fix #327 side effect noticed by @smarti2019

geeksville 2020-08-22 09:06:54 -07:00
rodzic a90bab5455
commit 7b09fbe049
1 zmienionych plików z 63 dodań i 58 usunięć

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@ -102,8 +102,13 @@ bool UBloxGPS::factoryReset()
// It is useful to force back into factory defaults (9600baud, NEMA to test the behavior of boards that don't have
// GPS_TX connected)
tryConnect(); // sets isConnected
// try a second time, the ublox lib serial parsing is buggy?
if (!tryConnect())
DEBUG_MSG("GPS Factory reset success=%d\n", isConnected);
if (isConnected)
ok = setUBXMode();
@ -122,72 +127,72 @@ int UBloxGPS::prepareSleep(void *unused)
void UBloxGPS::doTask()
uint8_t fixtype = 3; // If we are only using the RX pin, assume we have a 3d fix
if (isConnected) {
// Consume all characters that have arrived
uint8_t fixtype = 3; // If we are only using the RX pin, assume we have a 3d fix
// Consume all characters that have arrived
// if using i2c or serial look too see if any chars are ready
ublox.checkUblox(); // See if new data is available. Process bytes as they come in.
// if using i2c or serial look too see if any chars are ready
ublox.checkUblox(); // See if new data is available. Process bytes as they come in.
// If we don't have a fix (a quick check), don't try waiting for a solution)
// Hmmm my fix type reading returns zeros for fix, which doesn't seem correct, because it is still sptting out positions
// turn off for now
uint16_t maxWait = i2cAddress ? 300 : 0; // If using i2c we must poll with wait
fixtype = ublox.getFixType(maxWait);
DEBUG_MSG("GPS fix type %d\n", fixtype);
// If we don't have a fix (a quick check), don't try waiting for a solution)
// Hmmm my fix type reading returns zeros for fix, which doesn't seem correct, because it is still sptting out positions
// turn off for now
uint16_t maxWait = i2cAddress ? 300 : 0; // If using i2c we must poll with wait
fixtype = ublox.getFixType(maxWait);
DEBUG_MSG("GPS fix type %d\n", fixtype);
// DEBUG_MSG("sec %d\n", ublox.getSecond());
// DEBUG_MSG("lat %d\n", ublox.getLatitude());
// DEBUG_MSG("sec %d\n", ublox.getSecond());
// DEBUG_MSG("lat %d\n", ublox.getLatitude());
// any fix that has time
// any fix that has time
if (ublox.getT(maxWait)) {
/* Convert to unix time
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January
1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = ublox.getSecond(0);
t.tm_min = ublox.getMinute(0);
t.tm_hour = ublox.getHour(0);
t.tm_mday = ublox.getDay(0);
t.tm_mon = ublox.getMonth(0) - 1;
t.tm_year = ublox.getYear(0) - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = false;
if (ublox.getT(maxWait)) {
/* Convert to unix time
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970
(midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = ublox.getSecond(0);
t.tm_min = ublox.getMinute(0);
t.tm_hour = ublox.getHour(0);
t.tm_mday = ublox.getDay(0);
t.tm_mon = ublox.getMonth(0) - 1;
t.tm_year = ublox.getYear(0) - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = false;
latitude = ublox.getLatitude(0);
longitude = ublox.getLongitude(0);
altitude = ublox.getAltitude(0) / 1000; // in mm convert to meters
dop = ublox.getPDOP(0); // PDOP (an accuracy metric) is reported in 10^2 units so we have to scale down when we use it
heading = ublox.getHeading(0);
numSatellites = ublox.getSIV(0);
// bogus lat lon is reported as 0 or 0 (can be bogus just for one)
// Also: apparently when the GPS is initially reporting lock it can output a bogus latitude > 90 deg!
hasValidLocation =
(latitude != 0) && (longitude != 0) && (latitude <= 900000000 && latitude >= -900000000) && (numSatellites > 0);
// we only notify if position has changed due to a new fix
if ((fixtype >= 3 && fixtype <= 4) && ublox.getP(maxWait)) // rd fixes only
if (hasValidLocation) {
wantNewLocation = false;
// ublox.powerOff();
} else // we didn't get a location update, go back to sleep and hope the characters show up
wantNewLocation = true;
// Notify any status instances that are observing us
const meshtastic::GPSStatus status =
meshtastic::GPSStatus(hasLock(), isConnected, latitude, longitude, altitude, dop, heading, numSatellites);
latitude = ublox.getLatitude(0);
longitude = ublox.getLongitude(0);
altitude = ublox.getAltitude(0) / 1000; // in mm convert to meters
dop = ublox.getPDOP(0); // PDOP (an accuracy metric) is reported in 10^2 units so we have to scale down when we use it
heading = ublox.getHeading(0);
numSatellites = ublox.getSIV(0);
// bogus lat lon is reported as 0 or 0 (can be bogus just for one)
// Also: apparently when the GPS is initially reporting lock it can output a bogus latitude > 90 deg!
hasValidLocation =
(latitude != 0) && (longitude != 0) && (latitude <= 900000000 && latitude >= -900000000) && (numSatellites > 0);
// we only notify if position has changed due to a new fix
if ((fixtype >= 3 && fixtype <= 4) && ublox.getP(maxWait)) // rd fixes only
if (hasValidLocation) {
wantNewLocation = false;
// ublox.powerOff();
} else // we didn't get a location update, go back to sleep and hope the characters show up
wantNewLocation = true;
// Notify any status instances that are observing us
const meshtastic::GPSStatus status =
meshtastic::GPSStatus(hasLock(), isConnected, latitude, longitude, altitude, dop, heading, numSatellites);
// Once we have sent a location once we only poll the GPS rarely, otherwise check back every 1s until we have something over
// the serial
// Once we have sent a location once we only poll the GPS rarely, otherwise check back every 10s until we have something
// over the serial
setPeriod(hasValidLocation && !wantNewLocation ? 30 * 1000 : 10 * 1000);