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#include "NeighborInfoModule.h"
#include "Default.h"
#include "MeshService.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "RTC.h"
NeighborInfoModule *neighborInfoModule;
Prints a single neighbor info packet and associated neighbors
Uses LOG_DEBUG, which equates to Console.log
NOTE: For debugging only
void NeighborInfoModule::printNeighborInfo(const char *header, const meshtastic_NeighborInfo *np)
LOG_DEBUG("%s NEIGHBORINFO PACKET from Node 0x%x to Node 0x%x (last sent by 0x%x)\n", header, np->node_id,
nodeDB->getNodeNum(), np->last_sent_by_id);
LOG_DEBUG("Packet contains %d neighbors\n", np->neighbors_count);
for (int i = 0; i < np->neighbors_count; i++) {
LOG_DEBUG("Neighbor %d: node_id=0x%x, snr=%.2f\n", i, np->neighbors[i].node_id, np->neighbors[i].snr);
Prints the nodeDB neighbors
NOTE: for debugging only
void NeighborInfoModule::printNodeDBNeighbors()
LOG_DEBUG("Our NodeDB contains %d neighbors\n", neighbors.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {
LOG_DEBUG("Node %d: node_id=0x%x, snr=%.2f\n", i, neighbors[i].node_id, neighbors[i].snr);
/* Send our initial owner announcement 35 seconds after we start (to give network time to setup) */
: ProtobufModule("neighborinfo", meshtastic_PortNum_NEIGHBORINFO_APP, &meshtastic_NeighborInfo_msg),
ourPortNum = meshtastic_PortNum_NEIGHBORINFO_APP;
if (moduleConfig.neighbor_info.enabled) {
isPromiscuous = true; // Update neighbors from all packets
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(moduleConfig.neighbor_info.update_interval, default_broadcast_interval_secs));
} else {
LOG_DEBUG("NeighborInfoModule is disabled\n");
Collect neighbor info from the nodeDB's history, capping at a maximum number of entries and max time
Assumes that the neighborInfo packet has been allocated
@returns the number of entries collected
uint32_t NeighborInfoModule::collectNeighborInfo(meshtastic_NeighborInfo *neighborInfo)
NodeNum my_node_id = nodeDB->getNodeNum();
neighborInfo->node_id = my_node_id;
neighborInfo->last_sent_by_id = my_node_id;
neighborInfo->node_broadcast_interval_secs = moduleConfig.neighbor_info.update_interval;
for (auto nbr : neighbors) {
if ((neighborInfo->neighbors_count < MAX_NUM_NEIGHBORS) && (nbr.node_id != my_node_id)) {
neighborInfo->neighbors[neighborInfo->neighbors_count].node_id = nbr.node_id;
neighborInfo->neighbors[neighborInfo->neighbors_count].snr = nbr.snr;
// Note: we don't set the last_rx_time and node_broadcast_intervals_secs here, because we don't want to send this over
// the mesh
return neighborInfo->neighbors_count;
Remove neighbors from the database that we haven't heard from in a while
void NeighborInfoModule::cleanUpNeighbors()
uint32_t now = getTime();
NodeNum my_node_id = nodeDB->getNodeNum();
for (auto it = neighbors.rbegin(); it != neighbors.rend();) {
// We will remove a neighbor if we haven't heard from them in twice the broadcast interval
if ((now - it->last_rx_time > it->node_broadcast_interval_secs * 2) && (it->node_id != my_node_id)) {
LOG_DEBUG("Removing neighbor with node ID 0x%x\n", it->node_id);
it = std::vector<meshtastic_Neighbor>::reverse_iterator(
neighbors.erase(std::next(it).base())); // Erase the element and update the iterator
} else {
/* Send neighbor info to the mesh */
void NeighborInfoModule::sendNeighborInfo(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies)
meshtastic_NeighborInfo neighborInfo = meshtastic_NeighborInfo_init_zero;
meshtastic_MeshPacket *p = allocDataProtobuf(neighborInfo);
// send regardless of whether or not we have neighbors in our DB,
// because we want to get neighbors for the next cycle
p->to = dest;
p->decoded.want_response = wantReplies;
printNeighborInfo("SENDING", &neighborInfo);
service.sendToMesh(p, RX_SRC_LOCAL, true);
Encompasses the full construction and sending packet to mesh
Will be used for broadcast.
int32_t NeighborInfoModule::runOnce()
if (airTime->isTxAllowedChannelUtil(true) && airTime->isTxAllowedAirUtil()) {
sendNeighborInfo(NODENUM_BROADCAST, false);
return Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(moduleConfig.neighbor_info.update_interval, default_broadcast_interval_secs);
Collect a recieved neighbor info packet from another node
Pass it to an upper client; do not persist this data on the mesh
bool NeighborInfoModule::handleReceivedProtobuf(const meshtastic_MeshPacket &mp, meshtastic_NeighborInfo *np)
if (np) {
printNeighborInfo("RECEIVED", np);
updateNeighbors(mp, np);
} else if (mp.hop_start != 0 && mp.hop_start == mp.hop_limit) {
// If the hopLimit is the same as hopStart, then it is a neighbor
getOrCreateNeighbor(mp.from, mp.from, 0, mp.rx_snr); // Set the broadcast interval to 0, as we don't know it
// Allow others to handle this packet
return false;
Copy the content of a current NeighborInfo packet into a new one and update the last_sent_by_id to our NodeNum
void NeighborInfoModule::alterReceivedProtobuf(meshtastic_MeshPacket &p, meshtastic_NeighborInfo *n)
n->last_sent_by_id = nodeDB->getNodeNum();
// Set updated last_sent_by_id to the payload of the to be flooded packet
p.decoded.payload.size =
pb_encode_to_bytes(p.decoded.payload.bytes, sizeof(p.decoded.payload.bytes), &meshtastic_NeighborInfo_msg, n);
void NeighborInfoModule::resetNeighbors()
void NeighborInfoModule::updateNeighbors(const meshtastic_MeshPacket &mp, const meshtastic_NeighborInfo *np)
// The last sent ID will be 0 if the packet is from the phone, which we don't count as
// an edge. So we assume that if it's zero, then this packet is from our node.
if (mp.which_payload_variant == meshtastic_MeshPacket_decoded_tag && mp.from) {
getOrCreateNeighbor(mp.from, np->last_sent_by_id, np->node_broadcast_interval_secs, mp.rx_snr);
meshtastic_Neighbor *NeighborInfoModule::getOrCreateNeighbor(NodeNum originalSender, NodeNum n,
uint32_t node_broadcast_interval_secs, float snr)
// our node and the phone are the same node (not neighbors)
if (n == 0) {
n = nodeDB->getNodeNum();
// look for one in the existing list
for (size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {
if (neighbors[i].node_id == n) {
// if found, update it
neighbors[i].snr = snr;
neighbors[i].last_rx_time = getTime();
// Only if this is the original sender, the broadcast interval corresponds to it
if (originalSender == n && node_broadcast_interval_secs != 0)
neighbors[i].node_broadcast_interval_secs = node_broadcast_interval_secs;
return &neighbors[i];
// otherwise, allocate one and assign data to it
meshtastic_Neighbor new_nbr = meshtastic_Neighbor_init_zero;
new_nbr.node_id = n;
new_nbr.snr = snr;
new_nbr.last_rx_time = getTime();
// Only if this is the original sender, the broadcast interval corresponds to it
if (originalSender == n && node_broadcast_interval_secs != 0)
new_nbr.node_broadcast_interval_secs = node_broadcast_interval_secs;
else // Assume the same broadcast interval as us for the neighbor if we don't know it
new_nbr.node_broadcast_interval_secs = moduleConfig.neighbor_info.update_interval;
if (neighbors.size() < MAX_NUM_NEIGHBORS) {
} else {
// If we have too many neighbors, replace the oldest one
LOG_WARN("Neighbor DB is full, replacing oldest neighbor\n");
return &neighbors.back();