
1824 wiersze
73 KiB

#include "configuration.h"
#include "Default.h"
#include "GPS.h"
#include "GpioLogic.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "PowerMon.h"
#include "RTC.h"
#include "main.h" // pmu_found
#include "sleep.h"
#include "GPSUpdateScheduling.h"
#include "cas.h"
#include "ubx.h"
#include "PortduinoGlue.h"
#include "meshUtils.h"
#include <ctime>
#if defined(NRF52840_XXAA) || defined(NRF52833_XXAA) || defined(ARCH_ESP32) || defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO)
HardwareSerial *GPS::_serial_gps = &Serial1;
#elif defined(ARCH_RP2040)
SerialUART *GPS::_serial_gps = &Serial1;
HardwareSerial *GPS::_serial_gps = NULL;
GPS *gps = nullptr;
GPSUpdateScheduling scheduling;
/// Multiple GPS instances might use the same serial port (in sequence), but we can
/// only init that port once.
static bool didSerialInit;
struct uBloxGnssModelInfo info;
uint8_t uBloxProtocolVersion;
#define GPS_SOL_EXPIRY_MS 5000 // in millis. give 1 second time to combine different sentences. NMEA Frequency isn't higher anyway
#define NMEA_MSG_GXGSA "GNGSA" // GSA message (GPGSA, GNGSA etc)
// For logging
const char *getGPSPowerStateString(GPSPowerState state)
switch (state) {
return "ACTIVE";
case GPS_IDLE:
return "IDLE";
return "SOFTSLEEP";
return "HARDSLEEP";
case GPS_OFF:
return "OFF";
assert(false); // Unhandled enum value..
void GPS::UBXChecksum(uint8_t *message, size_t length)
uint8_t CK_A = 0, CK_B = 0;
// Calculate the checksum, starting from the CLASS field (which is message[2])
for (size_t i = 2; i < length - 2; i++) {
CK_A = (CK_A + message[i]) & 0xFF;
CK_B = (CK_B + CK_A) & 0xFF;
// Place the calculated checksum values in the message
message[length - 2] = CK_A;
message[length - 1] = CK_B;
// Calculate the checksum for a CAS packet
void GPS::CASChecksum(uint8_t *message, size_t length)
uint32_t cksum = ((uint32_t)message[5] << 24); // Message ID
cksum += ((uint32_t)message[4]) << 16; // Class
cksum += message[2]; // Payload Len
// Iterate over the payload as a series of uint32_t's and
// accumulate the cksum
uint32_t const *payload = (uint32_t *)(message + 6);
for (size_t i = 0; i < (length - 10) / 4; i++) {
uint32_t pl = payload[i];
cksum += pl;
// Place the checksum values in the message
message[length - 4] = (cksum & 0xFF);
message[length - 3] = (cksum & (0xFF << 8)) >> 8;
message[length - 2] = (cksum & (0xFF << 16)) >> 16;
message[length - 1] = (cksum & (0xFF << 24)) >> 24;
// Function to create a ublox packet for editing in memory
uint8_t GPS::makeUBXPacket(uint8_t class_id, uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t payload_size, const uint8_t *msg)
// Construct the UBX packet
UBXscratch[0] = 0xB5; // header
UBXscratch[1] = 0x62; // header
UBXscratch[2] = class_id; // class
UBXscratch[3] = msg_id; // id
UBXscratch[4] = payload_size; // length
UBXscratch[5] = 0x00;
UBXscratch[6 + payload_size] = 0x00; // CK_A
UBXscratch[7 + payload_size] = 0x00; // CK_B
for (int i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) {
UBXscratch[6 + i] = pgm_read_byte(&msg[i]);
UBXChecksum(UBXscratch, (payload_size + 8));
return (payload_size + 8);
// Function to create a CAS packet for editing in memory
uint8_t GPS::makeCASPacket(uint8_t class_id, uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t payload_size, const uint8_t *msg)
// General CAS structure
// | H1 | H2 | payload_len | cls | msg | Payload ... | Checksum |
// Size: | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | payload_len | 4 |
// Pos: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ... | 6 + payload_len ... |
// |------|------|-------------|------|------|------|--------------|---------------------------|
// | 0xBA | 0xCE | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX ... | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX |
// Construct the CAS packet
UBXscratch[0] = 0xBA; // header 1 (0xBA)
UBXscratch[1] = 0xCE; // header 2 (0xCE)
UBXscratch[2] = payload_size; // length 1
UBXscratch[3] = 0; // length 2
UBXscratch[4] = class_id; // class
UBXscratch[5] = msg_id; // id
UBXscratch[6 + payload_size] = 0x00; // Checksum
UBXscratch[7 + payload_size] = 0x00;
UBXscratch[8 + payload_size] = 0x00;
UBXscratch[9 + payload_size] = 0x00;
for (int i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) {
UBXscratch[6 + i] = pgm_read_byte(&msg[i]);
CASChecksum(UBXscratch, (payload_size + 10));
#if defined(GPS_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_PORT)
LOG_DEBUG("Constructed CAS packet: \n");
DEBUG_PORT.hexDump(MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, UBXscratch, payload_size + 10);
return (payload_size + 10);
GPS_RESPONSE GPS::getACK(const char *message, uint32_t waitMillis)
uint8_t buffer[768] = {0};
uint8_t b;
int bytesRead = 0;
uint32_t startTimeout = millis() + waitMillis;
while (millis() < startTimeout) {
if (_serial_gps->available()) {
b = _serial_gps->read();
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_DEBUG("%c", (b >= 32 && b <= 126) ? b : '.');
buffer[bytesRead] = b;
if ((bytesRead == 767) || (b == '\r')) {
if (strnstr((char *)buffer, message, bytesRead) != nullptr) {
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_DEBUG("\r\nFound: %s\r\n", message); // Log the found message
} else {
bytesRead = 0;
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
GPS_RESPONSE GPS::getACKCas(uint8_t class_id, uint8_t msg_id, uint32_t waitMillis)
uint32_t startTime = millis();
uint8_t buffer[CAS_ACK_NACK_MSG_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t bufferPos = 0;
// CAS-ACK-(N)ACK structure
// | H1 | H2 | Payload Len | cls | msg | Payload | Checksum (4) |
// | | | | | | Cls | Msg | Reserved | |
// |------|------|-------------|------|------|------|------|-------------|---------------------------|
// ACK-NACK| 0xBA | 0xCE | 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x05 | 0x00 | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX |
// ACK-ACK | 0xBA | 0xCE | 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x05 | 0x01 | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX | 0xXX |
while (millis() - startTime < waitMillis) {
if (_serial_gps->available()) {
buffer[bufferPos++] = _serial_gps->read();
// keep looking at the first two bytes of buffer until
// we have found the CAS frame header (0xBA, 0xCE), if not
// keep reading bytes until we find a frame header or we run
// out of time.
if ((bufferPos == 2) && !(buffer[0] == 0xBA && buffer[1] == 0xCE)) {
buffer[0] = buffer[1];
buffer[1] = 0;
bufferPos = 1;
// we have read all the bytes required for the Ack/Nack (14-bytes)
// and we must have found a frame to get this far
if (bufferPos == sizeof(buffer) - 1) {
uint8_t msg_cls = buffer[4]; // message class should be 0x05
uint8_t msg_msg_id = buffer[5]; // message id should be 0x00 or 0x01
uint8_t payload_cls = buffer[6]; // payload class id
uint8_t payload_msg = buffer[7]; // payload message id
// Check for an ACK-ACK for the specified class and message id
if ((msg_cls == 0x05) && (msg_msg_id == 0x01) && payload_cls == class_id && payload_msg == msg_id) {
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_INFO("Got ACK for class %02X message %02X in %d millis.\n", class_id, msg_id, millis() - startTime);
// Check for an ACK-NACK for the specified class and message id
if ((msg_cls == 0x05) && (msg_msg_id == 0x00) && payload_cls == class_id && payload_msg == msg_id) {
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_WARN("Got NACK for class %02X message %02X in %d millis.\n", class_id, msg_id, millis() - startTime);
// This isn't the frame we are looking for, clear the buffer
// and try again until we run out of time.
memset(buffer, 0x0, sizeof(buffer));
bufferPos = 0;
GPS_RESPONSE GPS::getACK(uint8_t class_id, uint8_t msg_id, uint32_t waitMillis)
uint8_t b;
uint8_t ack = 0;
const uint8_t ackP[2] = {class_id, msg_id};
uint8_t buf[10] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint32_t startTime = millis();
const char frame_errors[] = "More than 100 frame errors";
int sCounter = 0;
for (int j = 2; j < 6; j++) {
buf[8] += buf[j];
buf[9] += buf[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
buf[6 + j] = ackP[j];
buf[8] += buf[6 + j];
buf[9] += buf[8];
while (millis() - startTime < waitMillis) {
if (ack > 9) {
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_INFO("Got ACK for class %02X message %02X in %d millis.\n", class_id, msg_id, millis() - startTime);
return GNSS_RESPONSE_OK; // ACK received
if (_serial_gps->available()) {
b = _serial_gps->read();
if (b == frame_errors[sCounter]) {
if (sCounter == 26) {
} else {
sCounter = 0;
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_DEBUG("%02X", b);
if (b == buf[ack]) {
} else {
if (ack == 3 && b == 0x00) { // UBX-ACK-NAK message
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_WARN("Got NAK for class %02X message %02X\n", class_id, msg_id);
return GNSS_RESPONSE_NAK; // NAK received
ack = 0; // Reset the acknowledgement counter
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_WARN("No response for class %02X message %02X\n", class_id, msg_id);
return GNSS_RESPONSE_NONE; // No response received within timeout
* @brief
* @note New method, this method can wait for the specified class and message ID, and return the payload
* @param *buffer: The message buffer, if there is a response payload message, it will be returned through the buffer parameter
* @param size: size of buffer
* @param requestedClass: request class constant
* @param requestedID: request message ID constant
* @retval length of payload message
int GPS::getACK(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size, uint8_t requestedClass, uint8_t requestedID, uint32_t waitMillis)
uint16_t ubxFrameCounter = 0;
uint32_t startTime = millis();
uint16_t needRead;
while (millis() - startTime < waitMillis) {
if (_serial_gps->available()) {
int c = _serial_gps->read();
switch (ubxFrameCounter) {
case 0:
// ubxFrame 'μ'
if (c == 0xB5) {
case 1:
// ubxFrame 'b'
if (c == 0x62) {
} else {
ubxFrameCounter = 0;
case 2:
// Class
if (c == requestedClass) {
} else {
ubxFrameCounter = 0;
case 3:
// Message ID
if (c == requestedID) {
} else {
ubxFrameCounter = 0;
case 4:
// Payload length lsb
needRead = c;
case 5:
// Payload length msb
needRead |= (c << 8);
// Check for buffer overflow
if (needRead >= size) {
ubxFrameCounter = 0;
if (_serial_gps->readBytes(buffer, needRead) != needRead) {
ubxFrameCounter = 0;
} else {
// return payload length
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_INFO("Got ACK for class %02X message %02X in %d millis.\n", requestedClass, requestedID,
millis() - startTime);
return needRead;
// LOG_WARN("No response for class %02X message %02X\n", requestedClass, requestedID);
return 0;
bool GPS::setup()
int msglen = 0;
if (!didSerialInit) {
if (tx_gpio && gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UNKNOWN) {
// if GPS_BAUDRATE is specified in variant (i.e. not 9600), skip to the specified rate.
if (speedSelect == 0 && GPS_BAUDRATE != serialSpeeds[speedSelect]) {
speedSelect = std::find(serialSpeeds, std::end(serialSpeeds), GPS_BAUDRATE) - serialSpeeds;
LOG_DEBUG("Probing for GPS at %d \n", serialSpeeds[speedSelect]);
gnssModel = probe(serialSpeeds[speedSelect]);
if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UNKNOWN) {
if (++speedSelect == sizeof(serialSpeeds) / sizeof(int)) {
speedSelect = 0;
if (--probeTries == 0) {
LOG_WARN("Giving up on GPS probe and setting to 9600.\n");
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_MTK) {
* t-beam-s3-core uses the same L76K GNSS module as t-echo.
* Unlike t-echo, L76K uses 9600 baud rate for communication by default.
* */
// Initialize the L76K Chip, use GPS + GLONASS + BEIDOU
// only ask for RMC and GGA
// Switch to Vehicle Mode, since SoftRF enables Aviation < 2g
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_MTK_L76B) {
// Waveshare Pico-GPS hat uses the L76B with 9600 baud
// Initialize the L76B Chip, use GPS + GLONASS
// See note in L76_Series_GNSS_Protocol_Specification, chapter 3.29
// Above command will reset the GPS and takes longer before it will accept new commands
// only ask for RMC and GGA (GNRMC and GNGGA)
// See note in L76_Series_GNSS_Protocol_Specification, chapter 2.1
// Enable SBAS
// Enable PPS for 2D/3D fix only
// Switch to Fitness Mode, for running and walking purpose with low speed (<5 m/s)
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_ATGM336H) {
// Set the intial configuration of the device - these _should_ work for most AT6558 devices
msglen = makeCASPacket(0x06, 0x07, sizeof(_message_CAS_CFG_NAVX_CONF), _message_CAS_CFG_NAVX_CONF);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACKCas(0x06, 0x07, 250) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("ATGM336H - Could not set Configuration");
// Set the update frequence to 1Hz
msglen = makeCASPacket(0x06, 0x04, sizeof(_message_CAS_CFG_RATE_1HZ), _message_CAS_CFG_RATE_1HZ);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACKCas(0x06, 0x04, 250) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("ATGM336H - Could not set Update Frequency");
// Set the NEMA output messages
// Ask for only RMC and GGA
uint8_t fields[] = {CAS_NEMA_RMC, CAS_NEMA_GGA};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(fields); i++) {
// Construct a CAS-CFG-MSG packet
uint8_t cas_cfg_msg_packet[] = {0x4e, fields[i], 0x01, 0x00};
msglen = makeCASPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(cas_cfg_msg_packet), cas_cfg_msg_packet);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACKCas(0x06, 0x01, 250) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("ATGM336H - Could not enable NMEA MSG: %d\n", fields[i]);
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UC6580) {
// The Unicore UC6580 can use a lot of sat systems, enable it to
// use GPS L1 & L5 + BDS B1I & B2a + GLONASS L1 + GALILEO E1 & E5a + SBAS
// This will reset the receiver, so wait a bit afterwards
// The paranoid will wait for the OK*04 confirmation response after each command.
// Must be done after the CFGSYS command
// Turn off GSV messages, we don't really care about which and where the sats are, maybe someday.
// Turn off GSA messages, TinyGPS++ doesn't use this message.
// Turn off NOTICE __TXT messages, these may provide Unicore some info but we don't care.
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_AG3335 || gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_AG3352) {
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR066,1,0,1,0,0,1*3B\r\n"); // Enable GPS+GALILEO+NAVIC
// Configure NMEA (sentences will output once per fix)
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,0,1*3F\r\n"); // GGA ON
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,1,0*3F\r\n"); // GLL OFF
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,2,0*3C\r\n"); // GSA OFF
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,3,0*3D\r\n"); // GSV OFF
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,4,1*3B\r\n"); // RMC ON
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,5,0*3B\r\n"); // VTG OFF
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,6,0*38\r\n"); // ZDA ON
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR513*3D\r\n"); // save configuration
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UBLOX) {
// Configure GNSS system to GPS+SBAS+GLONASS (Module may restart after this command)
// We need set it because by default it is GPS only, and we want to use GLONASS too
// Also we need SBAS for better accuracy and extra features
// ToDo: Dynamic configure GNSS systems depending of LoRa region
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "000A0000", 8) != 0) {
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00040007", 8) != 0) {
// The original ublox Neo-6 is GPS only and doesn't support the UBX-CFG-GNSS message
// Max7 seems to only support GPS *or* GLONASS
// Neo-7 is supposed to support GPS *and* GLONASS but NAKs the CFG-GNSS command to do it
// So treat all the u-blox 7 series as GPS only
// M8 can support 3 constallations at once so turn on GPS, GLONASS and Galileo (or BeiDou)
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00070000", 8) == 0) {
LOG_DEBUG("Setting GPS+SBAS\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x3e, sizeof(_message_GNSS_7), _message_GNSS_7);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
} else {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x3e, sizeof(_message_GNSS_8), _message_GNSS_8);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x3e, 800) == GNSS_RESPONSE_NAK) {
// It's not critical if the module doesn't acknowledge this configuration.
LOG_INFO("Unable to reconfigure GNSS - defaults maintained. Is this module GPS-only?\n");
} else {
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00070000", 8) == 0) {
LOG_INFO("GNSS configured for GPS+SBAS. Pause for 0.75s before sending next command.\n");
} else {
"GNSS configured for GPS+SBAS+GLONASS+Galileo. Pause for 0.75s before sending next command.\n");
// Documentation say, we need wait atleast 0.5s after reconfiguration of GNSS module, before sending next
// commands for the M8 it tends to be more... 1 sec should be enough ;>)
// Disable Text Info messages
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x02, sizeof(_message_DISABLE_TXT_INFO), _message_DISABLE_TXT_INFO);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x02, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable text info messages.\n");
// ToDo add M10 tests for below
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00080000", 8) == 0) {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x39, sizeof(_message_JAM_8), _message_JAM_8);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x39, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable interference resistance.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x23, sizeof(_message_NAVX5_8), _message_NAVX5_8);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x23, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to configure NAVX5_8 settings.\n");
} else {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x39, sizeof(_message_JAM_6_7), _message_JAM_6_7);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x39, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable interference resistance.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x23, sizeof(_message_NAVX5), _message_NAVX5);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x23, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to configure NAVX5 settings.\n");
// Turn off unwanted NMEA messages, set update rate
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x08, sizeof(_message_1HZ), _message_1HZ);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x08, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to set GPS update rate.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_GLL), _message_GLL);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable NMEA GLL.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_GSA), _message_GSA);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to Enable NMEA GSA.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_GSV), _message_GSV);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable NMEA GSV.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_VTG), _message_VTG);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable NMEA VTG.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_RMC), _message_RMC);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable NMEA RMC.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_GGA), _message_GGA);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable NMEA GGA.\n");
if (uBloxProtocolVersion >= 18) {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x86, sizeof(_message_PMS), _message_PMS);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x86, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving for GPS.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x3B, sizeof(_message_CFG_PM2), _message_CFG_PM2);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x3B, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving details for GPS.\n");
// For M8 we want to enable NMEA vserion 4.10 so we can see the additional sats.
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00080000", 8) == 0) {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x17, sizeof(_message_NMEA), _message_NMEA);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x17, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable NMEA 4.10.\n");
} else {
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "00040007", 8) == 0) { // This PSM mode is only for Neo-6
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x11, 0x2, _message_CFG_RXM_ECO);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x11, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving ECO mode for Neo-6.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x3B, sizeof(_message_CFG_PM2), _message_CFG_PM2);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x3B, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving details for GPS.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x01, sizeof(_message_AID), _message_AID);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x01, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable UBX-AID.\n");
} else {
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x11, 0x2, _message_CFG_RXM_PSM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x11, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving mode for GPS.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x3B, sizeof(_message_CFG_PM2), _message_CFG_PM2);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x3B, 500) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving details for GPS.\n");
} else {
// LOG_INFO("u-blox M10 hardware found.\n");
// First disable all NMEA messages in RAM layer
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_NMEA_RAM), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_NMEA_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable NMEA messages for M10 GPS RAM.\n");
// Next disable unwanted NMEA messages in BBR layer
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_NMEA_BBR), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_NMEA_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable NMEA messages for M10 GPS BBR.\n");
// Disable Info txt messages in RAM layer
msglen =
makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_TXT_INFO_RAM), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_TXT_INFO_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable Info messages for M10 GPS RAM.\n");
// Next disable Info txt messages in BBR layer
msglen =
makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_TXT_INFO_BBR), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_TXT_INFO_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable Info messages for M10 GPS BBR.\n");
// Do M10 configuration for Power Management.
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_PM_RAM), _message_VALSET_PM_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving for M10 GPS RAM.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_PM_BBR), _message_VALSET_PM_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable powersaving for M10 GPS BBR.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_ITFM_RAM), _message_VALSET_ITFM_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable Jamming detection M10 GPS RAM.\n");
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_ITFM_BBR), _message_VALSET_ITFM_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable Jamming detection M10 GPS BBR.\n");
// Here is where the init commands should go to do further M10 initialization.
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_SBAS_RAM), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_SBAS_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable SBAS M10 GPS RAM.\n");
delay(750); // will cause a receiver restart so wait a bit
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_DISABLE_SBAS_BBR), _message_VALSET_DISABLE_SBAS_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to disable SBAS M10 GPS BBR.\n");
delay(750); // will cause a receiver restart so wait a bit
// Done with initialization, Now enable wanted NMEA messages in BBR layer so they will survive a periodic sleep.
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_ENABLE_NMEA_BBR), _message_VALSET_ENABLE_NMEA_BBR);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable messages for M10 GPS BBR.\n");
// Next enable wanted NMEA messages in RAM layer
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x8A, sizeof(_message_VALSET_ENABLE_NMEA_RAM), _message_VALSET_ENABLE_NMEA_RAM);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x8A, 300) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to enable messages for M10 GPS RAM.\n");
// As the M10 has no flash, the best we can do to preserve the config is to set it in RAM and BBR.
// BBR will survive a restart, and power off for a while, but modules with small backup
// batteries or super caps will not retain the config for a long power off time.
msglen = makeUBXPacket(0x06, 0x09, sizeof(_message_SAVE), _message_SAVE);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
if (getACK(0x06, 0x09, 2000) != GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to save GNSS module configuration.\n");
} else {
LOG_INFO("GNSS module configuration saved!\n");
didSerialInit = true;
return true;
// we really should unregister our sleep observer
// Put the GPS hardware into a specified state
void GPS::setPowerState(GPSPowerState newState, uint32_t sleepTime)
// Update the stored GPSPowerstate, and create local copies
GPSPowerState oldState = powerState;
powerState = newState;
LOG_INFO("GPS power state moving from %s to %s\n", getGPSPowerStateString(oldState), getGPSPowerStateString(newState));
if ((oldState == GPS_OFF || oldState == GPS_HARDSLEEP) && (newState != GPS_OFF && newState != GPS_HARDSLEEP)) {
} else if ((newState == GPS_OFF || newState == GPS_HARDSLEEP) && (oldState != GPS_OFF && oldState != GPS_HARDSLEEP)) {
switch (newState) {
case GPS_IDLE:
if (oldState == GPS_ACTIVE || oldState == GPS_IDLE) // If hardware already awake, no changes needed
if (oldState != GPS_ACTIVE && oldState != GPS_IDLE) // If hardware just waking now, clear buffer
powerMon->setState(meshtastic_PowerMon_State_GPS_Active); // Report change for power monitoring (during testing)
writePinEN(true); // Power (EN pin): on
setPowerPMU(true); // Power (PMU): on
writePinStandby(false); // Standby (pin): awake (not standby)
setPowerUBLOX(true); // Standby (UBLOX): awake
powerMon->clearState(meshtastic_PowerMon_State_GPS_Active); // Report change for power monitoring (during testing)
writePinEN(true); // Power (EN pin): on
setPowerPMU(true); // Power (PMU): on
writePinStandby(true); // Standby (pin): asleep (not awake)
setPowerUBLOX(false, sleepTime); // Standby (UBLOX): asleep, timed
powerMon->clearState(meshtastic_PowerMon_State_GPS_Active); // Report change for power monitoring (during testing)
writePinEN(false); // Power (EN pin): off
setPowerPMU(false); // Power (PMU): off
writePinStandby(true); // Standby (pin): asleep (not awake)
setPowerUBLOX(false, sleepTime); // Standby (UBLOX): asleep, timed
if (config.position.gps_update_interval * 1000 >= GPS_FIX_HOLD_TIME * 2) {
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_EN, LOW);
case GPS_OFF:
assert(sleepTime == 0); // This is an indefinite sleep
powerMon->clearState(meshtastic_PowerMon_State_GPS_Active); // Report change for power monitoring (during testing)
writePinEN(false); // Power (EN pin): off
setPowerPMU(false); // Power (PMU): off
writePinStandby(true); // Standby (pin): asleep
setPowerUBLOX(false, 0); // Standby (UBLOX): asleep, indefinitely
if (config.position.gps_update_interval * 1000 >= GPS_FIX_HOLD_TIME * 2) {
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_EN, LOW);
// Set power with EN pin, if relevant
void GPS::writePinEN(bool on)
// Abort: if conflict with Canned Messages when using Wisblock(?)
if (HW_VENDOR == meshtastic_HardwareModel_RAK4631 && (rotaryEncoderInterruptImpl1 || upDownInterruptImpl1))
// Write and log
LOG_DEBUG("Pin EN %s\n", val == HIGH ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
// Set the value of the STANDBY pin, if relevant
// true for standby state, false for awake
void GPS::writePinStandby(bool standby)
#ifdef PIN_GPS_STANDBY // Specifically the standby pin for L76B, L76K and clones
// Determine the new value for the pin
// Normally: active HIGH for awake
bool val = standby;
bool val = !standby;
// Write and log
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_STANDBY, val);
LOG_DEBUG("Pin STANDBY %s\n", val == HIGH ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
// Enable / Disable GPS with PMU, if present
void GPS::setPowerPMU(bool on)
// We only have PMUs on the T-Beam, and that board has a tiny battery to save GPS ephemera,
// so treat as a standby.
#ifdef HAS_PMU
// Abort: if no PMU
if (!pmu_found)
// Abort: if PMU not initialized
if (!PMU)
uint8_t model = PMU->getChipModel();
if (model == XPOWERS_AXP2101) {
if (HW_VENDOR == meshtastic_HardwareModel_TBEAM) {
// t-beam v1.2 GNSS power channel
on ? PMU->enablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_ALDO3) : PMU->disablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_ALDO3);
} else if (HW_VENDOR == meshtastic_HardwareModel_LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE) {
// t-beam-s3-core GNSS power channel
on ? PMU->enablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_ALDO4) : PMU->disablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_ALDO4);
} else if (model == XPOWERS_AXP192) {
// t-beam v1.1 GNSS power channel
on ? PMU->enablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_LDO3) : PMU->disablePowerOutput(XPOWERS_LDO3);
LOG_DEBUG("PMU %s\n", on ? "on" : "off");
// Set UBLOX power, if relevant
void GPS::setPowerUBLOX(bool on, uint32_t sleepMs)
// Abort: if not UBLOX hardware
if (gnssModel != GNSS_MODEL_UBLOX)
// If waking
if (on) {
clearBuffer(); // This often returns old data, so drop it
LOG_DEBUG("UBLOX: wake\n");
// If putting to sleep
else {
uint8_t msglen;
// If we're being asked to sleep indefinitely, make *sure* we're awake first, to process the new sleep command
if (sleepMs == 0) {
// Determine hardware version
if (strncmp(info.hwVersion, "000A0000", 8) != 0) {
// Encode the sleep time in millis into the packet
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
gps->_message_PMREQ[0 + i] = sleepMs >> (i * 8);
// Record the message length
msglen = gps->makeUBXPacket(0x02, 0x41, sizeof(_message_PMREQ), gps->_message_PMREQ);
} else {
// Encode the sleep time in millis into the packet
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
gps->_message_PMREQ_10[4 + i] = sleepMs >> (i * 8);
// Record the message length
msglen = gps->makeUBXPacket(0x02, 0x41, sizeof(_message_PMREQ_10), gps->_message_PMREQ_10);
// Send the UBX packet
gps->_serial_gps->write(gps->UBXscratch, msglen);
LOG_DEBUG("UBLOX: sleep for %dmS\n", sleepMs);
/// Record that we have a GPS
void GPS::setConnected()
if (!hasGPS) {
hasGPS = true;
shouldPublish = true;
// We want a GPS lock. Wake the hardware
void GPS::up()
// We've got a GPS lock. Enter a low power state, potentially.
void GPS::down()
uint32_t predictedSearchDuration = scheduling.predictedSearchDurationMs();
uint32_t sleepTime = scheduling.msUntilNextSearch();
uint32_t updateInterval = Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.position.gps_update_interval);
LOG_DEBUG("%us until next search\n", sleepTime / 1000);
// If update interval less than 10 seconds, no attempt to sleep
if (updateInterval <= 10 * 1000UL || sleepTime == 0)
else {
// Check whether the GPS hardware is capable of GPS_SOFTSLEEP
// If not, fallback to GPS_HARDSLEEP instead
bool softsleepSupported = false;
if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UBLOX) // U-blox is supported via PMREQ
softsleepSupported = true;
#ifdef PIN_GPS_STANDBY // L76B, L76K and clones have a standby pin
softsleepSupported = true;
// How long does gps_update_interval need to be, for GPS_HARDSLEEP to become more efficient than GPS_SOFTSLEEP?
// Heuristic equation. A compromise manually fitted to power observations from U-blox NEO-6M and M10050
// This is not particularly accurate, but probably an impromevement over a single, fixed threshold
uint32_t hardsleepThreshold = (2750 * pow(predictedSearchDuration / 1000, 1.22));
LOG_DEBUG("gps_update_interval >= %us needed to justify hardsleep\n", hardsleepThreshold / 1000);
// If update interval too short: softsleep (if supported by hardware)
if (softsleepSupported && updateInterval < hardsleepThreshold)
setPowerState(GPS_SOFTSLEEP, sleepTime);
// If update interval long enough (or softsleep unsupported): hardsleep instead
setPowerState(GPS_HARDSLEEP, sleepTime);
void GPS::publishUpdate()
if (shouldPublish) {
shouldPublish = false;
// In debug logs, identify position by @timestamp:stage (stage 2 = publish)
LOG_DEBUG("publishing pos@%x:2, hasVal=%d, Sats=%d, GPSlock=%d\n", p.timestamp, hasValidLocation, p.sats_in_view,
// Notify any status instances that are observing us
const meshtastic::GPSStatus status = meshtastic::GPSStatus(hasValidLocation, isConnected(), isPowerSaving(), p);
if (config.position.gps_mode == meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_ENABLED) {
int32_t GPS::runOnce()
if (!GPSInitFinished) {
if (!_serial_gps || config.position.gps_mode == meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_NOT_PRESENT) {
LOG_INFO("GPS set to not-present. Skipping probe.\n");
return disable();
if (!setup())
return 2000; // Setup failed, re-run in two seconds
// We have now loaded our saved preferences from flash
if (config.position.gps_mode != meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_ENABLED) {
return disable();
// ONCE we will factory reset the GPS for bug #327
if (!devicestate.did_gps_reset) {
LOG_WARN("GPS FactoryReset requested\n");
if (gps->factoryReset()) { // If we don't succeed try again next time
devicestate.did_gps_reset = true;
GPSInitFinished = true;
// Repeaters have no need for GPS
if (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_REPEATER) {
return disable();
if (whileActive()) {
// if we have received valid NMEA claim we are connected
} else {
if ((config.position.gps_mode == meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_ENABLED) && (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_UBLOX)) {
// reset the GPS on next bootup
if (devicestate.did_gps_reset && scheduling.elapsedSearchMs() > 60 * 1000UL && !hasFlow()) {
LOG_DEBUG("GPS is not communicating, trying factory reset on next bootup.\n");
devicestate.did_gps_reset = false;
return disable(); // Stop the GPS thread as it can do nothing useful until next reboot.
// At least one GPS has a bad habit of losing its mind from time to time
if (rebootsSeen > 2) {
rebootsSeen = 0;
LOG_DEBUG("Would normally factoryReset()\n");
// gps->factoryReset();
// If we're due for an update, wake the GPS
if (!config.position.fixed_position && powerState != GPS_ACTIVE && scheduling.isUpdateDue())
// If we've already set time from the GPS, no need to ask the GPS
bool gotTime = (getRTCQuality() >= RTCQualityGPS);
if (!gotTime && lookForTime()) { // Note: we count on this && short-circuiting and not resetting the RTC time
gotTime = true;
shouldPublish = true;
bool gotLoc = lookForLocation();
if (gotLoc && !hasValidLocation) { // declare that we have location ASAP
LOG_DEBUG("hasValidLocation RISING EDGE\n");
hasValidLocation = true;
shouldPublish = true;
bool tooLong = scheduling.searchedTooLong();
if (tooLong)
LOG_WARN("Couldn't publish a valid location: didn't get a GPS lock in time.\n");
// Once we get a location we no longer desperately want an update
// LOG_DEBUG("gotLoc %d, tooLong %d, gotTime %d\n", gotLoc, tooLong, gotTime);
if ((gotLoc && gotTime) || tooLong) {
if (tooLong) {
// we didn't get a location during this ack window, therefore declare loss of lock
if (hasValidLocation) {
LOG_DEBUG("hasValidLocation FALLING EDGE\n");
p = meshtastic_Position_init_default;
hasValidLocation = false;
shouldPublish = true; // publish our update for this just finished acquisition window
// If state has changed do a publish
if (config.position.fixed_position == true && hasValidLocation)
return disable(); // This should trigger when we have a fixed position, and get that first position
// 9600bps is approx 1 byte per msec, so considering our buffer size we never need to wake more often than 200ms
// if not awake we can run super infrquently (once every 5 secs?) to see if we need to wake.
return (powerState == GPS_ACTIVE) ? GPS_THREAD_INTERVAL : 5000;
// clear the GPS rx buffer as quickly as possible
void GPS::clearBuffer()
int x = _serial_gps->available();
while (x--)
/// Prepare the GPS for the cpu entering deep or light sleep, expect to be gone for at least 100s of msecs
int GPS::prepareDeepSleep(void *unused)
LOG_INFO("GPS deep sleep!\n");
return 0;
LOG_DEBUG("Trying " TOWRITE " (" CHIP ") ...\n"); \
clearBuffer(); \
_serial_gps->write(TOWRITE "\r\n"); \
LOG_INFO(CHIP " detected, using " #DRIVER " Module\n"); \
return DRIVER; \
GnssModel_t GPS::probe(int serialSpeed)
#if defined(ARCH_NRF52) || defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) || defined(ARCH_STM32WL)
#elif defined(ARCH_RP2040)
if (_serial_gps->baudRate() != serialSpeed) {
LOG_DEBUG("Setting Baud to %i\n", serialSpeed);
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct uBloxGnssModelInfo));
uint8_t buffer[768] = {0};
// Close all NMEA sentences, valid for L76K, ATGM336H (and likely other AT6558 devices)
// Unicore UFirebirdII Series: UC6580, UM620, UM621, UM670A, UM680A, or UM681A
PROBE_SIMPLE("UC6580", "$PDTINFO", "UC6580", GNSS_MODEL_UC6580, 500);
PROBE_SIMPLE("UM600", "$PDTINFO", "UM600", GNSS_MODEL_UC6580, 500);
PROBE_SIMPLE("ATGM336H", "$PCAS06,1*1A", "$GPTXT,01,01,02,HW=ATGM336H", GNSS_MODEL_ATGM336H, 500);
/* ATGM332D series (-11(GPS), -21(BDS), -31(GPS+BDS), -51(GPS+GLONASS), -71-0(GPS+BDS+GLONASS))
based on AT6558 */
PROBE_SIMPLE("ATGM332D", "$PCAS06,1*1A", "$GPTXT,01,01,02,HW=ATGM332D", GNSS_MODEL_ATGM336H, 500);
/* Airoha (Mediatek) AG3335A/M/S, A3352Q, Quectel L89 2.0, SimCom SIM65M */
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,2,0*3C\r\n"); // GSA OFF to reduce volume
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR062,3,0*3D\r\n"); // GSV OFF to reduce volume
_serial_gps->write("$PAIR513*3D\r\n"); // save configuration
PROBE_SIMPLE("AG3335", "$PAIR021*39", "$PAIR021,AG3335", GNSS_MODEL_AG3335, 500);
PROBE_SIMPLE("AG3352", "$PAIR021*39", "$PAIR021,AG3352", GNSS_MODEL_AG3352, 500);
PROBE_SIMPLE("L76K", "$PCAS06,0*1B", "$GPTXT,01,01,02,SW=", GNSS_MODEL_MTK, 500);
// Close all NMEA sentences, valid for L76B MTK platform (Waveshare Pico GPS)
PROBE_SIMPLE("L76B", "$PMTK605*31", "Quectel-L76B", GNSS_MODEL_MTK_L76B, 500);
uint8_t cfg_rate[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
UBXChecksum(cfg_rate, sizeof(cfg_rate));
_serial_gps->write(cfg_rate, sizeof(cfg_rate));
// Check that the returned response class and message ID are correct
GPS_RESPONSE response = getACK(0x06, 0x08, 750);
if (response == GNSS_RESPONSE_NONE) {
LOG_WARN("Failed to find UBlox & MTK GNSS Module using baudrate %d\n", serialSpeed);
} else if (response == GNSS_RESPONSE_FRAME_ERRORS) {
LOG_INFO("UBlox Frame Errors using baudrate %d\n", serialSpeed);
} else if (response == GNSS_RESPONSE_OK) {
LOG_INFO("Found a UBlox Module using baudrate %d\n", serialSpeed);
// tips: NMEA Only should not be set here, otherwise initializing Ublox gnss module again after
// setting will not output command messages in UART1, resulting in unrecognized module information
if (serialSpeed != 9600) {
// Set the UART port to 9600
uint8_t _message_prt[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD0, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00,
0x80, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
UBXChecksum(_message_prt, sizeof(_message_prt));
_serial_gps->write(_message_prt, sizeof(_message_prt));
serialSpeed = 9600;
#if defined(ARCH_NRF52) || defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) || defined(ARCH_STM32WL)
#elif defined(ARCH_RP2040)
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
uint8_t _message_MONVER[8] = {
0xB5, 0x62, // Sync message for UBX protocol
0x0A, 0x04, // Message class and ID (UBX-MON-VER)
0x00, 0x00, // Length of payload (we're asking for an answer, so no payload)
0x00, 0x00 // Checksum
// Get Ublox gnss module hardware and software info
UBXChecksum(_message_MONVER, sizeof(_message_MONVER));
_serial_gps->write(_message_MONVER, sizeof(_message_MONVER));
uint16_t len = getACK(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0x0A, 0x04, 1200);
if (len) {
// LOG_DEBUG("monver reply size = %d\n", len);
uint16_t position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
info.swVersion[i] = buffer[position];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
info.hwVersion[i] = buffer[position];
while (len >= position + 30) {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
info.extension[info.extensionNo][i] = buffer[position];
if (info.extensionNo > 9)
LOG_DEBUG("Module Info : \n");
LOG_DEBUG("Soft version: %s\n", info.swVersion);
LOG_DEBUG("Hard version: %s\n", info.hwVersion);
LOG_DEBUG("Extensions:%d\n", info.extensionNo);
for (int i = 0; i < info.extensionNo; i++) {
LOG_DEBUG(" %s\n", info.extension[i]);
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
// tips: extensionNo field is 0 on some 6M GNSS modules
for (int i = 0; i < info.extensionNo; ++i) {
if (!strncmp(info.extension[i], "MOD=", 4)) {
strncpy((char *)buffer, &(info.extension[i][4]), sizeof(buffer));
// LOG_DEBUG("GetModel:%s\n", (char *)buffer);
if (strlen((char *)buffer)) {
LOG_INFO("UBlox GNSS probe succeeded, using UBlox %s GNSS Module\n", (char *)buffer);
} else {
LOG_INFO("UBlox GNSS probe succeeded, using UBlox GNSS Module\n");
} else if (!strncmp(info.extension[i], "PROTVER", 7)) {
char *ptr = nullptr;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
strncpy((char *)buffer, &(info.extension[i][8]), sizeof(buffer));
LOG_DEBUG("Protocol Version:%s\n", (char *)buffer);
if (strlen((char *)buffer)) {
uBloxProtocolVersion = strtoul((char *)buffer, &ptr, 10);
LOG_DEBUG("ProtVer=%d\n", uBloxProtocolVersion);
} else {
uBloxProtocolVersion = 0;
GPS *GPS::createGps()
int8_t _rx_gpio = config.position.rx_gpio;
int8_t _tx_gpio = config.position.tx_gpio;
int8_t _en_gpio = config.position.gps_en_gpio;
#if HAS_GPS && !defined(ARCH_ESP32)
_rx_gpio = 1; // We only specify GPS serial ports on ESP32. Otherwise, these are just flags.
_tx_gpio = 1;
#if defined(GPS_RX_PIN)
if (!_rx_gpio)
_rx_gpio = GPS_RX_PIN;
#if defined(GPS_TX_PIN)
if (!_tx_gpio)
_tx_gpio = GPS_TX_PIN;
#if defined(PIN_GPS_EN)
if (!_en_gpio)
_en_gpio = PIN_GPS_EN;
if (!settingsMap[has_gps])
return nullptr;
if (!_rx_gpio || !_serial_gps) // Configured to have no GPS at all
return nullptr;
GPS *new_gps = new GPS;
new_gps->rx_gpio = _rx_gpio;
new_gps->tx_gpio = _tx_gpio;
GpioVirtPin *virtPin = new GpioVirtPin();
new_gps->enablePin = virtPin; // Always at least populate a virtual pin
if (_en_gpio) {
GpioPin *p = new GpioHwPin(_en_gpio);
if (!GPS_EN_ACTIVE) { // Need to invert the pin before hardware
new GpioNotTransformer(
virtPin, p); // We just leave this created object on the heap so it can stay watching virtPin and driving en_gpio
} else {
new GpioUnaryTransformer(
virtPin, p); // We just leave this created object on the heap so it can stay watching virtPin and driving en_gpio
#ifdef PIN_GPS_PPS
// pulse per second
// Currently disabled per issue #525 (TinyGPS++ crash bug)
// when fixed upstream, can be un-disabled to enable 3D FixType and PDOP
// see NMEAGPS.h
gsafixtype.begin(reader, NMEA_MSG_GXGSA, 2);
gsapdop.begin(reader, NMEA_MSG_GXGSA, 15);
LOG_DEBUG("Using " NMEA_MSG_GXGSA " for 3DFIX and PDOP\n");
// Make sure the GPS is awake before performing any init.
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_RESET, GPS_RESET_MODE); // assert for 10ms
if (_serial_gps) {
#ifdef ARCH_ESP32
// In esp32 framework, setRxBufferSize needs to be initialized before Serial
_serial_gps->setRxBufferSize(SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE); // the default is 256
// ESP32 has a special set of parameters vs other arduino ports
#if defined(ARCH_ESP32)
LOG_DEBUG("Using GPIO%d for GPS RX\n", new_gps->rx_gpio);
LOG_DEBUG("Using GPIO%d for GPS TX\n", new_gps->tx_gpio);
_serial_gps->begin(GPS_BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1, new_gps->rx_gpio, new_gps->tx_gpio);
#elif defined(ARCH_RP2040)
return new_gps;
static int32_t toDegInt(RawDegrees d)
int32_t degMult = 10000000; // 1e7
int32_t r = d.deg * degMult + d.billionths / 100;
if (d.negative)
r *= -1;
return r;
bool GPS::factoryReset()
// The L76K GNSS on the T-Echo requires the RESET pin to be pulled LOW
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_REINIT, 0);
delay(150); // The L76K datasheet calls for at least 100MS delay
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_REINIT, 1);
if (HW_VENDOR == meshtastic_HardwareModel_TBEAM) {
byte _message_reset1[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x1C, 0xA2};
_serial_gps->write(_message_reset1, sizeof(_message_reset1));
if (getACK(0x05, 0x01, 10000)) {
LOG_INFO("Get ack success!\n");
byte _message_reset2[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x1B, 0xA1};
_serial_gps->write(_message_reset2, sizeof(_message_reset2));
if (getACK(0x05, 0x01, 10000)) {
LOG_INFO("Get ack success!\n");
byte _message_reset3[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x1D, 0xB3};
_serial_gps->write(_message_reset3, sizeof(_message_reset3));
if (getACK(0x05, 0x01, 10000)) {
LOG_INFO("Get ack success!\n");
// Reset device ram to COLDSTART state
// byte _message_CFG_RST_COLDSTART[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xB9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x8B};
// _serial_gps->write(_message_CFG_RST_COLDSTART, sizeof(_message_CFG_RST_COLDSTART));
// delay(1000);
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_MTK) {
// send the CAS10 to perform a factory restart of the device (and other device that support PCAS statements)
LOG_INFO("GNSS Factory Reset via PCAS10,3\n");
} else if (gnssModel == GNSS_MODEL_ATGM336H) {
LOG_INFO("Factory Reset via CAS-CFG-RST\n");
uint8_t msglen = makeCASPacket(0x06, 0x02, sizeof(_message_CAS_CFG_RST_FACTORY), _message_CAS_CFG_RST_FACTORY);
_serial_gps->write(UBXscratch, msglen);
} else {
// fire this for good measure, if we have an L76B - won't harm other devices.
// No PMTK_ACK for this command.
// send the UBLOX Factory Reset Command regardless of detect state, something is very wrong, just assume it's UBLOX.
// Factory Reset
byte _message_reset[] = {0xB5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFB, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x2B, 0x7E};
_serial_gps->write(_message_reset, sizeof(_message_reset));
return true;
* Perform any processing that should be done only while the GPS is awake and looking for a fix.
* Override this method to check for new locations
* @return true if we've acquired a new location
bool GPS::lookForTime()
uint8_t fix = reader.fixQuality();
uint32_t now = millis();
if (fix > 0) {
if (lastFixStartMsec > 0) {
if ((now - lastFixStartMsec) < GPS_FIX_HOLD_TIME) {
return false;
} else {
} else {
lastFixStartMsec = now;
return false;
} else {
return false;
auto ti = reader.time;
auto d =;
if (ti.isValid() && d.isValid()) { // Note: we don't check for updated, because we'll only be called if needed
/* Convert to unix time
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970
(midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = ti.second() + round(ti.age() / 1000);
t.tm_min = ti.minute();
t.tm_hour = ti.hour();
t.tm_mday =;
t.tm_mon = d.month() - 1;
t.tm_year = d.year() - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = false;
if (t.tm_mon > -1) {
LOG_DEBUG("NMEA GPS time %02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d age %d\n", d.year(), d.month(), t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min,
t.tm_sec, ti.age());
perhapsSetRTC(RTCQualityGPS, t);
return true;
} else
return false;
} else
return false;
* Perform any processing that should be done only while the GPS is awake and looking for a fix.
* Override this method to check for new locations
* @return true if we've acquired a new location
bool GPS::lookForLocation()
if ((config.position.gps_update_interval * 1000) >= (GPS_FIX_HOLD_TIME * 2)) {
uint8_t fix = reader.fixQuality();
uint32_t now = millis();
if (fix > 0) {
if (lastFixStartMsec > 0) {
if ((now - lastFixStartMsec) < GPS_FIX_HOLD_TIME) {
return false;
} else {
} else {
lastFixStartMsec = now;
return false;
} else {
return false;
// By default, TinyGPS++ does not parse GPGSA lines, which give us
// the 2D/3D fixType (see NMEAGPS.h)
// At a minimum, use the fixQuality indicator in GPGGA (FIXME?)
fixQual = reader.fixQuality();
if (reader.failedChecksum() > lastChecksumFailCount) {
LOG_WARN("%u new GPS checksum failures, for a total of %u.\n", reader.failedChecksum() - lastChecksumFailCount,
lastChecksumFailCount = reader.failedChecksum();
fixType = atoi(gsafixtype.value()); // will set to zero if no data
// LOG_DEBUG("FIX QUAL=%d, TYPE=%d\n", fixQual, fixType);
// check if GPS has an acceptable lock
if (!hasLock())
return false;
LOG_DEBUG("AGE: LOC=%d FIX=%d DATE=%d TIME=%d\n", reader.location.age(),
#endif, reader.time.age());
// Is this a new point or are we re-reading the previous one?
if (!reader.location.isUpdated() && !reader.altitude.isUpdated())
return false;
// check if a complete GPS solution set is available for reading
// tinyGPSDatum::age() also includes isValid() test
if (!((reader.location.age() < GPS_SOL_EXPIRY_MS) &&
(gsafixtype.age() < GPS_SOL_EXPIRY_MS) &&
(reader.time.age() < GPS_SOL_EXPIRY_MS) && ( < GPS_SOL_EXPIRY_MS))) {
LOG_WARN("SOME data is TOO OLD: LOC %u, TIME %u, DATE %u\n", reader.location.age(), reader.time.age(),;
return false;
// We know the solution is fresh and valid, so just read the data
auto loc = reader.location.value();
// Bail out EARLY to avoid overwriting previous good data (like #857)
if (toDegInt( > 900000000) {
LOG_DEBUG("Bail out EARLY on LAT %i\n", toDegInt(;
return false;
if (toDegInt(loc.lng) > 1800000000) {
LOG_DEBUG("Bail out EARLY on LNG %i\n", toDegInt(loc.lng));
return false;
p.location_source = meshtastic_Position_LocSource_LOC_INTERNAL;
// Dilution of precision (an accuracy metric) is reported in 10^2 units, so we need to scale down when we use it
p.HDOP = reader.hdop.value();
p.PDOP = TinyGPSPlus::parseDecimal(gsapdop.value());
// LOG_DEBUG("PDOP=%d, HDOP=%d\n", p.PDOP, p.HDOP);
// FIXME! naive PDOP emulation (assumes VDOP==HDOP)
// correct formula is PDOP = SQRT(HDOP^2 + VDOP^2)
p.HDOP = reader.hdop.value();
p.PDOP = 1.41 * reader.hdop.value();
// Discard incomplete or erroneous readings
if (reader.hdop.value() == 0) {
LOG_WARN("BOGUS hdop.value() REJECTED: %d\n", reader.hdop.value());
return false;
p.latitude_i = toDegInt(;
p.longitude_i = toDegInt(loc.lng);
p.altitude_geoidal_separation = reader.geoidHeight.meters();
p.altitude_hae = reader.altitude.meters() + p.altitude_geoidal_separation;
p.altitude = reader.altitude.meters();
p.fix_quality = fixQual;
p.fix_type = fixType;
// positional timestamp
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = reader.time.second();
t.tm_min = reader.time.minute();
t.tm_hour = reader.time.hour();
t.tm_mday =;
t.tm_mon = - 1;
t.tm_year = - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = false;
p.timestamp = gm_mktime(&t);
// Nice to have, if available
if (reader.satellites.isUpdated()) {
p.sats_in_view = reader.satellites.value();
if (reader.course.isUpdated() && reader.course.isValid()) {
if (reader.course.value() < 36000) { // sanity check
p.ground_track =
reader.course.value() * 1e3; // Scale the heading (in degrees * 10^-2) to match the expected degrees * 10^-5
} else {
LOG_WARN("BOGUS course.value() REJECTED: %d\n", reader.course.value());
if (reader.speed.isUpdated() && reader.speed.isValid()) {
p.ground_speed = reader.speed.kmph();
return true;
bool GPS::hasLock()
// Using GPGGA fix quality indicator
if (fixQual >= 1 && fixQual <= 5) {
// Use GPGSA fix type 2D/3D (better) if available
if (fixType == 3 || fixType == 0) // zero means "no data received"
return true;
return false;
bool GPS::hasFlow()
return reader.passedChecksum() > 0;
bool GPS::whileActive()
unsigned int charsInBuf = 0;
bool isValid = false;
if (powerState != GPS_ACTIVE) {
return false;
if (_serial_gps->available() >= SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) {
LOG_WARN("GPS Buffer full with %u bytes waiting. Flushing to avoid corruption.\n", _serial_gps->available());
// if (_serial_gps->available() > 0)
// LOG_DEBUG("GPS Bytes Waiting: %u\n", _serial_gps->available());
// First consume any chars that have piled up at the receiver
while (_serial_gps->available() > 0) {
int c = _serial_gps->read();
UBXscratch[charsInBuf] = c;
#ifdef GPS_DEBUG
LOG_DEBUG("%c", c);
isValid |= reader.encode(c);
if (charsInBuf > sizeof(UBXscratch) - 10 || c == '\r') {
if (strnstr((char *)UBXscratch, "$GPTXT,01,01,02,u-blox ag -*50", charsInBuf)) {
charsInBuf = 0;
} else {
return isValid;
void GPS::enable()
// Clear the old scheduling info (reset the lock-time prediction)
enabled = true;
int32_t GPS::disable()
enabled = false;
return INT32_MAX;
void GPS::toggleGpsMode()
if (config.position.gps_mode == meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_ENABLED) {
config.position.gps_mode = meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_DISABLED;
LOG_INFO("User toggled GpsMode. Now DISABLED.\n");
if (powerState == GPS_ACTIVE) {
LOG_DEBUG("User power Off GPS\n");
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_EN, LOW);
} else if (config.position.gps_mode == meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_DISABLED) {
config.position.gps_mode = meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_GpsMode_ENABLED;
LOG_INFO("User toggled GpsMode. Now ENABLED\n");
#endif // Exclude GPS