Removed checking for device name to contain MAC address. We still verify it starts with Mesh

Vadim Furman 2021-04-13 17:50:34 -07:00
rodzic bd74d64be0
commit b87ac0a1af
1 zmienionych plików z 18 dodań i 48 usunięć

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@ -194,57 +194,27 @@ class BTScanModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app), Logging {
val oldDevs = devices.value!!
val oldEntry = oldDevs[fullAddr]
if (oldEntry == null || oldEntry.bonded != isBonded) { // Don't spam the GUI with endless updates for non changing nodes
val skipBogus = try {
// Note Soyes XS has a buggy BLE scan implementation and returns devices we didn't ask for. So we check to see if the
// last two chars of the name matches the last two of the address - if not we skip it
// Note: the address is always two more than the hex string we show in the name
// nasty parsing of a string that ends with ab:45 as four hex digits
val lastAddr = (addr.substring(
addr.length - 5,
addr.length - 3
) + addr.substring(addr.length - 2)).toInt(16)
val lastName = - 4).toInt(16)
// ESP32 macaddr are two higher than the reported device name
// NRF52 macaddrs match the portion used in the string
// either would be acceptable
(lastAddr - 2) != lastName && lastAddr != lastName
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
false // If we fail parsing anything, don't do this nasty hack
val entry = DeviceListEntry(
?: "unnamed-$addr", // autobug: some devices might not have a name, if someone is running really old device code?
// If nothing was selected, by default select the first valid thing we see
val activity: MainActivity? = try {
GeeksvilleApplication.currentActivity as MainActivity? // Can be null if app is shutting down
} catch (_: ClassCastException) {
// Buggy "Z812" phones apparently have the wrong class type for this
errormsg("Unexpected class for main activity")
if (skipBogus)
errormsg("Skipping bogus BLE entry $result")
else {
val entry = DeviceListEntry(
?: "unnamed-$addr", // autobug: some devices might not have a name, if someone is running really old device code?
if (selectedAddress == null && entry.bonded && activity != null)
debug("onScanResult ${entry}")
// If nothing was selected, by default select the first valid thing we see
val activity: MainActivity? = try {
GeeksvilleApplication.currentActivity as MainActivity? // Can be null if app is shutting down
} catch (_: ClassCastException) {
// Buggy "Z812" phones apparently have the wrong class type for this
errormsg("Unexpected class for main activity")
if (selectedAddress == null && entry.bonded && activity != null)
addDevice(entry) // Add/replace entry
addDevice(entry) // Add/replace entry