; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] ;default_envs = tbeam ;default_envs = pico ;default_envs = tbeam-s3-core ;default_envs = tbeam0.7 ;default_envs = heltec-v1 ;default_envs = heltec-v2.0 ;default_envs = heltec-v2.1 ;default_envs = tlora-v1 ;default_envs = tlora-v1 ;default_envs = tlora_v1_3 ;default_envs = tlora-v2 ;default_envs = tlora-v2-1-1.6 ;default_envs = lora-relay-v1 # nrf board ;default_envs = t-echo ;default_envs = nrf52840dk-geeksville ;default_envs = native # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here ;default_envs = nano-g1 ;default_envs = pca10059_diy_eink ;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1 ;default_envs = meshtastic-diy-v1.1 ;default_envs = m5stack-coreink ;default_envs = rak4631 extra_configs = arch/*/*.ini variants/*/platformio.ini [env] extra_scripts = bin/platformio-custom.py ; note: we add src to our include search path so that lmic_project_config can override ; note: TINYGPS_OPTION_NO_CUSTOM_FIELDS is VERY important. We don't use custom fields and somewhere in that pile ; of code is a heap corruption bug! ; FIXME: fix lib/BluetoothOTA dependency back on src/ so we can remove -Isrc build_flags = -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-format -Isrc -Isrc/mesh -Isrc/gps -Isrc/buzz -Wl,-Map,.pio/build/output.map -DUSE_THREAD_NAMES -DTINYGPS_OPTION_NO_CUSTOM_FIELDS -DPB_ENABLE_MALLOC=1 monitor_speed = 115200 lib_deps = https://github.com/meshtastic/esp8266-oled-ssd1306.git#53580644255b48ebb7a737343c6b4e71c7e11cf2 ; ESP8266_SSD1306 mathertel/OneButton@^2.0.3 ; OneButton library for non-blocking button debounce https://github.com/meshtastic/arduino-fsm.git#7db3702bf0cfe97b783d6c72595e3f38e0b19159 https://github.com/meshtastic/TinyGPSPlus.git#2f0d0528d737000043e949f4c3bdfb623cf0b902 https://github.com/meshtastic/ArduinoThread.git#72921ac222eed6f526ba1682023cee290d9aa1b3 nanopb/Nanopb@^0.4.6 erriez/ErriezCRC32@^1.0.1 ; Used for the code analysis in PIO Home / Inspect check_tool = cppcheck check_skip_packages = yes check_flags = --common-flag cppcheck: --enable=--inline-suppr ; Common settings for conventional (non Portduino) Arduino targets [arduino_base] framework = arduino lib_deps = ${env.lib_deps} ; Portduino is using meshtastic fork for now jgromes/RadioLib@5.4.1 https://github.com/meshtastic/SparkFun_ATECCX08a_Arduino_Library.git#52b5282639d08a8cbd4b748363089eed6102dc76 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -Os -DRADIOLIB_SPI_PARANOID=0 # -DRADIOLIB_GODMODE build_src_filter = ${env.build_src_filter} - ; Common libs for communicating over TCP/IP networks such as MQTT [networking_base] lib_deps = knolleary/PubSubClient@^2.8 arduino-libraries/NTPClient@^3.1.0 meshtastic/json11@^1.0.2 ; Common libs for environmental measurements in telemetry module ; (not included in native / portduino) [environmental_base] lib_deps = adafruit/Adafruit BusIO@^1.11.4 adafruit/Adafruit Unified Sensor@^1.1.4 adafruit/Adafruit BMP280 Library@^2.6.6 adafruit/Adafruit BME280 Library@^2.2.2 adafruit/Adafruit BME680 Library@^2.0.1 adafruit/Adafruit MCP9808 Library@^2.0.0 adafruit/Adafruit INA260 Library@^1.5.0 adafruit/Adafruit INA219@^1.2.0 adafruit/Adafruit SHTC3 Library@^1.0.0 adafruit/Adafruit LPS2X@^2.0.4