#if !MESHTASTIC_EXCLUDE_GPS #include "PositionModule.h" #include "Default.h" #include "GPS.h" #include "MeshService.h" #include "NodeDB.h" #include "RTC.h" #include "Router.h" #include "TypeConversions.h" #include "airtime.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "gps/GeoCoord.h" #include "main.h" #include "meshtastic/atak.pb.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "target_specific.h" extern "C" { #include "mesh/compression/unishox2.h" } PositionModule *positionModule; PositionModule::PositionModule() : ProtobufModule("position", meshtastic_PortNum_POSITION_APP, &meshtastic_Position_msg), concurrency::OSThread("PositionModule") { precision = 0; // safe starting value isPromiscuous = true; // We always want to update our nodedb, even if we are sniffing on others if (config.device.role != meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER && config.device.role != meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER) setIntervalFromNow(60 * 1000); // Power saving trackers should clear their position on startup to avoid waking up and sending a stale position if ((config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER || config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER) && config.power.is_power_saving) { LOG_DEBUG("Clearing position on startup for sleepy tracker (ー。ー) zzz\n"); nodeDB->clearLocalPosition(); } } bool PositionModule::handleReceivedProtobuf(const meshtastic_MeshPacket &mp, meshtastic_Position *pptr) { auto p = *pptr; // If inbound message is a replay (or spoof!) of our own messages, we shouldn't process // (why use second-hand sources for our own data?) // FIXME this can in fact happen with packets sent from EUD (src=RX_SRC_USER) // to set fixed location, EUD-GPS location or just the time (see also issue #900) bool isLocal = false; if (nodeDB->getNodeNum() == getFrom(&mp)) { isLocal = true; if (config.position.fixed_position) { LOG_DEBUG("Ignore incoming position update from myself except for time, because position.fixed_position is true\n"); nodeDB->setLocalPosition(p, true); return false; } else { LOG_DEBUG("Incoming update from MYSELF\n"); nodeDB->setLocalPosition(p); } } // Log packet size and data fields LOG_INFO("POSITION node=%08x l=%d latI=%d lonI=%d msl=%d hae=%d geo=%d pdop=%d hdop=%d vdop=%d siv=%d fxq=%d fxt=%d pts=%d " "time=%d\n", getFrom(&mp), mp.decoded.payload.size, p.latitude_i, p.longitude_i, p.altitude, p.altitude_hae, p.altitude_geoidal_separation, p.PDOP, p.HDOP, p.VDOP, p.sats_in_view, p.fix_quality, p.fix_type, p.timestamp, p.time); if (p.time && channels.getByIndex(mp.channel).role == meshtastic_Channel_Role_PRIMARY) { struct timeval tv; uint32_t secs = p.time; tv.tv_sec = secs; tv.tv_usec = 0; // Set from phone RTC Quality to RTCQualityNTP since it should be approximately so perhapsSetRTC(isLocal ? RTCQualityNTP : RTCQualityFromNet, &tv); } nodeDB->updatePosition(getFrom(&mp), p); if (channels.getByIndex(mp.channel).settings.has_module_settings) { precision = channels.getByIndex(mp.channel).settings.module_settings.position_precision; } else if (channels.getByIndex(mp.channel).role == meshtastic_Channel_Role_PRIMARY) { precision = 32; } else { precision = 0; } return false; // Let others look at this message also if they want } meshtastic_MeshPacket *PositionModule::allocReply() { if (precision == 0) { LOG_DEBUG("Skipping location send because precision is set to 0!\n"); return nullptr; } meshtastic_NodeInfoLite *node = service.refreshLocalMeshNode(); // should guarantee there is now a position assert(node->has_position); // configuration of POSITION packet // consider making this a function argument? uint32_t pos_flags = config.position.position_flags; // Populate a Position struct with ONLY the requested fields meshtastic_Position p = meshtastic_Position_init_default; // Start with an empty structure // if localPosition is totally empty, put our last saved position (lite) in there if (localPosition.latitude_i == 0 && localPosition.longitude_i == 0) { nodeDB->setLocalPosition(TypeConversions::ConvertToPosition(node->position)); } localPosition.seq_number++; if (localPosition.latitude_i == 0 && localPosition.longitude_i == 0) { LOG_WARN("Skipping position send because lat/lon are zero!\n"); return nullptr; } // lat/lon are unconditionally included - IF AVAILABLE! LOG_DEBUG("Sending location with precision %i\n", precision); if (precision < 32 && precision > 0) { p.latitude_i = localPosition.latitude_i & (UINT32_MAX << (32 - precision)); p.longitude_i = localPosition.longitude_i & (UINT32_MAX << (32 - precision)); // We want the imprecise position to be the middle of the possible location, not p.latitude_i += (1 << (31 - precision)); p.longitude_i += (1 << (31 - precision)); } else { p.latitude_i = localPosition.latitude_i; p.longitude_i = localPosition.longitude_i; } p.precision_bits = precision; p.time = localPosition.time; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_ALTITUDE) { if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_ALTITUDE_MSL) p.altitude = localPosition.altitude; else p.altitude_hae = localPosition.altitude_hae; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_GEOIDAL_SEPARATION) p.altitude_geoidal_separation = localPosition.altitude_geoidal_separation; } if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_DOP) { if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_HVDOP) { p.HDOP = localPosition.HDOP; p.VDOP = localPosition.VDOP; } else p.PDOP = localPosition.PDOP; } if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_SATINVIEW) p.sats_in_view = localPosition.sats_in_view; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_TIMESTAMP) p.timestamp = localPosition.timestamp; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_SEQ_NO) p.seq_number = localPosition.seq_number; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_HEADING) p.ground_track = localPosition.ground_track; if (pos_flags & meshtastic_Config_PositionConfig_PositionFlags_SPEED) p.ground_speed = localPosition.ground_speed; // Strip out any time information before sending packets to other nodes - to keep the wire size small (and because other // nodes shouldn't trust it anyways) Note: we allow a device with a local GPS to include the time, so that gpsless // devices can get time. if (getRTCQuality() < RTCQualityDevice) { LOG_INFO("Stripping time %u from position send\n", p.time); p.time = 0; } else { p.time = getValidTime(RTCQualityDevice); LOG_INFO("Providing time to mesh %u\n", p.time); } LOG_INFO("Position reply: time=%i, latI=%i, lonI=%i\n", p.time, p.latitude_i, p.longitude_i); // TAK Tracker devices should send their position in a TAK packet over the ATAK port if (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER) return allocAtakPli(); return allocDataProtobuf(p); } meshtastic_MeshPacket *PositionModule::allocAtakPli() { LOG_INFO("Sending TAK PLI packet\n"); meshtastic_MeshPacket *mp = allocDataPacket(); mp->decoded.portnum = meshtastic_PortNum_ATAK_PLUGIN; meshtastic_TAKPacket takPacket = {.is_compressed = true, .has_contact = true, .contact = {0}, .has_group = true, .group = {meshtastic_MemberRole_TeamMember, meshtastic_Team_Cyan}, .has_status = true, .status = { .battery = powerStatus->getBatteryChargePercent(), }, .which_payload_variant = meshtastic_TAKPacket_pli_tag, {.pli = { .latitude_i = localPosition.latitude_i, .longitude_i = localPosition.longitude_i, .altitude = localPosition.altitude_hae, .speed = localPosition.ground_speed, .course = static_cast(localPosition.ground_track), }}}; auto length = unishox2_compress_simple(owner.long_name, strlen(owner.long_name), takPacket.contact.device_callsign); LOG_DEBUG("Uncompressed device_callsign '%s' - %d bytes\n", owner.long_name, strlen(owner.long_name)); LOG_DEBUG("Compressed device_callsign '%s' - %d bytes\n", takPacket.contact.device_callsign, length); length = unishox2_compress_simple(owner.long_name, strlen(owner.long_name), takPacket.contact.callsign); mp->decoded.payload.size = pb_encode_to_bytes(mp->decoded.payload.bytes, sizeof(mp->decoded.payload.bytes), &meshtastic_TAKPacket_msg, &takPacket); return mp; } void PositionModule::sendOurPosition(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies, uint8_t channel) { // cancel any not yet sent (now stale) position packets if (prevPacketId) // if we wrap around to zero, we'll simply fail to cancel in that rare case (no big deal) service.cancelSending(prevPacketId); // Set's the class precision value for this particular packet if (channels.getByIndex(channel).settings.has_module_settings) { precision = channels.getByIndex(channel).settings.module_settings.position_precision; } else if (channels.getByIndex(channel).role == meshtastic_Channel_Role_PRIMARY) { precision = 32; } else { precision = 0; } meshtastic_MeshPacket *p = allocReply(); if (p == nullptr) { LOG_DEBUG("allocReply returned a nullptr\n"); return; } p->to = dest; p->decoded.want_response = config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER ? false : wantReplies; if (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER || config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER) p->priority = meshtastic_MeshPacket_Priority_RELIABLE; else p->priority = meshtastic_MeshPacket_Priority_BACKGROUND; prevPacketId = p->id; if (channel > 0) p->channel = channel; service.sendToMesh(p, RX_SRC_LOCAL, true); if ((config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER || config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER) && config.power.is_power_saving) { LOG_DEBUG("Starting next execution in 5 seconds and then going to sleep.\n"); sleepOnNextExecution = true; setIntervalFromNow(5000); } } #define RUNONCE_INTERVAL 5000; int32_t PositionModule::runOnce() { if (sleepOnNextExecution == true) { sleepOnNextExecution = false; uint32_t nightyNightMs = Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.position.position_broadcast_secs); LOG_DEBUG("Sleeping for %ims, then awaking to send position again.\n", nightyNightMs); doDeepSleep(nightyNightMs, false); } meshtastic_NodeInfoLite *node = nodeDB->getMeshNode(nodeDB->getNodeNum()); if (node == nullptr) return RUNONCE_INTERVAL; // We limit our GPS broadcasts to a max rate uint32_t now = millis(); uint32_t intervalMs = Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.position.position_broadcast_secs, default_broadcast_interval_secs); uint32_t msSinceLastSend = now - lastGpsSend; // Only send packets if the channel util. is less than 25% utilized or we're a tracker with less than 40% utilized. if (!airTime->isTxAllowedChannelUtil(config.device.role != meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER && config.device.role != meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER)) { return RUNONCE_INTERVAL; } if (lastGpsSend == 0 || msSinceLastSend >= intervalMs) { if (hasValidPosition(node)) { lastGpsSend = now; lastGpsLatitude = node->position.latitude_i; lastGpsLongitude = node->position.longitude_i; // If we changed channels, ask everyone else for their latest info bool requestReplies = currentGeneration != radioGeneration; currentGeneration = radioGeneration; LOG_INFO("Sending pos@%x:6 to mesh (wantReplies=%d)\n", localPosition.timestamp, requestReplies); sendOurPosition(NODENUM_BROADCAST, requestReplies); if (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_LOST_AND_FOUND) { sendLostAndFoundText(); } } } else if (config.position.position_broadcast_smart_enabled) { const meshtastic_NodeInfoLite *node2 = service.refreshLocalMeshNode(); // should guarantee there is now a position if (hasValidPosition(node2)) { // The minimum time (in seconds) that would pass before we are able to send a new position packet. const uint32_t minimumTimeThreshold = Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.position.broadcast_smart_minimum_interval_secs, 30); auto smartPosition = getDistanceTraveledSinceLastSend(node->position); if (smartPosition.hasTraveledOverThreshold && msSinceLastSend >= minimumTimeThreshold) { bool requestReplies = currentGeneration != radioGeneration; currentGeneration = radioGeneration; LOG_INFO("Sending smart pos@%x:6 to mesh (distanceTraveled=%fm, minDistanceThreshold=%im, timeElapsed=%ims, " "minTimeInterval=%ims)\n", localPosition.timestamp, smartPosition.distanceTraveled, smartPosition.distanceThreshold, msSinceLastSend, minimumTimeThreshold); sendOurPosition(NODENUM_BROADCAST, requestReplies); // Set the current coords as our last ones, after we've compared distance with current and decided to send lastGpsLatitude = node->position.latitude_i; lastGpsLongitude = node->position.longitude_i; /* Update lastGpsSend to now. This means if the device is stationary, then getPref_position_broadcast_secs will still apply. */ lastGpsSend = now; } } } return RUNONCE_INTERVAL; // to save power only wake for our callback occasionally } void PositionModule::sendLostAndFoundText() { meshtastic_MeshPacket *p = allocDataPacket(); p->to = NODENUM_BROADCAST; char *message = new char[60]; sprintf(message, "🚨I'm lost! Lat / Lon: %f, %f\a", (lastGpsLatitude * 1e-7), (lastGpsLongitude * 1e-7)); p->decoded.portnum = meshtastic_PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP; p->want_ack = false; p->decoded.payload.size = strlen(message); memcpy(p->decoded.payload.bytes, message, p->decoded.payload.size); service.sendToMesh(p, RX_SRC_LOCAL, true); delete[] message; } struct SmartPosition PositionModule::getDistanceTraveledSinceLastSend(meshtastic_PositionLite currentPosition) { // The minimum distance to travel before we are able to send a new position packet. const uint32_t distanceTravelThreshold = Default::getConfiguredOrDefault(config.position.broadcast_smart_minimum_distance, 100); // Determine the distance in meters between two points on the globe float distanceTraveledSinceLastSend = GeoCoord::latLongToMeter( lastGpsLatitude * 1e-7, lastGpsLongitude * 1e-7, currentPosition.latitude_i * 1e-7, currentPosition.longitude_i * 1e-7); #ifdef GPS_EXTRAVERBOSE LOG_DEBUG("--------LAST POSITION------------------------------------\n"); LOG_DEBUG("lastGpsLatitude=%i, lastGpsLatitude=%i\n", lastGpsLatitude, lastGpsLongitude); LOG_DEBUG("--------CURRENT POSITION---------------------------------\n"); LOG_DEBUG("currentPosition.latitude_i=%i, currentPosition.longitude_i=%i\n", lastGpsLatitude, lastGpsLongitude); LOG_DEBUG("--------SMART POSITION-----------------------------------\n"); LOG_DEBUG("hasTraveledOverThreshold=%i, distanceTraveled=%f, distanceThreshold=%f\n", abs(distanceTraveledSinceLastSend) >= distanceTravelThreshold, abs(distanceTraveledSinceLastSend), distanceTravelThreshold); if (abs(distanceTraveledSinceLastSend) >= distanceTravelThreshold) { LOG_DEBUG("\n\n\nSMART SEEEEEEEEENDING\n\n\n"); } #endif return SmartPosition{.distanceTraveled = abs(distanceTraveledSinceLastSend), .distanceThreshold = distanceTravelThreshold, .hasTraveledOverThreshold = abs(distanceTraveledSinceLastSend) >= distanceTravelThreshold}; } void PositionModule::handleNewPosition() { meshtastic_NodeInfoLite *node = nodeDB->getMeshNode(nodeDB->getNodeNum()); const meshtastic_NodeInfoLite *node2 = service.refreshLocalMeshNode(); // should guarantee there is now a position // We limit our GPS broadcasts to a max rate uint32_t now = millis(); uint32_t msSinceLastSend = now - lastGpsSend; if (hasValidPosition(node2)) { auto smartPosition = getDistanceTraveledSinceLastSend(node->position); if (smartPosition.hasTraveledOverThreshold) { bool requestReplies = currentGeneration != radioGeneration; currentGeneration = radioGeneration; LOG_INFO("Sending smart pos@%x:6 to mesh (distanceTraveled=%fm, minDistanceThreshold=%im, timeElapsed=%ims)\n", localPosition.timestamp, smartPosition.distanceTraveled, smartPosition.distanceThreshold, msSinceLastSend); sendOurPosition(NODENUM_BROADCAST, requestReplies); // Set the current coords as our last ones, after we've compared distance with current and decided to send lastGpsLatitude = node->position.latitude_i; lastGpsLongitude = node->position.longitude_i; /* Update lastGpsSend to now. This means if the device is stationary, then getPref_position_broadcast_secs will still apply. */ lastGpsSend = now; } } } #endif