#!/usr/bin/env bash # Note: This is a prototype for how we could add static code analysis to the CI. set -e if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then # can override which environment by passing arg BOARDS="$@" else BOARDS="rak4631 rak4631_eink t-echo pca10059_diy_eink pico rak11200 tlora-v2 tlora-v1 tlora_v1_3 tlora-v2-1-1.6 tbeam heltec-v1 heltec-v2.0 heltec-v2.1 tbeam0.7 meshtastic-diy-v1 nano-g1 station-g1 m5stack-core m5stack-coreink tbeam-s3-core" fi echo "BOARDS:${BOARDS}" CHECK="" for BOARD in $BOARDS; do CHECK="${CHECK} -e ${BOARD}" done echo $CHECK pio pkg outdated -e $CHECK