_stats;
auto res = nvs_get_stats(NULL, &nvs_stats);
assert(res == ESP_OK);
LOG_DEBUG("NVS: UsedEntries %d, FreeEntries %d, AllEntries %d, NameSpaces %d\n", nvs_stats.used_entries,
nvs_stats.free_entries, nvs_stats.total_entries, nvs_stats.namespace_count);
LOG_DEBUG("Setup Preferences in Flash Storage\n");
// Create object to store our persistent data
Preferences preferences;
preferences.begin("meshtastic", false);
uint32_t rebootCounter = preferences.getUInt("rebootCounter", 0);
preferences.putUInt("rebootCounter", rebootCounter);
LOG_DEBUG("Number of Device Reboots: %d\n", rebootCounter);
String BLEOTA = BleOta::getOtaAppVersion();
if (BLEOTA.isEmpty()) {
LOG_DEBUG("No OTA firmware available\n");
} else {
LOG_DEBUG("OTA firmware version %s\n", BLEOTA.c_str());
LOG_DEBUG("No OTA firmware available\n");
// enableModemSleep();
// Since we are turning on watchdogs rather late in the release schedule, we really don't want to catch any
// false positives. The wait-to-sleep timeout for shutting down radios is 30 secs, so pick 45 for now.
// #define APP_WATCHDOG_SECS 45
res = esp_task_wdt_init(APP_WATCHDOG_SECS, true);
assert(res == ESP_OK);
res = esp_task_wdt_add(NULL);
assert(res == ESP_OK);
#ifdef HAS_32768HZ
#if 0
// Turn off for now
uint32_t axpDebugRead()
LOG_DEBUG("vbus current %f\n", axp.getVbusCurrent());
LOG_DEBUG("charge current %f\n", axp.getBattChargeCurrent());
LOG_DEBUG("bat voltage %f\n", axp.getBattVoltage());
LOG_DEBUG("batt pct %d\n", axp.getBattPercentage());
LOG_DEBUG("is battery connected %d\n", axp.isBatteryConnect());
LOG_DEBUG("is USB connected %d\n", axp.isVBUSPlug());
LOG_DEBUG("is charging %d\n", axp.isChargeing());
return 30 * 1000;
Periodic axpDebugOutput(axpDebugRead);
/// loop code specific to ESP32 targets
void esp32Loop()
esp_task_wdt_reset(); // service our app level watchdog
// for debug printing
// radio.radioIf.canSleep();
void cpuDeepSleep(uint32_t msecToWake)
Some ESP32 IOs have internal pullups or pulldowns, which are enabled by default.
If an external circuit drives this pin in deep sleep mode, current consumption may
increase due to current flowing through these pullups and pulldowns.
To isolate a pin, preventing extra current draw, call rtc_gpio_isolate() function.
For example, on ESP32-WROVER module, GPIO12 is pulled up externally.
GPIO12 also has an internal pulldown in the ESP32 chip. This means that in deep sleep,
some current will flow through these external and internal resistors, increasing deep
sleep current above the minimal possible value.
Note: we don't isolate pins that are used for the LORA, LED, i2c, or ST7735 Display for the Chatter2, spi or the wake
button(s), maybe we should not include any other GPIOs...
static const uint8_t rtcGpios[] = {/* 0, */ 2,
/* 4, */
#ifndef USE_JTAG
/* 14, */ /* 15, */
/* 25, */ /* 26, */ /* 27, */
/* 32, */ /* 33, */ 34, 35,
/* 36, */ 37
/* 38, 39 */};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(rtcGpios); i++)
// FIXME, disable internal rtc pullups/pulldowns on the non isolated pins. for inputs that we aren't using
// to detect wake and in normal operation the external part drives them hard.
// Only GPIOs which are have RTC functionality can be used in this bit map: 0,2,4,12-15,25-27,32-39.
uint64_t gpioMask = (1ULL << (config.device.button_gpio ? config.device.button_gpio : BUTTON_PIN));
// Not needed because both of the current boards have external pullups
// FIXME change polarity in hw so we can wake on ANY_HIGH instead - that would allow us to use all three buttons (instead of
// just the first) gpio_pullup_en((gpio_num_t)BUTTON_PIN);
esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(gpioMask, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);
// We want RTC peripherals to stay on
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(msecToWake * 1000ULL); // call expects usecs
esp_deep_sleep_start(); // TBD mA sleep current (battery)